Sentences with phrase «overall average balance»

For consistent account owners, the overall average balance increased each year — from $ 92,087 in 2010 to $ 93,036 in 2011, to $ 104,970 in 2012, to $ 122,272 in 2013, and to $ 134,244 in 2014.

Not exact matches

A weighted average means that the loans with a higher balance influence the interest rate more than loans with a smaller balance — the overall impact of each old loan on the new interest rate is proportional to the comparative balance of that loan.
Event - driven and long short equity managers, for instance, have overall seen rosier average gains over the past 12 — 18 months on the back of investors» growing focus on company - specific events, earnings growth, balance sheets and valuations of individual securities across different sectors and regions.
The average 401k balance differs from average retirement savings overall, since a 401k is just one of many different possible types of retirement accounts.
Mr. Speaker, based on our policy objective of ensuring macroeconomic stability, and growing the economy for job creation, whilst protecting social spending, the following macroeconomic targets are set for the 2018 fiscal year: • Overall GDP growth rate of 6.8 percent; • Non-oil GDP growth rate of 5.4 percent; • End period inflation rate of 8.9 percent; • Average inflation rate of 9.8 percent; • Fiscal deficit of 4.5 % percent GDP; • Primary balance (surplus) of 1.6 percent of GDP; and • Gross Foreign Assets to cover at least 3.5 months of imports of goods and services
Mr. Speaker, consistent with our medium - term development policy framework, we have set the following macroeconomic targets for the medium term (2018 - 2021): • Real GDP to grow at an average rate of 6.2 percent between 2018 and 2020; • Inflation to stay within the target band of 8 ± 2 %; • Overall fiscal deficit to remain within the fiscal rule of 3 - 5 percent; • Primary balance expected to improve from a surplus of 0.2 percent of GDP in 2017 and remain around 2.0 percent in the medium term; and • Gross International Reserves to cover at least 4 months of imports.
Our bodies function on balance where above average consumption of certain food can destroy that fragile and balancing threshold and cause problems to our overall body functions.
Overall, AVP is only an average game, some nice gameplay is plagued by balance issues, the story could've been longer more plot focused, still, I liked playing this game.
People looking to purchase in Boston will more likely need to consider the impact of local home prices: the average mortgage balance in 2017 was much higher than for Massachusetts overall.
People with FICO scores of 800 or higher have a median total revolving credit balance of $ 1,446, compared with $ 2,040 for the U.S. population overall (who have an average score of 700).
Credit Card Loans: (Synonym: Credit Card Consolidation Loan)-- using a loan to pay off your existing credit card balances can reduce your overall interest rates, but only if the interest rate on the new loan is lower than the average interest rate on your existing accounts.
Debt negotiation and settlement services can lower the overall balance on each debt, allowing you to become debt free in 36 months on average.
Overall, when a balance sheet includes preference / convertible liabilities, I think an average is the fairest measure — Average Net LTV works out to baverage is the fairest measure — Average Net LTV works out to bAverage Net LTV works out to be 40 %.
Although falling below certain balance thresholds can result in reduced APYs, your overall earnings from interest will benefit from the switch, so long as you can also meet the higher minimum daily or average balances required to waive the monthly fee.
I also know the Mawer Balanced Fund has beaten index blended ETF equivalent portfolios annually 14 times out of the past 15 years by an average yearly outperform of 2.5 % or 40 % overall.
A weighted average means that the loans with a higher balance influence the interest rate more than loans with a smaller balance — the overall impact of each old loan on the new interest rate is proportional to the comparative balance of that loan.
Your average balances across all your cards for the past 24 months «should represent no more than 10 percent of your overall credit limit,» Ulzheimer says.
Overall, AVP is only an average game, some nice gameplay is plagued by balance issues, the story could've been longer more plot focused, still, I liked playing this game.
• Solar generating capacity continues to be rolled out, as costs decline expanding to supply the seasonal maximum of daily average, with pumped hydro to provide daily balancing until superior technologies come on - line, and open - cycle gas turbines shifting to a purely back - up function, with consequent substantial reductions in overall fossil CO2 emissions.
Here is what they say: «The balance between the cooling and warming actions of clouds is very close although, overall, averaging the effects of all the clouds around the globe, cooling predominates.»
Now ranked 8th overall and scoring 6 % higher than the all - firm average, employees cited «the quality of the work available»; the «vision — a clearly defined strategy»; and that the «work / life balance [is] generally good» as some of the best things about the firm.
Overall the Lenovo K8 Note is a balanced device with a couple of negatives like average camera performance under low light and heating issues.
Overall, the Balance of Lower Peninsula of Michigan nonmetropolitan area has 278,710 total employed workers according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, with a 1.7 % unemployment rate, $ 17.81 / hr average worker wage, and a $ 37,040 average annual salary.
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