Sentences with phrase «overall message»

Including the cultural contexts and overall message of the bible, the interpretation fits.
In general, the more your students study to understand the concepts and overall message of your course material, the more likely it is that they'll perform well on exams.
Stephen Carter, political strategist and campaign manager to Naheed Nenshi for mayor campaign: «Overall message from Jim Prentice — is «choose your future» — and she is standing immediately to my left.
[10] Despite the fact that the idea of using a gorilla as group symbol might have been accidental, the choice is nevertheless pertinent to the group's overall message in several key ways.
Postali's design team will create a digital experience for your firm that highlights each practice area on your website but ensures your firm's overall message remains consistent.
When searching for gifts consider your adoption type, the feelings and level of comfort of the adoptive parents, what overall message you want to tell your child, and your child's age.
They also lack the ability to ramp up their tech needs quickly, to begin fundraising methodically, to recruit volunteers, and to solicit and contribute to overall message coordination.
Sometimes the dialogue becomes a little technical for casual viewers, but overall the messages evoke a sense of camaraderie and work - the - problem attitudes, which seem all but absent from our current politically - correct, risk - avoiding society.
Overall this message film is slow and not a little downbeat.
Simplify your sentences, get rid of unnecessary words, and stick to a single overall message with a call to action.
There's many ways to communicating that message and different ways to brand that message, so make sure you are utilizing each outlet to present a similar overall message.
After building a strong personal brand for your resume, transfer the same overall message to your social media profiles, while adding g keywords (skills) to help boost your traffic and searchability.
My career objectives are to develop marketing strategies to support companies overall go to market strategy; continue to build high impact marketing teams to support significant revenue growth; develop overall messaging and content, and launch products and lead generation campaigns and events.
Your logo will communicate things to consumers about your brand, so you need to ensure that its design fits your company's overall message.
«It was a distraction, and it took away from the overall message that we also have a very, very attractive smartphone.»
The software is able to translate unstructured data like comments and «likes» into trends, moods and the overall message from your customers.
Regardless, the overall message and delivery were excellent.»
But the story is interesting, the music is engaging, and the overall message really tugs on the heartstrings.
You could break the overall message into past, present, and future; your team, the business unit, and the whole company; short - term, medium - term, and long - term plans.
A technical blunder doesn't have to be the death of your presentation or overall message.
This may seem obvious, but one of the biggest ways to derail your employees from being productive is sending them mixed message about your company's end - goal and overall message.
The overall message: Don't develop your content schedule on a whim: The leading streaming platforms have already experimented with various content - release strategies, so you don't have to.
I felt mildly guilty about copying the overall message from one to the next, but that feeling passed when I personalized each one.
The overall message of the conference emphasised the need to address social, economic and material inequalities in cities and urban areas.
Remember that your delivery also includes your vocal and non-verbal communication (body language), which are critical to the success of your overall message.
Your overall messaging and image is very important, so consistency is the key.
The overall message in The Global Opportunity report 2015 is clear: Never have the risk been that many, that goes for the opportunities too.
Don't get me wrong, but the overall message here is one of just sheer optimism.»
There's a lot to unpack in Trump's tweet, but the overall message is pretty clear: The president doesn't seem to have a full grasp of what's going on here.
The overall message is that things are not what they seem, nor are they driven by the real fundamentals.
While the overall message is positive, a sizable minority of respondents (18 percent) noted that they do not expect to grow in 2017.
Sharpie benefited from their branded hashtag by promoting creativity and self - expression — concepts that align with their overall messaging strategy.
I can see the overall message - which I don't feel the need to simply take or leave - as one telling us that we can be better than nature.
«If you truly study the Bible, understand that some meaning is changed through translation or time and study what the overall message is, it is one of love.
it has No consistent message, No consistent theme, No overall message, NO coherent message... it is a mix of all different cultures, mythologies, moralities, codes of laws... i could show you Stephen King books that hold together better... Shakespeare was a much better writer than those «inspired»..
While I agree with Leslie's overall message I have to say Josh was right.
This indeed may be so however the clock introduces an interesting consideration to the overall message of the edifice.
If I redid the video tomorrow, I'd keep the overall message, but would articulate, elaborate, and expand on the parts where my words and delivery were chosen poorly... My prayer is my generation would represent Christ faithfully and not swing to the other spectrum....
They are, we think, important to the overall message of the Letter.
Obviously, the professor (it was Dr. John Hart, by the way) then said something about how these verses can not contradict, and so we would need to understand both in light of the other and the overall message of 1 John as a whole.
Similarly, DeGioia's overall message was a call to return to a tradition of tolerance that some conservatives, at least, have forgotten to conserve.
The bible has truly awful things in it — totally inconsistent with the overall message of Christianity.
As far as the overall message, I think there's a lot of truth there.
But I feel like their overall message was lost amongst the pretty landscape images, inspiring quotes and product promotions.

Phrases with «overall message»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z