Sentences with phrase «over the next few decades»

General circulation models predict that global warming over the next few decades will occur mainly in the polar regions.
Changes over the next few decades in the types of aerosol pollutants and where they are emitted will affect how climate changes.
The world could slow and then reduce greenhouse gas emissions over the next few decades by exploiting current and emerging technologies.
But it's still safe to assume that dividends will supply perhaps a quarter of the market's total return over the next few decades.
The terrestrial processes that might significantly affect large - scale climate over the next few decades are included in current climate models.
Coal and natural gas prices will increase over the next few decades — even without carbon taxes — as resources are exhausted.
Renewable energy sources will continue to grow over the next few decades, said release.
Oil, gas and coal reserves are limited and prices will rise — emissions from land will be reversed and a transition to 21st century energy sources will happen over the next few decades.
The problem with identifying a single investment that's going to make a ton of money over the next few decades is that no one has a crystal ball.
We don't immediately grasp the importance of limiting climate change to a couple of degrees over the next few decades.
Many studies were done over the next few decades that clearly proved that most of these vitamin C claims were simply false hopes.
As I mentioned before and will go into more detail on next time, research has convinced me that this gender profile is not going to be the answer over the next few decades!
The «consumer is 70 % of the economy» assumption probably won't hold over the next few decades like it did in the past few decades.
A startling new study predicts that most marine life won't be able to adapt when drastic environmental changes occur over the next few decades.
That doesn't happen so much if people reduce fossil - fuel demand over the next few decades via efficiency and substitution of other energy sources, which doesn't happen overnight.
But in this post, we shift the focus onto the law firms themselves and how their model will be transformed over the next few decades.
What's missing is a reliable synthesis of all this data, one that can let us clearly divine the course of the development of renewable energy over the next few decades.
He is betting on the demand for protein from the growing Asian middle classes over the next few decades.
This combination — advances in biological tissues and further integration of humans with machines — has the potential to really change things over the next few decades.
The answer to this question is going to change and change hard over the next few decades.
Thanks for keeping faith upon me... Looking for a very long lasting relationship over the next few decades....
Assuming 2 % yearly inflation, he estimates stocks and bonds will deliver annualized gains of roughly 7 % and 4 % respectively over the next few decades.
You'll want to make sure your savings can safely sustain your spending over the next few decades.
By controlling your cost, you can save hundreds of thousands of dollars over the next few decades.
As yet, scientists don't know which process will dominate over the next few decades.
But it will require transitioning away from fossil - fuel - based infrastructure over the next few decades, he said.
Meanwhile, costs for wind energy will continue to drop over the next few decades as taller turbines and wider rotors produce more energy per turbine.
Heat - trapping gases already in the atmosphere have committed us to a hotter future with more climate - related impacts over the next few decades.
Another recent study warned that climate models had not taken into account billions of tons in «committed» emissions from existing plants over the next few decades.
The potential consequences of climate change are great and the actions taken over the next few decades will determine human influences on the climate for centuries.
To move forward effectively, I think we need to have a broader discussion of the scientific issues that will have a bearing on national and international policy over the next few decades.
But it will be helpful — indeed, perhaps essential — for gathering a kind of data that will be increasingly important over the next few decades.
That means the growth rate in carbon dioxide over the next few decades is likely to be the same as the rate for the last few.
He is an acute observer of the broader societal and technological trends which will shape the practice of law over the next few decades.
However, if you don't think the stock market will see modest appreciation over the next few decades, choose whole life insurance.
The healthcare industry is booming right now and it's expected to grow exponentially over the next few decades.
With the first wave of baby boomers just now reaching retirement age, demand for seniors housing is expected to rise sharply over the next few decades.
What will be significant is your long term returns over the next few decades, of which the returns of 2016 will play only a very small role.
With this as a starting point, the goal of most delegates remains to agree a binding commitment to drastic reduction of greenhouse gas emissions over the next few decades.
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