Sentences with phrase «over the pudding»

Spread whipped topping over pudding mixture and garnish with reserved crust mixture.
To make the topping, combine all the ingredients, except the water, in a bowl and spread over the pudding mixture.
Spread remaining 3 cups of whipped topping over pudding layer; swirl melted chocolate throughout whipped topping.
Arrange strawberries, pineapple and remaining bananas over pudding.
Spoon over pudding; sprinkle with chopped walnuts and drizzle with agave syrup.
Spread the meringue over the pudding with a spatula, making a few decorative peaks on top, and bake until the meringue is lightly browned, 5 minutes.
You have to cut in cold butter just as you would with a pie crust, otherwise there is no crumble to sprinkle over the pudding.
Spoon into serving bowls and either serve warm or press small pieces of plastic wrap directly over the pudding and refrigerate until cold.
Spoon or spread over pudding mixture; sprinkle with 1 1/2 teaspoons lemon peel.
Combine all the ingredients for the topping in a bowl and spread over the pudding mixture.
Just before serving, whip cream in a medium bowl to soft peaks and spoon over pudding, if desired; top with cocoa nibs and / or hazelnuts.
& the best surprise was that the next day the left over pudding turned into the thickest richest chocolate dessert I've ever had.
I prefer cupcakes over cake, truffles over big slices of Torte, and cookies over puddings.
Quickly mix the boiling water with cocoa powder, espresso powder, dark brown sugar and Tia Maria in a jug and pour over the pudding.
topping nuts over pudding in each cup, top with additional 1/4 cup pudding.
I would add more bananas over the pudding layer... like, overlap the slices quite a bit.
I love the simplicity of putting milk over a pudding — sometimes more richness and sugar is just overkill — will have to try it
I prefer to leave it out and drizzle maple syrup over the pudding, if needed, depending on the toppings I add.
Layer half of wafers over pudding; top with half of bananas.
Sprinkle half of toffee bits over pudding.
Place a sheet of cling film over the pudding and press it onto the surface to prevent a skin from forming.
Arrange remaining banana slices over pudding.
The organisation said it wanted unprocessed or «minimally processed» foods used wherever possible and vegetables, soup and salads prioritised over puddings.
Spoon meringue over pudding and swirl decoratively.
haven't let it set yet... eating the left over pudding and absolutely LOVING it!
Spread remaining whipped topping over pudding mixture.
Sprinkle it over pudding and other desserts for a kick of antioxidants.
Spread mixture over pudding.
The life you have created for yourself which is fulfilling and intersting is the life you will take with you into any relationship, and hopefully your relationship will be like the wonderful topping over the pudding!
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