Sentences with phrase «over the minds of»

A demonstrated commitment to sustainability is sure to win over the minds of certain consumers, particularly those interested in Patagonia in the first place.
Sept. 11, 2001, had only a modest effect on the economy, but the shadows cast over the minds of investors still haven't lifted.
This is the tyranny over the minds of men that Thomas Jefferson was concerned about.when forming this county (USA).
He whom Reason leads, according to Spinoza, is led altogether by the influence over his mind of good.
When someone with greater influence over the minds of others tells people to kill, or break any of the other rules, and they do it is where imperfection manifests itself.
The basic existential thrust of postmodern cultural study is to relax the power of any particular culture over the minds of students.
And they believe rightly; for I have sworn upon the altar of god, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.»
The educational system acts to establish hegemony over the minds of students in the name of socialization.
The protagonist can take over minds of encountered souls and lesser demons, which comes in handy.
The desert has long exercised its fascination over the minds of artists, architects, musicians, writers, and other explorers of landscape and soul.
Also repeated use of hoaxers, cranks and other pejorative terms certainly isn't going to win over minds of of those on the fence in this discussion.

Not exact matches

Enough that the brilliant minds behind Crispr - Cas9 — University of California at Berkeley's Jennifer Doudna, her academic partner Emmanuelle Charpentier of the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology in Germany, and rival Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard scientist Feng Zhang — and the various biotechs affiliated with them are embroiled in an ugly, global patent spat over the rights to the tech.
Keep in mind that this exemption is based off the depreciation of your building over the past 39 years, and that you must also multiply by your tax rate.
Ever since he took over as CEO, former music critic Mathias Dopfner has pursued a single - minded strategy of using the cash flow from those dying print vehicles (and sales of regional titles and magazines) to fund an acquisition spree.
Damn the investors for making money on such lunacy, damn the paranoiacs who think the added fluoride in our public water systems is a mind - control drug, damn the Times for running a massive photo of a startup founder who thinks water «expires» and is described as «sitting naked and cross-legged on a hot spring, his long brown hair flowing over his chest.»
That's exactly what has happened over the last month, as shown in this graph of the yield on the 10 year US treasury bond for the last year (keep in mind that yields going up means prices going down):
com, which has been permanently branded into consumers» minds through billions of dollars» worth of corporate ad spending over the years.»
The financial crisis and poor Australian dollar is just two of a thousand excuses I have heard them use over the years to avoid taking responsibility, and justify in their own minds that the collapse of this company has nothing to do with the underhanded practices and their own poor management.
That's a top - of - mind question for Larry Rosen, who in 2005 assumed managerial control over the upscale menswear retailer his father Harry founded in 1954.
With the West's infrastructure falling apart, we envy their vast network of high - speed railway lines — more extensive than in the rest of the world combined — never mind the 5,000 kilometres to be laid over the next two years alone.
The U.S. and some other countries experienced housing busts over the last several years, so that scenario tends to get a lot of weight in people's minds when they reflect on the Canadian housing market.
Spangenberg — who over the years has been on the receiving end of «troll» criticism for his patent fortune — recently pursued a more interesting path involving use of his patent knowledge to target what many of the populist - minded would judge to be an unfair stranglehold over pricing.
When it comes to acquiring customers over email, Veilleux's recommends keeping these basics top - of - mind:
I find this fascinating, because one of the biggest challenges I've confronted as a founder over the last few years has been changing my mind, when I have a realization and I become inconsistent on a thought I previously had.
What matters most is page - views, which accounts for ad effectiveness over time, including visits to a website, seeking more information, product purchases, becoming a lead or keeping a brand top of mind.
Premier Colin Barnett remains optimistic that Inpex may change its mind over the location of its $ 15 billion liquefied natural gas project after meeting with the company's senior executives.
You may gain additional peace of mind from knowing a smart computer is watching over your investments.
The Chinese public had something else in mind, and went straight for the jugular with thousands of ordinary citizens taking Modi to task over territorial claims.
Currently two of our smartest minds — Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg — are in a war of words over whether artificial intelligence is more likely to improve our lives or destroy them.
Without evaluating each skill against a standard, Turner says,» you might find yourself being pressured in your mind to pick the best of a bad lot instead of running the whole thing over again.»
Winning over the hearts and minds of consumers is a relatively new strategy for Google; for the most part, it's working.
Over time, I've gained a real understanding of how my body and mind respond at different times of the day and I adjust my schedule accordingly.
Heineken's «Walk - in fridge» ad — in which a group of women goes nuts over their friend's walk - in closet, only to hear their husbands and boyfriends in the next room losing their minds over a walk - in refrigerator stocked with Heineken beer — garnered more than 4 million views on YouTube, not to mention the millions of impressions the ad made on the regular tube.
That two of the world's savviest business minds seem to disagree over how key parts of how the clean energy sector will develop are reflects how the world's energy transformation is still in its early days.
«I'm tried of giving them this free [free speech] waiver over what is happening... The platforms are not built with human users in mind
«Often just keeping [retirement] top of mind and checking in on it regularly, whether that's quarterly or twice a year, can really help to nudge you over the line to, even if you have [a fund], to... make sure you're putting the most into it that you can afford, for your future,» he said.
Sinek, best known for his book, Start With Why, said that current consumer - minded business models that prioritize the needs of customers over people within the organization are outdated, having first been adapted in the 80s and 90s.
However, as I've experienced myself, if you have the right temperament and you don't mind a little instability at times, you may make even more money and enjoy a greater sense of freedom and control over how much time you devote to work.
Mind you, I do think the discovery of dark energy is worthy of a Nobel, but over Rubin's discovery of dark matter over 20 years earlier?
The majority of your peers can't wait to «vomit» all over you with mind - numbing information about what they do, how they offer it and why you stand to benefit.
Rand Fishkin, founder of Seattle - based online marketing and SEO firm Moz, goes over the most important factors to keep in mind when hiring an SEO consultant.
In the tight three - way race of this year's federal election, the focus has shifted from the reliability of any single research firm to the wisdom of the collective pollster mind, with news outlets arguing over who can aggregate the polls in the most reliable fashion.
Amos set about getting that mind working within his first 90 days of taking over as CEO in 1996.
You certainly can't control anyone's behavior but you can exercise influence over your own mind — and it is often our own misguided thoughts and reactions that account for most of the problems we face.
I don't have to tell you that over the course of history of the company there have been some fairly large - scale failures, pizza being the most top - of - mind example.
For those categories, he adds, the target market is the U.S., where the concern over childhood obesity is top of mind.
If your bot does what it's designed to, then you're better poised to stay top of mind with your audience and engage them with content over time.
I researched several options over the course of six months, but I couldn't seem to get Abrakadoodle out of my mind!
With that in mind, those who don't necessarily need absolute control over all aspects of their projects might just find themselves right at home with this platform.
Noting, «Over the weekend we've had $ 50,000 of online sales — that was mind - blowing.»
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