Sentences with phrase «overabundance of milk»

My milk came in the night I got home from the hospital (which was the 2nd day) and I had overabundance of milk for months.
If you are able and have an overabundance of milk, try it out!
But some babies — like those who are fussy when they nurse, or those whose moms produce an overabundance of milk or have a very swift milk letdown — do gulp air as they swallow.
Your breasts produce an overabundance of milk initially as it is an unknown at this point how much your baby will actually need.
Mastitis can be caused by an overabundance of milk in the breast or «milk stasis.»
In her case, she had an overabundance of milk that came out very forcefully.
Milk ducts might become blocked for other reasons: an overabundance of milk, poor latch (when the baby's mouth does not form a firm seal around the nipple), a shift in nursing patterns or compressed breasts (either a bra that is too tight or from sleeping on the affected side).4
This is what a breast with an overabundance of milk feels like.
Indeed, an overabundance of milk is common.
It's a good thing to have an overabundance of milk though it can be overwhelming for baby as they are learning to manage it.
Actually, an overabundance of milk is common.
Occasionally, though, a mom will continue to make an overabundance of milk even after her milk supply is established.
Ultimately, I ended up with an overabundance of milk.
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