Sentences with phrase «overall caloric balance»

Either type of estimate, net or gross, is okay to use so long as you know which one it is and what the numbers mean with respect to your overall caloric balance (read the Calories Explained article learn more about caloric balance).
They are not calories that can be counted toward weight loss in your overall caloric balance, because they were already being burned before you started your weight loss program (remember, calories are always being burned to support your RMR, no matter what you are doing) and were and are balanced out by your unmodified calorie consumption.
It's more about overall caloric balance.

Not exact matches

In the beginning I dutifully created meal plans, talked to them about the importance of fibre and balanced blood sugar, and provided recipes for healthy meals and snacks that would fill them up and reduce their overall caloric intake.
Your diet's caloric balance contributes to your overall health.
If burning calories is truly your goal; why don't you build up some overall muscle to increase your metabolism, maintain a balanced diet, and cut your overall caloric intake?
For overall fitness and well - being, caloric balance, nutritional status and body composition all matter.
The principle of caloric balance matters to your overall health and fitness, because it determines whether you maintain weight, gain weight or lose weight over time.
The caloric balance of your diet is one factor in determining your overall health.
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