Sentences with phrase «over the span of»

The drop includes three exclusive naturally dyed colorways, released one per day over the span of three days — starting at 12 p.m. EST on Tuesday, April 17.
Talking to educators helped D2L develop one of its modules, the ePortfolio, which students fill with samples of their work over the span of their degree.
Turns out, the secret to retaining the highest level of productivity over the span of a workday is not working longer — but working smarter with frequent breaks.
Fillon allegedly paid his Welsh wife Penelope Fillon and two of his children close to $ 1 million over the span of a decade for jobs they reportedly didn't perform.
Considering the populations had a chance to mingle in Europe over a span of a few thousand years, some sort of casual affair isn't all that surprising.
Indeed, Soros not only beat the market over a span of several decades but ended up as one of the wealthiest persons in the world.
The image above and animation below show the kilonova light burst, caused by neutrons radioactively decaying into precious metals, turning from blue to red over the span of four days.
«Turns out, the secret to retaining the highest level of productivity over the span of a workday is not working longer — but working smarter with frequent breaks,» she explains.
Whoriskey found about 90 % of its cows were indoors — not grazing on pastures — over the span of his eight - day visit.
Three of our 2016 picks returned better than 40 %, and two of those three reaped most of their gains over spans of just a few weeks — Virgin America, when it announced that it was negotiating with a buyer and then closed a deal; and Wynn Resorts, after a better - than - expected earnings report lured investors back to the stock.
The Hamas rockets are useless — even before the Iron Dome, the rockets barely hit targets inside Israel and killed fewer than 20 people over the span of about 8 years.
Mayor Rahm Emanuel believes it will help produce as many as 1,200 affordable units over that span of years.
As the president's last budget director, he helped engineer the only federal surplus to be recorded over a span of almost 40 years.
That last drop, of nearly 13 per cent, occurred over four days, a shift that a decade ago might have occurred over the span of months.
You can understand market returns over every span of history using the same basic arithmetic.
I've tried online poker as a means in the past, and which I learned A) was not passive income but hard work and B) I have an addictive personality which resulted in me losing the 4g I earned in 6 weeks over the span of 72 hours so that's out of the picture.
The digital currency more than doubled over the span of 18 days, and in doing so far outpaced the broader market.
The three CEOs, over the span of a dozen years, followed a strategy that has become the norm for many big companies during the past two decades: large stock buybacks to make use of cash, coupled with acquisitions to lift revenue.
Over the span of 2000 - 2016, the amount of money spent on food by the average American household increased from $ 5,158 to $ 7,203, which is a 39.6 % increase in spending.
When valuations move from elevated levels to historical lows over the span of several market cycles, the result is a «secular bear market» and headlines about the permanent death of equities.
When valuations move from depressed levels to historical extremes over the span of several market cycles, the result is a «secular bull market» and headlines about permanently high plateaus.
The losses were so large that only upper - income families realized notable gains in wealth over the span of 30 years from 1983 to 2013 (the period for which data on wealth are available).11
More impressively, the number of Chinese tourists soar 10-fold to reach 1.5 million over the span of the next five years13, as more and more Chinese visitors take advantage of increasing travel links to the country, and newly - eased visa restrictions.
While this is a tremendous achievement over the span of 3 + decades, Fairfax has continually had to answer to critical......
How about approximately 11 percent per year on average over a span of 37 years.
The Commerce Department monitors hard goods orders month by month and often, increasing orders of durables over a span of a couple of months...
More than 800 different - sized companies across 13 industries were secret shopped over the span of three months.
«You saying that your god is real and that your beliefs are right doesn't make it so» = > I know I know and 6 - 8 billion believers over the span of humanity does not make it so because you pull out your ad populum trump card.
Even more than the Constitution, which was written by a group of men over a span of months, the Bible, which was written by many different voices over millennia, is (to borrow from Souter) a «pantheon of values.»
Over a span of 7 days.
It was written by many people over the span of hundreds of years, it is tribal rules from the infancy of our development and arguably is not a good book at all but full of hatred, spite and unspeakable violence, and you arent allowed to use «faith» as your proof of existence... faith is nothing less than the throwing away of reason i.e. belief without evidence.
What has changed over the span of the past half - century?
and jus a side not for critics of the bible, theres an interesting fact in which the bible has over 40 different authors from various backgrounds over a span of 1500 hundred years who wrote prophecies that were fullfulled to a t hundreds of years later.
Over the span of the past years, I have seen many missionaries spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on air flights, expensive hotel bills, and other expenses.
How can we use Scripture in its wholeness over a span of time and use it sufficiently each Sunday?
Through a series of attending numerous churches over the span of several years, Shannon came to recognize that change in churches comes slow, but often the change we want to see in our church may actually be the change God wants to accomplish in our own life instead.
Look at the age of fossilized bones, look at DNA evidence and all the other mountains of evidence about the LONG - TERM DYNAMICS of LIVING ORGANISMS on this planet over the span of BILLIONS of years.
The late 1970s were filled with «excessive and over-the-top drug use,» as described by one Scorsese biographer, and he would have four different marriages end over the span of 1970 to 1995.
Since the bible is a collection of individual books and letters, etc., written over the span of many years, by many different authors, some of which who wrote anonymously (including the authors of all four gospels), then we might say that it has no purpose other than what people use it for.
Although these essays were written over a span of time and for different audiences, they are held together by K.Cs deep and passionate concern for justice, peace and the integrity of creation, This is a book that should be read and studied by churches, grassroots people, policy makers, theologians and others who are seeking to create a world that is safe for all.
(3) «research traditions» (Kuhn) or «research programmes» (Lakatos), over a span of time, embodied in key examples («exemplars»), and
The 66 books of the Bible were written over a span of 1600 years, by 40 different writers.
St. Augustine was already proposing a mechanism called «seminal reasons,» rationes seminales, to explain a gradual appearance of species over the span of ages.
These letters were written over a span of not more than twenty years just before and after the middle of the first century and therefore within what might be called the first Christian generation.
He doesn't see them over a span of time, he doesn't visit their home, and he doesn't interview their children or any of the participants in the several affairs they describe.
In the Hebrew canon of prophecy (the Latter Prophets) there are four «books» comprising fifteen names — Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the twelve «minor» prophets (the last twelve writings of our Old Testament, Hosea to Malachi) These fifteen writings vary in length, were written over a span of centuries from the eighth probably to the third B.C., are addressed to radically different historical situations, and certainly in their present form represent far more than fifteen writers.
The participants in this poll were those who chose to take part over a span of eight years in a seminar sponsored, not by one of the major scholarly societies such as the Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas or the Society of Biblical Literature, but by Funk's maverick entrepreneurial venture, the Westar Institute, located in Sonoma, California.
The OT was written over a span of many centuries.
Since the Bible was written over a span of thirty generations living in three cultures, there is no single world view but several.
Maybe it would help to look at it this way: if I cook and photograph a recipe four times over the span of a couple weeks, I think you can safely assume I'm either monumentally (and impressively!)
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