Sentences with phrase «over the whole earth»

What would it take to reach a 2.0 degrees Celsius increase over the whole earth?
They do not sweat and whine about their condition, They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins... Not one is dissatisfied, not one is demented with the mania of owning things... Not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole earth.
• Zecchariah - 14:9 The LORD will be king over the whole earth.
I found that the general belief is that the average surface temperature over the whole earth for a whole year has increased from ~ 288 K to 288.8 K in roughly 150 years, i.e. 0.3 % and that it is due to increased CO2.
With the current GHG content in the atmosphere, more solar energy arrives than leaves via radiation -LRB-.85 + / -.15 Watt / m ^ 2), which raises the heat content of the terrestrial system, i.e., the average temperature over the whole earth + oceans + atmosphere.
Remember that satan has sway over the whole earth and is the father of all lies.
After a long period of dispersion over the whole earth, the human race is now being pushed together, whether we are ready for it or not.
The genesis of a cloud droplet is a complex process and very difficult to portray over the whole Earth for the multi-century simulations scientists use in climate models.
While pollution of land, a river or a coast affects mainly the nation that owns that land, river or coast, the atmosphere is shared by the whole earth, and the pollution is spread over the whole earth.
Now, they can wander over the whole Earth, eating everything to extinction.
Not one is dissatisfied, not one is demented with the mania of owning things, Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that lived thousands of years ago Not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole earth
In fact, on average through day and night and over a whole year over the whole Earth's surface, downward infrared radiation is more important than downward solar radiation from the Sun in warming the surface.»
Over the whole earth, O Lord, spread Thy mercy and Thy kindness.»
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