Sentences with phrase «over the full period»

Again, the value premium was never very large for the equal weight portfolios, and has gradually diminished to 1.1 percent compound over the full period.
Instead, try giving the total change over the full period of time.
From your profit and loss statement, lenders will analyze your business's cash flow to make sure that you'll be able to sustain monthly payments over the full period of the loan.
If you plan to pay your loans over the full period, it becomes even more important to get your interest rate lower if possible!
Over the 73 years of data to 2000 it was actually zero, but it has slightly recovered since to be 1.8 percent compound over the full period.
Again, though the value decile outperformed by a wide margin over the full period, it only beat the Russell 2000 index in 3 out of 7 years, less than half the time.
The PE, PB and PCF ratios deliver comparably excellent returns over the full period examined.
Shame on President's Choice, Rev. 1 So this is more convoluted than Simplii's fine print, with the 3 % being 1 % daily interest plus 2 % on the average daily balance over the full period, but at least you get something more than in my original scenario.
The combo spreads the risk of underperformance relative to any single metric, and, in doing so, generates reliable investment performance over the full period without lagging far behind the front - runner at point.
The Hedge at 2SD, Lever at Mean strategy outperforms the buy - and - hold strategy over the full period, returning 21.9 percent compound, versus 20 percent for the value decile.
Over the full period analyzed, the benchmark has returned 6.9 % to investors versus 8.1 % for the comparative universe, but much of the performance in more recent years remains unrealized.
But Luke Sibieta of the Institute for Fiscal Studies has said that while the # 1.3 bn will ensure that per pupil spending is frozen between 2017 and 2019, there will still be a real - terms cut of 4.6 % over the full period between 2015 and 2019.
The tradeoff for beating the market over the full period is big drawdowns and lots of underperformance.
The data presented above shows that when equity funds were divided into quartiles based on their average holding period, a much higher percentage of funds with longer holding periods outperformed the benchmark over the full period than did funds in any of the other quartiles.
The market had a maximum drawdown in 1929 of 86 percent, and has a Sharpe ratio over the full period of of 0.13.
The fully invested value decile generated the best CAGR over the full period at 20.01 percent.
Here we can see that the value decile has outperformed the glamour decile, returning 10.3 percent compound (13.4 percent in the average year) over the full period versus 8.3 percent for the glamour decile (11.3 percent in the average year).
PB was a notable laggard at the beginning of the data, and slightly underperformed over the full period, but the composite was the better bet only 36 percent of the time.
Emissions of gaseous and particulate species (i.e. aerosols, ozone and aerosol precursors) from anthropogenic activities and biomass burning have been estimated over the full period, using the 2000 dataset for harmonization of the past and current 1850 - 2000 emissions with the future emissions determined by the Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) for the four IPCC Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs).
The market returned 13.94 percent compound and the fully invested PB value decile returned 20 percent compound over the full period.
While PCF delivered better returns over the full period, most of the outperformance occurred at the beginning of the data, and it lagged thereafter.
Our analysis began with the entire set of funds with available data from Morningstar at any point over the full period: 2,013 actively managed mutual funds, and 115 passive index mutual funds.
The composite, which selects portfolios by equally weighting the PE, PB and PCF ratios, delivers a performance over the full period that beats out PE and PB, and slightly underperforms PCF on a compound basis.The composite ratio generates an average annual return that beats out PCF, and PE, but slightly underperforms PB.
All the returns are improved, but the strategies continue to underperform the simple buy - and - hold strategy over the full period.
Value made its own way, but it beat out the S&P 500 over the full period.
the interest is the average daily balance over the full period, so it isn't calculated daily it's over the full period....
As we saw last week, the average cashflow yield for the equally weighed value portfolio is slightly lower than the average cashflow yield for the market capitalization - weighted portfolios, which indicates that, over the full period, bigger stocks tended to be a cheaper method for buying cashflow than smaller stocks.
The non-dividend payers (No Div) underperformed all the dividend payers except for the glamour decile, generating a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.4 percent and average annual return (AAR) of 13.2 percent over the full period (and, since 1951, a CAGR of 9.0 percent and an AAR of 13.5 percent).
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