Sentences with phrase «over writhing»

Dixon, in full police uniform at the time, calmly and casually steps over the writhing body of the man he's just assaulted and walks back into the police station.
League of Evil (Ratalaika Games, $ 7.99)-- Wearing inspiration from the masterfully molded Super Meat Boy proudly on its sleeve, League of Evil is a dastardly difficult side - scrolling platformer that gets its jollies laughing maniacally over your writhing body as you die and try again.
As usual, the referee quickly stood over the writhing player and twice summoned Chelsea's medical staff onto the pitch to tend to Hazard's apparent injury.

Not exact matches

Car seat, infant and diaper bag in one hand, writhing, shoeless four - year - old in the other, four and five year old trailing behind and ultimately fighting over which seat in the van was most awesome that night.
Repentance according to such healthy - minded Christians means getting away from the sin, not groaning and writhing over its commission.
People... think «Eh, it's pain, you deal with it, you get over it» but sometimes it's so severe it actually puts a person on the ground, crawling, writhing, curled up in a ball.
This change has been partially obscured by the recent writhing of the Tory right over Europe and gay marriage but as the spending review approaches, it will come into sharp focus.
Hagfish are elusive deep - sea creatures that have mucus - secreting glands positioned all over their long, writhing bodies.
Chaplin doesn't stop there though, throwing in a swarm of monkeys which writhe over him, biting his nose, putting their tails in his mouth and proceeding to remove his trousers.
A notable viewing experience because I took my bestest friend to see it in the one Hollywood theater that was showing it over the summer when she flew in from Boston, and it being a Friday night naturally she had to sit next to a cokehead writhing in his seat for the duration of the film.
You get the delicious feeling of letting the steering find its own path, a gentle writhing felt through your palms as the front wheels gossip their way over cambers, white lines and surface changes.
The chassis wriggles and writhes underneath you, the R500 skipping over big ridges and pummelling over ragged sequences, but it never gets unsettled and the ride isn't stiff like, say, a Mitsubishi Evo's — the beauty of light weight is that the chassis can be supple but still easily control the mass it supports.
I stood and watched the most brilliant display of aurora I had ever seen, shooting over the mountain tops in the east like lava from a volcano, writhing overhead to the opposite horizon, snaking into crowns and shooting towards the ground like harpoons of light.
They are all over the jungle, from tiny harmless ones to the two - inch - long bullet ants, whose bite will leave you writhing in agony for a day or two.
«And then the knight was held over the pit of writhing snakes, which hissed and spat as their twining lengths ensnared the whitening bones of their previous victims...» «And then the black - hearted villain, with a hideous oath, drew a secret dagger from his boot and advanced towards the defenceless...» «And then the maiden took a pin from her hair and the golden tresses fell from the window, down, down, caressing the castle walls until they almost reached the verdant grass on which he stood...» Arthur was an energetic, headstrong boy who did not easily sit still; but once the Mam raised her porridge stick he was held in a state of silent enchantment — as if a villain from one of her stories had slipped a secret herb into his food.
The vein is hard to find on a writhing panic - stricken dog, especially from an UNtrained person, so often this is a painful ordeal of being stuck many times over the course of hours!!
Wear jeans and feel free to writhe all over my coastal couch.)
Thankfully, my fear of permanent paralysis won out over the desire to scream and writhe on the bed.
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