Sentences with phrase «overacted at»

You're not overacting at all!
Shearer is natural and plays «exasperated» well, but she overacts at others times, and Montgomery is similarly uneven.
It doesn't help much that many of the supporting players — especially Valley, who's rather too convincing as an obnoxious lout, and Jesse Johnson as a sexist Aussie mercenary — have been encouraged to overact at the top of their lungs.

Not exact matches

Pepe seemingly sought to hit the ground and tumble around at the slightest provocation, as demonstrated by the clip above, which shows the Portuguese defender overacting after the slightest altercation with Filipe Luis.
Mickey Rooney, playing one of the most troubled boys at the facility, nearly sinks the picture with his ridiculous overacting.
However, some of the jokes are strained and contrary to other opinions, I think Farrell struggles with the delivery of the humour at times and shows some signs of overacting.
Overacting as though his first day on the job, Bana's Frank is either yelling incoherently at Gervais» bumbling, nervous Ian or he's generally being an ass just to be an ass.
Completely at home overacting amidst this tidal wave of CG nastiness and tough - guy posturing, a blond - locked Cage seems to be having a grand time, and Heard is certainly attractive enough for her sexpot role.
In a cinematic field that often struggles with exposition, overacting, and clumsy voiceovers in an attempt to communicate what characters are feeling, it's hard to imagine an approach better suited for the big screen than externalizing the internal, and making it thrilling at the same time.
At times it's pretty obvious that they've almost set out deliberately to make a bad film, but no matter how badly the supporting cast overacts, it doesn't quite reach «so bad it's great» status
Everybody in the film overacts a little bit, but most are professional enough to rein it in at a remotely tolerable / human level and consign any blame for the film's poor quality to the screenplay.
That goes from the performances of the child actors — who, though cute, tend to overact — to the strained and misjudged attempts at quirkiness from Ray Liotta, as Billy's father, and the distracting and needless Jamaican accents of two characters.
Soon the ladies are splendidly overacting — if you can call what they're doing acting at all — as they try to escape the clutches of their inept captors.
Watching him overact and embody nearly every exaggerated stereotype given him at some point or another is surreal.
It's helped enormously by Rachel McAdams, whose performance is convincing because she keeps it at ground level; thrillers are invitations to overact, but she remains plausible even when the action ratchets up around her.
Wahlberg on the other hand was horribly miscast as the dad and his overacting is hard to stomach at times.
At the very least the overacting Schaech appears to have some sort of fun though his enjoyment is in inverse proportion to any that could be had by the audience.
There's also new Bluetooth support so visually - impaired readers can sync the Kindle up with their headphones and enjoy their books with Stephen Fry or someone overacting the hell out of them (often at exorbitant prices).
As I mentioned earlier the dialogue is also atrocious at times; when enemies die they sound like a five - year old overacting a death sequence for far too long.
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