Sentences with phrase «overall benefit»

This award was given in recognition of significant contributions to the advancement of social and public policies that contribute to the mental health and overall benefit of infants, toddlers, and their families.
In 1945, experiments showed rats who fed only on alternate days received the same overall benefits in terms of increased lifespan as those eating less all the time.
The researchers also ignored a chart in their own paper showing that teachers have similar overall benefit packages to private employees.
This is because the market overall benefits from more retail players reaching more customers and finding more ways to expand the market.
So which one — walnuts or almonds — wins in the contest for the best overall benefits?
There is enough messy evidence that eating animal protein unnecessarily increases our risk of getting diseases such as cancer without providing overall benefits.
A whole life insurance policy will have a much greater overall benefit for the policy holder's beneficiaries.
While not everyone has the same rate of results, the same overall benefits will occur for everyone.
Not only is this politically more attractive, but universal access pre-K programs will provide higher overall benefits for the local and national economy.
The sharp increase in the number of pocket listings has not overall benefited the sellers.
Economic models predict this kind of job displacement while also projecting that the economy overall benefits from trade openness.
While there can be many overall benefits to such training, the training is usually for the training's sake and not necessarily to improve the dog's behavior.
When parties find a path to resolution of their issues without the use of the courts, other parties and the system overall benefit.
This award was given in recognition of significant contributions to the advancement of social and public policies that contribute to the mental health and overall benefit of infants, toddlers, and their families.
There are a ton of different textures, ingredients, and overall benefits in masks.
However, even though there are case reports of some children showing dramatic improvements on the drugs, no study has yet demonstrated a statistically significant overall benefit.
Filipino rice farmers are earning an additional Php 2,184 per hectare annually by using IRRI - bred rice varieties, and the country overall benefits by Php 8.5 billion a year.
Higher farmer income: Filipino rice farmers are earning an additional Php 2,184 per hectare annually by using IRRI - bred rice varieties, and the country overall benefits by Php 8.5 billion a year.
At 4.7 out of five stars, Facebook's overall benefits ratings are the highest you will find on Glassdoor's list.
While overall benefits under the Johnson plan would ultimately fall significantly below scheduled levels and modestly below payable levels, those reductions would fall largely on higher earners.
Certainly climate change does not help every region equally, but careful studies predict overall benefits — fewer storms, more rain, better crop yields, longer growing seasons, milder winters, and lower heating costs in colder climates.
Even though marketing may not be your favorite thing in the world, it has all kinds of benefits for your veterinary practice, including its overall
We know there is a small increase in the risk of diabetes, and at high doses there is a very small increase in myopathy, but overall the benefits greatly outweigh the harms.
«Although preliminary, our data suggest that patients with MS have reduced levels of good bacteria responsible for overall benefits obtained from consuming healthy foods, such as soybean and flaxseeds,» says Mangalam, who is senior author on the study.
The famous Tennessee class - size study (Mosteller, 1995), the STAR study, showed impressive overall benefits of smaller classes.
While these options may sound enticing, for most people, balancing up - front costs, long - term versus short - term costs, and overall benefits based on individual situations can become a mind numbing challenge.
Tax deductions and overall benefits accrue to those who already have high incomes, which will make the rich investors even richer and the poorer population even poorer, possibly creating and prolonging a social divide between socio - economic classes.
IRENA says it's more renewables - intensive approach to the energy transition results in a larger overall benefit than the IEA's approach, which keeps more reliance on fossil fuels.
And while the information age probably produced at least as many new problems as it solved, it appears far more likely that a transition to a renewable energy based society will generate far flung and much broader overall benefits.
Introduced Oracle arrays to provide numerous overall benefits from a performance, readability, and business rule footprint stand point
Although zinc supplements were associated with an increase in vomiting, the researchers think that overall the benefits of giving zinc outweigh the harms.
Criminal charges could impact your rights as an employee, a successful medical malpractice claim would impact your child support obligations, workers» compensation and Social Security Disability benefits need to be coordinated to get you the best overall benefits package, and the list goes on.
It poses no real challenge or overall benefit in experience and rewards.
Fehlings suggests that brain - machine interfaces could one day be combined with several other treatment strategies — such as stem cells and drugs — to produce much greater overall benefit for people with damaged spinal cords.
Filipino rice farmers are earning an additional Php 2,184 per hectare annually by using IRRI - bred rice varieties, and the country overall benefits by Php 8.5 billion a year.
Rehabilitation Counselors receive better overall benefits than other professional counselors, including employee retirement plans, medical coverage, dental, vision, and short - term and long - term disability *.
Higher farmer income: Filipino rice farmers are earning an additional Php 2,184 per hectare annually by using IRRI - bred rice varieties, and the country overall benefits by Php 8.5 billion a year.
Certainly climate change does not help every region equally, but careful studies predict overall benefits — fewer storms, more rain, better crop yields, longer growing seasons, milder winters, and lower heating costs in colder climates.
While there is no question that the Chase United MileagePlus ® Explorer Business Card is a good card, you may find more overall benefits from other cards.

Phrases with «overall benefit»

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