Sentences with phrase «over the life of the project»

What matters for a given investment is how prices evolve over the life of the project, which is impossible to know when long - term investment decisions must be made.
Three teachers at the elementary school were involved over the life of the project.
One is a short - term loan to be repaid at the end of construction; the second is a long - term loan with repayment over the life of the project.
This exciting development in rural northeastern North Carolina will deliver significant local economic benefits over the life of the project, starting with a...
If you put those two story - lines together, a mine which costs $ 20,000 per barrel per day to build and $ 10 per barrel to operate would pay an average of $ 42.50 per barrel in royalties and taxes (again, today's dollars) over the life of the project if the U.S. Energy Information Administration price forecast proves accurate.
Identifying your business workflows and project requirements is one of the most effective ways to save money over the life of the project.
«In general, many of these have long payback periods, so loan guarantees over the life of those projects are quite helpful in getting customers over the hump of taking the risk on new technology,» says Neichin.
Generally, you calculate the hurdle rate by adding together the risk - free interest rate, a measure of inflation expectations over the life of the project and a premium to compensate for the investment's risk.
Most carbon policies (carbon taxes or cap - and - trade programs) that have been discussed for the oil sands would have added, perhaps, 50 cents per barrel to the average cost of production over the life of a project, so it's unlikely this would make a substantial difference to the outlook for the oil sands, regardless of the market price.
In the San Francisco case, the plaintiffs charge that in the past decade, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) and the Export - Import Bank of the United States (ExIm) have provided $ 32 billion in loans, insurance and loan guarantees for oil pipelines, oil drilling and other fossil - fuel endeavors that will ultimately result in the emission of 32 billion tons of carbon dioxide over the life of the projects.
The descoping, Olds noted, won't affect NSF's plans to spend $ 65 million a year over the life of the project to operate facilities and make data available to researchers.
The «net» cash flow is the difference between the cash (revenue) the project is earning less the cash outflow (actual expenditures) to generate the revenue over the life of the project.
Instead of requiring perpetual subsidies, á la the «renewable» technologies that President Obama intends to redouble if he is reelected, the oil sands generate vast sums in royalties and taxes: an anticipated $ 690 billion into federal and provincial coffers all across Canada over the life of the project.
Distributed solar owners, the CES reported, get the $ 0.18 / kWh retail rate compensation for exported electricity and other incentives that can bring the total cost to «over $ 0.20 / kWh on a levelized basis over the life of the project
«In fact, a study of the return on investment by RTI International of the state investment tax credit shows that for every $ 1 of state tax credit used, $ 1.54 of state and local tax revenues are created over the life of the project
Investors are expected to earn an estimated 5.4 % annual return over the life of the project, well above the current 2.66 yield to maturity of the current, on - the - run 10 - year US Treasury note.
An analysis by the Rhode Island Public Expenditure Council found that taxpayers would pay nearly 50 percent more over the life of the project's loan because of interest.
The project will have a capacity - building component as well, given that at least three doctoral students and three postdoctoral scholars will be trained over the life of the project, preparing the next generation of scientists to tackle future environmental challenges.
«What champions you all are I am really proud to be associated with you in your efforts over the life of this project.
«The Monero Project has had well over 200 contributors over the life of the project.
Although each Action Plan is unique to the setting and tailored to the needs of the children that attend the centre or preschool, the plan will sequentially build on the four key areas over the life of the project.
This exciting development in rural northeastern North Carolina will deliver significant local economic benefits over the life of the project, starting with a huge boost for local companies and workers during construction.
Over the life of a project, these cost increases can make a huge difference to the project owners.
Over the life of this project, funding has been provided by the Connecticut Department of Transportation, DHS, and industry collaborators Lafarge and Infra - Metals.
«We've withdrawn funding for the program,» he said, and «that saves taxpayers $ 75 million this year, and at least $ 3.9 billion, and potentially $ 6.5 billion, over the life of the project
The lifecycle cost of a solar project includes the initial cost to purchase it, financing costs (such as loan payments), and operations and maintenance costs (such as inverter replacement costs) over the life of the project.
Over the life of the projects, it is estimated that more than 30,000 jobs will be created in Nigeria,» said Stephen Bordes, Chief Financial Officer of SkyPower Global.
In this case, however, the plaintiffs are receiving lease payments and tax benefits that will exceed $ 50 million over the life of the projects.
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