Sentences with phrase «overall book sales doing»

or «How are overall book sales doing this year compared to last year?»

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As such, eBook sales in October were less than 1.3 % of overall book sales (although there is no doubt some finagling to be done to balance retail and wholesale numbers).
When that's not available, what is the likelihood of that debut author or midlister walking away from a traditional book deal over eRoyalties when the current percentage of sales done electronically is not even 1 % of the total book sales overall?
In addition, sales figures in The Canadian Book Market do not include ebook sales, nor online sales of print books, so the overall book market may be healthier than reflected.&raBook Market do not include ebook sales, nor online sales of print books, so the overall book market may be healthier than reflected.&rabook market may be healthier than reflected.»
In addition, sales figures in The Canadian Book Market do not include ebook sales, nor online sales of print books, so the overall book market may be healthier than reflected.Although Indigo suffered some big loses, the company is still bullish on their futBook Market do not include ebook sales, nor online sales of print books, so the overall book market may be healthier than reflected.Although Indigo suffered some big loses, the company is still bullish on their futbook market may be healthier than reflected.Although Indigo suffered some big loses, the company is still bullish on their future.
More importantly may be the data that shows that, despite criticism from the industry, self - published and indie published titles did not destroy book pricing with their 99 - cent books; however, the fourth trend did demonstrate that book prices have taken an overall drop, but this is largely due to high - volume online retailers who can negotiate these prices, not just indie authors who strategize on low pricing as a means to drive book sales.
Yes, that is an overall loss, but it is for that week only, and does not take into account future income from sale of other books based on new readers, which I would expect to more than offset that in coming months.
As ebook discovery draws more focus and more readers and authors speak out about the need for guidance in finding new great reads, several companies are making a concerted effort to highlight some books that are doing well in terms of sales and overall traffic.
After I have done an initial overall marketing / editorial assessment and developmental edit of a manuscript or proposal, a writer may choose to work with me further in a very close one - on - one mentoring relationship in which I would guide him or her in rewriting and re-envisioning the original material — chapter by chapter — in a new manuscript, to make the narrative voice more resonant; the descriptive prose more powerful and, in general, to increase the book's overall quality, marketing viability, sales potential.
In my portfolio of project management books, I sell 2 other books priced at $ 4.99 and in July, I saw a 35 % and 140 % increase in sales however, the total amount earned for the 3 books didn't beat the overall portfolio monthly average.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that when I think about it, though my buying habits have changed in that I'm getting more Kindle books on sale, I don't think it's affecting my overall book purchases that much.
From the Scalzi piece: «First, if we are talking overall book sales, I do think we're missing a lot if we're not bringing indie sales into the discussion.
That being said, I also think that ebooks and conventional printed books not only co-exist beautifully, but will continue to do so quite amicably — even as ebooks continue to slowly increase as a percentage of overall sales.
He starts by pointing out that our inability to adequately track ebook sales (especially self - published ones) is part of the reason that print might seem to be gaining: «Even if the major trade publishers are selling fewer ebooks,» he writes, «it doesn't follow that the overall digital book market must be shrinking.
While the data showed bookshops had lost share of book purchases in 2013 overall, they did gain share in the print market — staying ahead of internet retailers for physical book sales.
So, with print sales at independent ABA bookstores up a tiny bit, but book sales at all major US bookstore chains and mass merchandisers down by almost an order of magnitude more, then why does Nielsen Bookscan's «Retail & Club» sector still report that US print book sales are up 5 % overall?
Since the author's audience is all types of investment professionals (including those that are sales oriented), he does stray somewhat from advice you'll likely hear from fee - only NAPFA professionals, but overall the book is quite good and worth a read.
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