Sentences with phrase «over the right leg»

Continue to look down, keeping your head and gaze in line with your foot to help align the axis of the torso over the right leg.
Tip: Try this pose sitting down: cross your left leg over your right leg and fold your arms in front of your face.
With your left knee straight, lift it up behind you, causing your torso to bend forward over the right leg.
Then, continue to fold over your right leg with a long spine.
Now stretch out your arms wide open and push the right side of your waistline over your right leg while going down slowly with a flat back.
Place your right foot over your left leg and left arm over your right leg.
(wondering if I should put my left leg over the right leg or vice versa).
Lengthen both sides of your torso over the right leg so that the right side of your rib cage feels as long as the left.
On inhalation reach the right side of the body over the right leg, press the hips backwards and as you exhale bring the right hand down to the ground so it is on the outside of the foot (if you can't reach the ground you can place the hand on a block or the thigh)
Hence their ability to load on the stabilizing leg (for a right handed golfer you're going to be rotating your torso & shoulders over the right leg / foot) will be limited and your power greatly diminished.
How to: Lie on your right side on a mat with your left leg stacked over your right leg.
Exhale and turn your torso to the right until you're facing directly out over the right leg; as you do this, lift your left heel off the floor and spin on the ball of the foot until the inner left foot is parallel to the inner right foot.
With another exhalation, lean the torso forward from the groins over the right leg.
Inhale your arms up to your sides, and then side - bend over your right leg, placing your right elbow in your right thigh, palm facing up.
Keeping your legs straight and firm, press the outer left heel into the wall and down into the floor while extendingyour torso over your right leg.
Cross your left leg over your right leg so your left ankle is resting on your right knee.
Exhaling again, from the groin, let you upper body forward over your right leg and then place your fingertips on both sides of the right foot, to the ground.
Cross your left leg over your right leg, and then slightly twist your body to the left, dropping your left knee down and focusing the pressure on the left side of your glutes.
Kick left leg up (picture B), then cross it over your right leg (picture C).
Take your right elbow to your right thigh and on your exhale, reach your left arm up and over your right leg.
Take your left leg, cross it over your right leg.
Bend your left knee and cross it over your right leg, placing your left foot on the floor near the outside of your right knee.
Exhale and extend the torso over your right leg, place your right hand on the block, and come into Triangle Pose.
Slide your hands under your left ankle and lift the ankle just high enough so you can slide it up and over your right leg, and snuggle the heel in tight.
Straighten through both legs, bring your hands to your hips and hinge forward, out and over your right leg.
Then, exhaling, fold your torso over your right leg.
Square your torso over your right leg and begin to extend your spine forward and down.
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