Sentences with phrase «overall challenge»

Climate change, he added, was the big overall challenge and priority.
At the end of the first year, teachers were asked to complete a survey to indicate the parts of the professional development that were most helpful to them reaching the project goals and to comment on overall challenges.
Global Citizen: What overall challenges presented themselves that were similar or different between filming «Cartel Land» and «City of Ghosts»?
While it sadly doesn't add any Achievements, the new units, enemies, and overall challenge represent a great value for the money.
A federally commissioned report last year warned the government was «simply not up to the overall challenge» of fending off cyberthreats on its own and must partner with the private sector and the United States to tackle the problem.
Instead, it will focus on the overall challenges and shortcomings the grid may have in accepting renewables, he said.
Titan Quest 2018 does a poor job in the fields of level design, interesting gameplay and overall challenge.
There is a hard mode but this makes little change to the overall challenge.
Now you just need to modify them to fit within the overall challenge and scenario of the GBL unit.
This will certainly reduce instructional time for students and impact school operations — a decidedly undesirable development considering the overall challenges of preparing our students to meet the demands of the 21st century.
Traveling south through a succession of haunting landscapes, TR encounters harbingers of all the major issues of the new century — Imperialism, Industrialism, Conservation, Immigration, Labor, Race — plus the overall challenge that intimidated McKinley: how to harness America's new power as the world's richest nation.
I really have to say that at conferences for writing, you rarely talk about writing, the process, the mysticism, the overall challenges.
Read on to find out, and see who took the title in this year's overall challenge!
The Mean Machines» Julian Rignall referred to this title as «the finest video game» that he played in his entire life, praising its depth, addictiveness and the overall challenge.
The main game by itself offers quite a bit of replay value with its overall challenge and a few hidden areas per stage.
My main criticism would be levelled at the overall challenge that the basic campaign provides.
As 8 - and 16 - bit graphics are as appealing as a cement brick to the forehead, creativity and the overall challenge are what will draw in appeal.
The game, whilst it might not pose an overall challenge in terms of difficulty, it presents a challenge mentally.
If you start scratching options off that list — as with choices in energy — just keep track of the overall challenge.
In considering the overall challenge of conserving biological diversity on a crowding planet, he concluded, at the very least humans should «at least stop doing the really dumb things.»
A recent study found that all of North America is home to ∼ 5 % of the world's coastal population living less than 10 m above sea level (45); accordingly, we address here only a small fraction of the overall challenge.
In our opinion, it is less important how RWE proceeds with the generation business since this business model is focused on conventional generation which does not offer any solutions for the overall challenges from climate change.
In early January, a report commissioned by the federal government concluded that the public sector is «simply not up to the overall challenge» of defending against cyber-threats.
Ensure that you understand the requirements of each task by quickly digesting the brief - revisit this once you understand the overall challenge.
Stick with communicating what the overall challenge was for the position and a handful of key accomplishments.
Play therapy and parenting counseling can bring relief and reduce the intensity of the child's overall challenges.
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