Sentences with phrase «overall circulation»

But the claim that hanging upside down can somehow improve overall circulation is simply untrue, he says.
All - access circulation revenue is spinning upward, leading to a 5 percent gain in overall circulation revenue in 2012.
Plus, when you sleep on your side, you'll also allow for better overall circulation.
Acai berries also help to boost the immune system, they can increase overall circulation in the body, and when eaten regularly they can give your skin a healthy glow.
This dramatic increase in blood flow will actually help improve overall circulation to the quads, which will help with future muscle growth.
Besides being a relaxing experience, facials often include a massage that stimulates blood flow, and aids in overall circulation.
By putting pressure on the skin, the compression garment tightens up the veins, leading to quicker blood flow and better overall circulation.
Throughout the day the compression prevents blood from pooling in leg veins, which in turn helps your overall circulation and lessens or eliminates any leg swelling you may have.
While pregnancy can come with lots of aches and pains, walking can boost your overall circulation and strengthen your important abdominal muscles.
It also increases blood flow to your muscles and improves your overall circulation, which can help protect against illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease.
It has been medically proven that regular cardiovascular exercise greatly improves sleep, makes your bones stronger, increases overall energy levels, improves digestion, makes both the lungs and the heart stronger, improves overall circulation and insulin sensitivity.
Facilitating a binding process, Chelation Therapy also controls oxidation of fats, and reduces platelet «stickiness» to improve overall circulation.
Horse Chestnut reduces inflammation and tones up vein walls, plugs up minute holes and microscopic leaks in the tiniest blood vessels, reforces the strength of veins which promotes elasticity and prevents swelling and improves overall circulation.
By unblocking clogged arteries and improving overall circulation — men can prevent cardiovascular disease and improve their performance — at the same time.
Because nitric oxide is a neurotransmitter that relaxes blood vessels (key factor in high blood pressure), it improves overall circulation.
Overall circulation and visits are down over the last five years.
The Wall Street Journal mentioned that «In France, newspapers also have had to play catch - up online, given that overall circulation is down by nearly a third in four years and direct government subsidies to the press are projected to slide 29 % by 2015 from their 2010 peak.
Last week Overdrive disclosed to Good e-Reader that overall circulation has grown 12 % year - over-year (through June 30th) to more than 108 million checkouts for all digital media across all OverDrive libraries and schools.
Overall circulation has grown 12 % year - over-year (through June 30th) to more than 108 million checkouts for all digital media across all OverDrive libraries and schools.
Still, even with this exponential growth in e-circulation, this represents only 1.5 percent of TPL's overall circulation (which is seeing growth for its third straight year).
Our main hypothesis is that this area is a bifurcation point for freshwater transfer between the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans, and that small changes in the overall circulation of this region may have large downstream effects.
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