Sentences with phrase «over traditional financing»

I convinced myself I could lease the vehicle and invest the difference in a good mutual fund earning 12 % and come out ahead over traditional financing.
While Bitcoin adherents cite low fees as an advantage of the cryptocurrency over traditional finance networks, the median fee for a transaction reached $ 34 in late December.
While Bitcoin adherents cite low fees as an advantage of the cryptocurrency over traditional finance networks, the median fee for a transaction reached $ 34 in late December.

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I've written about crowdfunding extensively, mostly from the point of view of entrepreneurs, who view crowdfunding as a cheaper way to finance their business over traditional bank loans.
However, when considered as an alternative to classic equity financing, token sales yield a > 100X increase in the available base of buyers and a > 1000X improvement in the time to liquidity over traditional methods for startup finance.
Micro-Loans The world of small business finance has changed a lot over the last several years as traditional lenders like banks have focused more on larger more established small businesses in need of larger loan amounts.
Over the past five years, Prospa has disrupted a previously traditional industry by transforming the way small business owners experience finance, injecting more than $ 400m into the Australian small business economy through over 12,000 loans to small business ownOver the past five years, Prospa has disrupted a previously traditional industry by transforming the way small business owners experience finance, injecting more than $ 400m into the Australian small business economy through over 12,000 loans to small business ownover 12,000 loans to small business owners.
Matthijs Johan Lek has had over twenty years of experience in finance and investment banking in leading financial institutions.His team includes knowledgeable traders and consultants with significant roles in the cryptocurrency community as well as accomplished architects and experts of traditional stock exchanges from various countries.
With over half of small businesses using them, traditional bank loans are still the most popular source of financing among small businesses.
What I've discovered after consulting with dozens of personal finance clients over the years is that those who do have money with a robo - advisor or a traditional wealth advisor do not keep their financial advisor updated.
When Braff couldn't secure traditional financing for the film, he appealed to the fan base he'd built up over nine seasons of Scrubs, asking them to donate cash so he could make the movie exactly as he wanted it made.
Joining Hilltop in choosing traditional districts over charters is BOK Financial Securities, a major player in school finance.
For example, when a finance professor at Spain's IESE Business School examined how a 90 % stocks - 10 % bonds portfolio would have performed over 86 rolling 30 - year periods between 1900 and 2014 following the 4 % rule — i.e., withdrawing 4 % initially and then subsequently boosting withdrawals by the inflation rate — he found not only that the Buffett portfolio survived almost 98 % of the time, but that it had a significantly higher balance after 30 years than more traditional retirement portfolios with say, 50 % or 60 % invested in stocks.
This means that the time it takes to receive your loan amount is significantly faster when choosing hard money lending to finance real estate over traditional mortgages, since they do not need to be allocated across various accounts.
The benefit to financing with a reverse mortgage is that instead of paying the loan back every month over time like a traditional mortgage, reverse mortgage repayment is deferred to when the loan matures (See When is a HECM for Purchase Due?
Data released by global finance agency Standard & Poors indicates that almost all traditional actively managed funds under perform the stock market index over rolling periods of 10 years.
Banks and traditional lending institutions prefer to finance properties that will be held over a long period of time; short - term loans prevent these lenders from making money from the interest paid on these loans.
But over time I've used all sorts of financing, including traditional mortgage loans and commercial financing.
This type of financing acts in the same way a traditional home loan operates: a borrower can obtain them with either fixed or adjustable rates and they can pay them back over extended periods...
Over the past 12 months, bitcoin has shown strong resilience against the criticism and baseless condemnation from the traditional finance sector.
Previous Native Title Reports have commented on the Commonwealth's respondent funding scheme, 81 noting its effect in hardening the positions of those who already have their interests protected in any event, 82 and its seeming encouragement of litigation over negotiation.83 During the consultations, an NTRB in Queensland expressed frustration at the inequality created when mining and other companies are financed directly by the Attorney - General, putting NTRBs (and therefore the traditional owners they represent), with limited funding as described above, at a disadvantage when appearing in arbitration hearings about the doing of future acts.
In the case of traditional long - term finance, there is an increased likelihood that a borrower may suffer some form of financial hardship over the course of the loan - term, which will hamper repayment and can often cause insurmountable financial difficulty.
He says this was surprising because the lender was an insurance company that typically only finances traditional office buildings in core markets — like those occupied by law firms and financial companies — that require minimal improvements when a space turns over.
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