Sentences with phrase «overall effects even»

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Besides touching off a trade war with other countries, a bump in costs — even if only for certain sectors of the economy, like automotive companies — could have ripple effects on the economy overall.
This can be attributed to the overall effect of the Cryptocurrency market, with its price slated to drop even further in the coming days.
Overall effect of the decline in oil prices will be a positive driver in aggregate demand in the U.S., even though the decline in price of oil had negatively affected investment in equipment and structure needed for shale oil production, which had «become an important component of aggregate U.S. investment»
One study, that used an overall high - calorie diet, even observed this effect adding 260 calories to a subject's daily energy expenditure.
A: I was surprised that the effects of lack of joint planning on relationship dissolution were apparent even when we accounted for various relationship quality indicators, the partners» agreement on various issues, overall goal planning, and all sorts of other things.
So, even if corn prices rose 20 %, the overall effect on food prices would be minimal.
For the individual, such small associations, even if real, will have only minor effects or no effect on overall health or risk of disease.
Although professional lactation support can improve the duration of overall breast feeding, its effect in improving exclusive breast feeding is unclear.11 18 22 Thus far, studies that report improvement of rates of exclusive breastfeeding have involved mainly community based peer counselling strategies.23 24 25 Even then, a randomised trial in the UK recently cast doubt on the efficacy of this approach.26 There are current recommendations from NICE for the UK - wide implementation of the baby friendly initiative.4 5 6 The 2006 NICE costing report on routine postnatal care of women and their babies estimates that efforts to improve rates of breast feeding will result in substantial cost savings for the NHS.6
These include the overall validity of the radical - pair mechanism, whether birds might have evolved to be able to detect minute magnetic changes and have thus become susceptible to human - produced radio noise as a side - effect, or even whether applied electromagnetic fields might be affecting a different behavior — such as motivation — altogether.
«Although there was an overall dampening effect of alcohol on the prefrontal cortex, even at a low dose of alcohol we observed a significant positive relationship between dorsomedial and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activity and alcohol - related aggression,» explains Denson.
Ju thinks it is unlikely that a single night or even a week of poor sleep, miserable though it may be, has much effect on overall risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
Here the results showed that a single stimulation had different effects on the behavior of neurons in each layer because even when the overall state of the brain changed, layers had distinctive characteristics.
«Even if the ideas of a highly qualified single worker spill over to other workers with whom they interact, the overall effect of the interaction can still be deleterious to the productivity of other workers,» the article concludes.
«Overall, climate change is projected to have substantial adverse impacts on future mortality, even considering only a subset of the expected health effects,» the agency said in its latest «Quantitative Risk Assessment of the Effects of Climate Change on Selected Causes of Death.»
Furthermore, the almost one - year - long DBS therapy has ameliorated the overall functionality of the patient's brain because some of the beneficial effects persist even when DBS is turned off.
These patterns held even after Gray and colleagues took the overall word count and number of blog posts into account, suggesting that the increase in positive emotion words was not simply due to the effects of writing over time.
What's more, even if plant growth does rise overall, the direct and indirect effects of higher CO2 levels will be disastrous for biodiversity.
The overall effect is the moon's pull is evened out, and it's a very stable configuration over many years.
Moderate drinkers have lower overall mortality and tend to have reduced cardiovascular disease (including heart attacks and strokes), as alcohol has a cardio - protective effecteven for those with preexisting hypertension.
Even though air cleaners improved upon the overall air quality inside households, they didn't lower air nicotine concentrations and also didn't counter all ill side effects associated with 2nd - hand smoke.
Elevating your T levels will have a great effect on your overall performance and gains, so don't think twice about this one — even if your testosterone production is solid at the moment, it won't hurt to stimulate it even further!
Doctors also warn that you shouldn't douse yourself with antibiotics to get rid of the bacteria since it could kill your good bacteria and have even more negative overall effects.
Now it exists in multiple forms in most of the prepared food available to us (even the sugar - free options) and it perpetuates overall inflammation, dumps fat on our liver (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease); makes our cells resistant to the effects of insulin (insulin resistant); and then gives us metabolic syndrome, abdominal obesity, cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes.
The sweets and processed foods that are high in hydrogenated fats give you comfort, the effect is temporary, and the end result is to depress your positive neurotransmitter levels even lower than before you had the sugar and cause more inflammation, making you feel worse overall.
However, even if they do contain tiny levels of atrazine, the overall effect on your acne will almost certainly still be positive.
Lower - carb is usually recommended for weight loss, but even if body weight is not an issue for you, it's still a good way to go for overall health and, of course, mitigating / preventing the effects of carbohydrate over-consumption.
It is a nice side effect if you do have excess weight to lose, but I know for certain that the benefits you'll find in terms of vibrance, clarity, productivity, energy, sleep, and overall vitality will surpass what you could have ever even imagined that little weight loss might.
The upshot is that maca leaves you feeling better overall, even when working hard, without the side effects of stimulants.
At Waller Wellness Center in Rochester Hills, MI, we understand the effects chemicals, toxins and even common foods can have on overall health.
Some effects occur even if the subject maintains body weight, suggesting that the reduced meal frequency or prolonged time in the fasted state might have some additional effects regardless of overall calorie restriction and weight loss.
Despite not even reducing estrogen overall, DIM can successfully lower the side effects of high estrogen, including mood swings, menstrual cramps, and fatigue.
We have also seen a study showing decreased risk of bladder cancer in association with yogurt intake of 2 or more servings per day (the serving size was not specified), even though this same study showed no protective effect from either cheese or overall dairy intake.
Yes, there is the fact that these burn victims are given massive quantities of food (which then theoretically exerts an overall anti-catabolic effect), yet the challenge even with this hypercaloric diet is simply preventing weight LOSS.
Soon after experiencing the overall meditative healing effects hidden in the even breath and rhythmic movement of Ashtanga, Corey was inspired to explore the full potential of this system by pursuing the practice and study of Ayurveda, Sanskrit, Vedic chanting and ultimately, Meditation.
With the availability to buy everything from out of season fruit to fair trade chocolate to T - shirts made with organic cotton, more expensive options can make shopping complicated, even if the effects are overall better for our health and the environment.
But this one isn't even super-slick; it's shallow and deflated... The overall effect is of a story atomized and dying before our eyes, collapsing into smashed pulp, ground down into big - budget Kryptonite ash.
The audio effects add even more satisfaction to the overall experience.
The role demands a performance where the overall effect of the performance remains even in scenes where her character is not present, and Collette delivers.
Instead, even with the melange of technological and geographic razzle - dazzle at the crew's disposal, there is very little joy in this film; the overall effect on screen bears more than a passing resemblance to what might have occurred with a hypothetical pairing of James Cameron and John Calvin; the decision to eliminate over seventy - five per cent of the cast within the first forty minutes doesn't help the situation very much.
But his film maintains enough hustle that even simplistic gestures tend to get by, contribute profitably to the overall effect of more - than - competent observation, as when, in an unstressed behind - the - credits bit of business, a girl whose «talent» is packing a suitcase has her suitcase burst open at the foot of the airport gangway.
The sound of arrows, bears, and even DiCaprio's breathing are profound and crucial to the overall effect, as are the animal skin garments and other costumes.
A growing body of research suggests that college remediation programs — meant to bolster the skills of students deemed underprepared for the rigors of postsecondary study — seem to make very little positive difference to students, and may even have a negative effect on overall success in college.
The overall social losses run even higher, given the ripple effects of the strike on third parties.
And, even with small effects on the non-poor, shouldn't we have seen fairly dramatic improvements in overall educational and labor market outcomes?
Katharine and Brad Marianno show that even during the Great Recession, which had profound effects on the public sector, teacher contracts didn't change much overall.
That is, students who didn't think they were ready for college but were pushed into attending may have difficulty finishing and other students who enroll later may be better prepared at that point to succeed, causing the overall effect of these nudges to be null or even negative.
Accordingly, even though their data for this part of this study come from one district, their findings are similar to others evidenced in the «Widget Effect» report; hence, there are still likely educational measurement (and validity) issues on both ends (i.e., with using such observational rubrics as part of America's reformed teacher evaluation systems and using survey methods to put into check these systems, overall).
But because school effects on average levels of achievement are smaller than the effects of families and communities, even if teachers were the largest school effect, they would not be a very big portion of the overall effect.
The sheer variety of these options makes it difficult to distinguish or even speculate on the overall effect that a K12 school might have on the environment in which it is situated.
The overall effect is that of a smaller car, even though the now - mandatory long - wheelbase US model is actually an inch longer than the car it replaces.
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