Sentences with phrase «overall effectiveness of the supplement»

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Overall, the investigators found that foods, nutrients, dietary patterns or supplement use assessed before the start of the clinical trial had no measurable influence on the effectiveness of a multivitamin on CVD risk in middle - aged and older men.
Boswellia extract, boron, and bromelian have all been shown to work well in conjunction with glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM, increasing the overall effectiveness of any given supplement.
Yes, there are a small handful of research - backed supplements available that ARE worth using and that can deliver a slight increase in the overall effectiveness and convenience of your program... and yes, I personally use a few myself and recommend them to my clients and readers where it's applicable.
A major problem for the evaluation was the lack of a comparison group, or baseline data, to measure what would have happened in the absence of income management... the overall evidence about the effectiveness of income management in isolation from other NTER measures was difficult to assess... The evaluation findings would have greater strength if these views were supplemented by empirical indicators that showed evidence of the changes reported by the various stakeholders.
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