Sentences with phrase «over the universe on»

Avengers and warlocks and witches careen all over the universe on a scavenger hunt to find so - called infinity stones, the key to power in the universe.

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And the massive amount of consolidation that's swept over the Canadian media sector in recent years — Bell, Rogers and Shaw have a lock on much of the market — has created openings for a nimble, smaller player that can fill niches in a TV universe overwhelmed by me - too reality shows.
As a factual matter, on average, the universe of risk assets has become more expensive over time, and implied future returns have come down.
One way to look at the effectiveness over shorter investment horizons is through Base Rates: how often the strategy is outperforming the average stock in the universe on a rolling investment horizon.
Answer that Steven Hawking.Cannot be done.My guess is if their is a God then God would be all that exists on the other side of the universe, except what God created there.We can not prove what is over there, so guess we will just have to wait until we die.
Either they necessitate a deceptive «God», e.g. creating starlight «in transit» which means that for some light the star that supposedly sent said light would never have actually existed, or they would cause effect that should be evident but are not, e.g. temporarily fast starlight would effectively cook many things, such as life on earth, if the required light (and attendant gamma radiation) were compressed into a significantly shorter time frame (think of the radiation from the apparent 13 billion years of the universe arriving at the same time, or even over a 1000 years).
And then, having created this universe of over 100 billion galaxies containing a trillion trillion stars he decides to focus his attention on one planet where he creates life «in his image» as if such a being would even have an image.
It tells you a being powerful enough to create the universe from nothing is your friend, that he listens to your prayers, watches over you, protects you and your loved ones, and so on, like having your own personal Superman on steroids.
Reason overruled Necessity by persuading her to guide the greatest part of things that become toward what is best; in that way and on that principle this universe was fashioned in the beginning by the victory of reasonable persuasion over Necessity.»
everything is made up of atoms (don't believe me do some research) its the different variables of heat and light and things like that that cause different reactions to make different things and these things when they interact can create something completely different and you and slowly the process of mitosis or miosis starts to work and form stuff hell i learnt that in high school and it was a catholic one at that a millions of years ago i bet the universe was completely different and had things in it that our minds cant even imagine that have since changed over time from action and reaction to what we have today and in another million years who knows with all the different gases we pump into the air and the weather getting more intense on both ends of the scale life as we know it will be different the human race will have to evolve to survive and will probibly form into a slightly different species hell maybe well evolve into 2 different species like in the movie time machine
Advances in cosmological science over the latter half of the 20th century began to reveal that when the universe came into existence, (more on that later), the fundamental forces it was birthed with were apparently «fine - tuned» to allow for the emergence of life.
Remarkable and significant as is the emergence of self - conscious persons by natural processes from the original «hot big bang» from which the universe has expanded over the last 10 - 20 thousand million years, this must not be allowed to obscure another fact about humanity, namely its relatively recent arrival in the universe, even on a time - scale of the history of the Earth.
To be sure, as Copernicus achieved a finality in establishing a heliocentric universe, so the Bible represents final gains in thought and insight — apprehensions of truth which, once laid hold on, need not be discovered all over again.
you don't think that so called scientific results are skewered... or that the primitive machines that we use to discover our universe are woefully incapable of plumbing the depths of knowledge that an all wise creator has put in place... science is like some guys throwing dice and hoping it comes up sevens on consecutive throws... get over yourself
In seeking to root out man's claim to a special status in the universe, deep ecologists are pagan pantheists who reject biblical religion, especially the injunction of Genesis 1:28 to «Fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the seas, the birds of the sky, and all the living beings that move on this earth.»
The succession of scientific discoveries and revolutions in physics over the last 500 years have led to fundamental paradigm shifts (Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 1962) in the way that science conceives of the reality of this universe both on the cosmological scale and in the subatomic realm, and perhaps even beyond this universe.
Much modern intellectual debate, particularly within the popular arena, centers on disputes between religion and science over such seminal issues as creationism versus evolutionary theory, or theological explanations of the origin of the universe versus the «big - bang theory» of the new cosmology.
Meanwhile, atheist believe that our body, a mass of flesh and bones get tired on day, they died, the body in total afterwards is dust, and as dust that body or what is left from it after dying, continues to be part of the things we know as universe or cosmos, and this is all, there is nothing else, is over, finito, final, bye.
As the tiny microbe adapting itself into a human space traveler over the billions of years on this planet we have a far greater responsibility to keep this life moving than we would if it was just some supernatural beings universe where the deity already knows everything that is ever going to happen.
Over thirty years later, James disparaged this same view, saying that, of course, «We want a universe where we can just give up, fall on our father's neck, and be absorbed into the absolute life as a drop of water melts into the river or the sea» (PRAG 140).
His whole code and one's allegiance to it suggest, however, that somehow, somewhere, human beings have acquired the faculty of imposing meaning on the meaningless; and this imposed order becomes a kind of substitute for an intelligible universe, which may or may not be presided over by a Nature greater than our own.
GOD, who supposedly has the power over the universe, life and death, certainly doesn't need humans ro help Him gather up cash, followers or need help to beat evil or to even create heaven on Earth.
If your invisible, untraceable alien claims responsibility for the creation of the universe and life on this planet, if your invisible, untraceable alien created a race of people, led them out of slavery in a foreign land, appeared to them countless times, spoke thru prophets to them over thousands of years, and all of that interaction was successively captured in a book over those thousands of years..
Mostly we are caught up with what is going on in our own little neck of the woods, and are not even aware of the diversity of the human situation scattered over the face of the globe, let alone the staggering immensity of the universe.
Over against all these views, the Church picked up the theme of Genesis — that prior to the cosmos there was only God, and that the universe depends immediately on him and not on some intermediary demigod.
But just as one candle may become light itself and illuminate the entire universe, a glimpse of uncertainty may unlock menace on the face of every passerby, ultimate evil in the particular way the door over there stands ajar.
Well, if your magic sky wizard actually exists and I get to meet him; I'm going to kick him in the nuts, punch him in the face, fire him him on the spot, and take over the job of running the universe.
After a life dedicated to the discovery of God's revealing presence in an evolving universe, and yet banished and silenced in his own church, it seemed appropriate that he should depart this life on the day of the great epiphany of the Lord as victor over sin, ignorance, and the established religion.
One can but recognize in such writers as these the presence of a temperament organically weighted on the side of cheer and fatally forbidden to linger, as those of opposite temperament linger, over the darker aspects of the universe.
Bryce Harper might have accidentally stumbled upon a home styling secret, or he multiplied by infinity and the universe is about to fold over on itself and doom us all.
And when the kids are off and now playing with their friends and you no longer are the center of their universe, you will look over and see that little furry someone on your bed who still believes you hold every star in the sky.
I've read over and over again (not on this blog but on other message boards debating the same issue) that these allergy kids need to understand that they are not the centre of the universe and that they will grow up feeling entitled if everyone changes things to protect them.
The informant reported to be in the center of the Rockland County / New York City corruption fiasco currently rocking the political universe recently pled guilty to charges pertaining to a default on a loan of over $ 100 million to Citigroup.
According to leading theoretical models, dark matter stopped interacting with the rest of the primordial particle soup very early on, about 1/10, 000 of a second after the Big Bang, when the temperature of the universe was over 100 trillion degrees Fahrenheit (today it averages — 455 °F).
For example, some simulated universes behave like an old arcade game — if you walk to one edge of the universe, you cross back over to the other side, like Pac - Man exiting the right side of the screen and reappearing on the left.
This app includes a ton of fascinating information and multimedia, including over 10,000 on - demand videos about the universe and NASA's awesome work.
If Einstein's version of the universe is correct — and experiments done over the last century suggest that essentially it is — then the fictionalized feats based on his theories might be possible as well.
Just as the students would disagree on whether the clock tower was to Ellis» right or left, depending on where they stood, two people in Einstein's block universe could even argue over the order in which events occurred.
Just as two students seated in different corners of the quadrangle may disagree over the length of the shadow cast by the Trinity College clock tower, based on their perspective, so might it be with time: Einstein realized that since time is just another dimension in the block universe, then depending on where two people are in space - time, they could also disagree on the duration of events.
«We know so little about the dark parts of the universe, it's important to measure how they push and pull on space over cosmic history,» said Lucas Macri of Texas A&M University in College Station, a key collaborator on the study.
The strangest version of all parallel universe proposals is one that emerged gradually over 30 years of theoretical studies on the quantum properties of black holes.
The recently commissioned MicroBooNE experiment at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory has reached a major milestone: It detected its first neutrinos on Oct. 15, marking the beginning of detailed studies of these fundamental particles whose properties could be linked to dark matter, matter's dominance over antimatter in the universe and the evolution of the entire cosmos since the Big Bang.
Over time, that light's wavelength was stretched to several meters by the expansion of the universe, before being detected on Earth as radio waves.
If all that weren't enough, studying those rare, loner galaxies that call voids home should shed light on how all galaxies evolved over the universe's eons.
In recent decades, advances in telescopes and sensing equipment have allowed scientists to detect a vast amount of data hidden in the «white noise» or microwaves (partly responsible for the random black and white dots you see on an un-tuned TV) left over from the moment the universe was created.
To find out more about the elusive particles and their potential links to cosmic evolution, invisible dark matter and matter's dominance over antimatter in the universe, the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is taking on key roles in four neutrino experiments: EXO, DUNE, MicroBooNE and ICARUS.
Clocks that gain or lose no more than a fraction of a second over the lifetime of the universe could be on the way, thanks to a technique for cutting through the «heat haze» that compromises the accuracy of today's instruments.
The telescope has helped researchers detect such clusters by exploiting a phenomenon known as the Sunyaev - Zel «dovich effect, which causes massive galaxy clusters to leave an impression on the cosmic microwave background: a faint, universe - spanning glow of light left over from the big bang.
On Friday at a meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society in Glasgow, U. K., Bluck will report that the most active supermassive black holes release staggering amounts of radiation during their most energetic periods, which can last hundreds of millions of years — enough, he says, «to strip apart every massive galaxy in the universe at least 25 times over
They test their hypotheses about the universe by developing mathematical models that describe the underlying complex physical processes and run them on high - performance computers trying to reproduce the evolution of the Universe over billions of years.
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