Sentences with phrase «overall membership»

In the last five years alone, the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers has reported a 25 percent increase in overall membership.
Since the failure of Clegg's proposals, the Lords has implemented a series of minor reforms to its membership and practices, such as allowing peers to retire in an effort to keep overall membership figures down, and to improve its reputation.
In stark contrast to the slowdown within the construction sector overall membership (including students) of the CIOB, between July 2008 and July 2009, has grown by 9 % with almost 3500 new members joining.
While Are you Interested may have a larger Facebook presence, Zoosk still has a much larger overall membership base thanks to the popularity of their dating website.
Assisted with the creation of a variety of online media using WebManager, applications, materials, and program booklets using Adobe InDesign and social media posts using HootSuite - all leading to a rise in overall membership and community involvement
Much of the overall membership drop has to do with Aetna's individual insurance sector, which has been struggling to maintain profits in the Obamacare insurance marketplaces (which Aetna largely pulled out of for 2017.)
There is little evidence to support the contention that religious programs on television are increasing the overall membership of the church.
SDS's Scottish Supporters Network represents over 14,000 individuals and an overall membership of over 30,000
The party says its membership has experienced the fastest rate of growth in its history, pushing its overall membership to 58,083, which is still behind the Greens, SNP, Labour and the Conservatives.
I believe the reason for this is plain political realism about CF's position within the party: even if Conservative Future were somehow to fall entirely into the hands of one or other side (and of course nearly all members are to be found on the spectrum somewhere in between), it would do little to change the overall membership of the party, and do essentially nothing to the composition of the parliamentary party.
In addition, we weighted the trade union data to the most recent published figures for the overall membership of each affiliated trade union.
My estimate of overall membership is based on an assumed attrition rate of ten percent a year from death, defeat or retirement, and includes the 14 from the Class of 2009 who departed with downsizing.
Overall membership had increased this year, with an extra 1.7 % joining during conference week.
Now that the internet is so prevalent, mail order bride websites and services can all be put in one place to judge their quality and overall membership.
If the total number doesn't even exceed 500, it means the overall membership size would be pretty small.
The overall membership was strong and they have a number of «free profile features» which allow you to test the waters without quite committing to a paid membership.
If you want to gauge the importance and popularity of a dating website of this kind, then you first need to look at the overall membership of the site.
The latter is a significant jump and proves that within a few years that statistic could reach close to 20 % of the overall membership.
Though people of color still only constitute 13 percent of the Academy's overall membership, between 2015 and 2017 there was a 331 percent increase in those offered membership.
The overall membership delivers children's activity in over 7,500 schools and community locations.
The NEA has 200,000 members who work on university campuses as well, for an overall membership that makes it the largest single organization in the shrinking category of organized labor, once a stalwart of political power within the Democratic Party.
Since the group was self - selected, unlike in a randomized poll, it's difficult to estimate how well their answers reflect the views of the overall membership.
The main topic of interest in the Prairie provinces was the Agency Task Force Report, while the Real Estate Services Act was of interest in B.C.. From the feedback, there was a wide range of understanding by the overall membership as to the disclosure requirement expectations that the regulators have of the licensees.
«Overall, our Western Canada region experienced a very successful year, with tremendous growth in overall membership,» says regional executive vice president Elton Ash.
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