Sentences with phrase «over the soil»

Pick a spot, turn over the soil, and cultivate it.
If your cat is digging into the soil around your plants, you can place gravel or wire mesh over the soil.
If your kitty is still showing interest, place a layer of chicken wire over the soil and then place the stones on top of it.
Put some heavy screen over the soil and then cover it with large rocks.
As they turn over the soil they also tend to bury the pine cones.
You can make the soil less attractive by placing screen door mesh over the soil (cut to allow room for the plant).
Scatter the grounds over the soil in your garden and till them into the top few inches.
In agriculture and gardening, mulch is a protective cover placed over the soil, primarily to modify the effects of the local climate.
Any material (such as straw, plastic, or newspaper) applied over the soil surface to retard weed growth, conserve moisture, and maintain a uniform temperature.
When there's a little - ahem - incident, I just move him to the other side of the pad and fold over the soiled part so that he can keep playing on the same pad a bit longer.
I resisted going back to diapers or pull - ups because I worried that would set him back even further, but then got so frustrated over soiled clothes and bedsheets that I bought some disposable pull - ups and started making him wear them at nap and nighttime.
After Turkey's November shoot - down of a Russian jet flying over its soil, Azerbaijan refused to support either Moscow or Ankara.
«Runoff» refers to the water that flows over soil's surface.
Crush your leftover eggshells into small shards and sprinkle over the soil in your planters or garden beds.
By placing chicken wire with the sharp side facing down, lattice fencing, or river rocks over the soil will keep feral cats from using your garden as a litter box.
It should be about one - and - a-half times the length of an adult - sized cat to provide enough space for your cat to kick litter over its soiled areas.
Artfully arrange branches in a lattice - type pattern or wooden or plastic lattice fencing material over soil.
First, make the plant unappealing by placing wire mesh or aluminum foil over the soil.
I have a pea gravel floor over the soil, a scrounged brick pathway, and four 55 gallons drums of water for thermal mass.
Taking over soil once almost completely inhabited by bristlecones, the limber pines appear to be winning the race.
Hunched over the soil, Malagasy villagers work feverishly — deft fingers planting stalks of mangrove to replace the swathes destroyed for firewood and building material.
If the home looks untidy from the outside, a negative impression has already been set, and it only takes mowing the lawn or raking leaves, turning over soil beds and sprinkling some fresh mulch to instantly make a better impression.
Basically tending the garden of my soil — turning over the soil and planting new seeds.
Community members started to turn over soil to prepare the ground for planting, while others erected signs reading «Our Power Our Future Our Choice» «Planting a Clean Future» and «Coal Plant in Transition.»
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