Sentences with phrase «overall mood of»

The outbursts tend to be out of proportion to the situation that triggered them, occur three to four times per week, and the overall mood of the child between outbursts is irritable.
Still a powerhouse, it has been subject, like all crypto, to the overall mood of the market.»
A single stone sculpture inhabits the gallery as a vulnerable, lone figure, while the black portal of Elsewhere, nearby, and the tilted head of the figure in London Fields on the same wall, all contribute to an overall mood of melancholy and dislocation.
LHL: What I like about it is that it's kind of flawed in its accuracy, but it's the program they use to analyze the overall mood of crowds.
(New York Times critic Roberta Smith described this one as «spatially gracious to art and visitors alike, and exceptionally good looking, with an overall mood of easy accessibility.»)
It readies the player for the overall mood of the game, it's competitive and exciting, yet brings a lot of joy to the participant.
You can also affect the overall mood of your city to be it Friendly, Carefree, and Orderly which can buff certain aspects of the game like giving you extra scrolls.
Each skill you use contributes to the overall mood of the encounter which takes the enemies mood into account.
Their genuine, kind - hearted service reflects the overall mood of the region.
Everything in it was a work of art, with an overall mood of Balinese serenity and comfort.
But there's a lot going on over the holidays than can affect the overall mood of pets.»
With such sparse text, Munoz's pictures are essential to the overall mood of the book.
Like the wounds that can't heal in a day, it becomes part of the overall mood of struggle and despair.
The storyline was out of this world but it fit with the overall mood of making it as you go.
For us, this one comes top because it remains Anderson's most complete and most focused drama — there are cute asides and set - pieces, but here they all serve to enhance the overall mood of the film.
us scoring in the dying minutes wil keep the overall mood of the team good for UCL... This team played good attacking football but we need DM against Bayern... Case has been a bit poor lately but hopefully zidane trusts him and starts him...
Fifty - eight percent of American teenagers say episodes of school violence reflect the overall mood of teens today.

Not exact matches

Even allowing for uncontrolled factors such as diet, previous night sleep quality and mood, employees» overall sharpness fell by an average of 15 percent when CO2 levels reached «moderate» levels of about 945 parts per million (ppm).
People are relying more on their home environments to boost their moods and overall sense of well - being.
«Our overall mood influences our willingness to take risks,» said Victor Ricciardi, finance professor at Goucher College and co-editor of the book «Investor Behavior: The Psychology of Financial Planning and Investing.»
Overall, the negative - mood group was better at detecting deception than the neutral or positive groups, correctly identifying the liars more often,» Newman writes of some of the relevant research.
Not only will they have a dramatic effect on the mood and productivity of your employees, as well as on overall aesthetic impression in your offices, but plant waste can be used as an organic fertilizer.
Now that you've assessed the mood of the overall market, the next step in identifying good CSEP candidates is to create a screener (or screeners) to help find potential stocks or ETFs.
In the last two years as the bull argument has been pummeled into reality by the surge in debt, the persistent failure of consumption growth to close the gap with GDP growth, and the sharp slowdown in overall growth, the mood abroad has turned increasingly bearish, to the point that many people are speaking about a China collapse and the horrible implications this will have for the rest of the world.
The combination of these four sentiment measures makes up our Sentiment Barometer, which assesses the overall mood being expressed in relation to the French elections.
«The whole idea behind a 21 - day switch to a healthful diet is to get into the habit of eating well and losing the taste and cravings for unhealthful products,» says PCRM's Susan Levin, MS, RD. «Benefits we often see and hear from our Kickstart participants include increased energy, better skin, reduced joint pain, weight loss, and an overall better mood
I have never been a very patient man but I'm usually in a good mood and overall happy kind of guy.
A birth plan will outline what you hope to happen during your birthing experience like who you want in the room with you, what kind of props you desire to help you through the contractions (such as music to listen to or pictures to look at), what kind of pain medications you may want to take to ease your labor pain, and the overall mood you hope to achieve in your birthing room.
They can affect your child's appetite, sleep or mood and, in turn, interfere with their daily activities and overall enjoyment of life.
For many women who suffer from either of these conditions, getting in and out of bed can become arduous, sleep may become vastly interrupted, and overall mood may become greatly impacted.
Do not impose your training program if she seems to be very resistant or if sleep training results in worsening of his overall behavior and mood.
Democrats described the overall mood on budget talks as «very different» from the start of this session.
In addition to supporting the overall effectiveness of school - based mental health care, follow - up analyses revealed that school - based services targeting child behavior problems were particularly effective, relative to services targeting child attention problems, mood and anxiety problems, or substance use.
People who followed the diet also had higher scores on a questionnaire that measured their quality of life and overall mood.
The most evident effect coffee has on the brain is mood improvement as well as improvement of the overall wellbeing.
Overall, the powerhouse root remains somewhat of a mystery — and claims that it helps ease symptoms of PMS and menopause like cramps, hot flashes and mood swings are largely unsubstantiated.
Exercise will not only revive your overall level of energy, but it can reverse the effects of stress and mood swings by increasing the release of endorphins and provide you with a feeling of accomplishment and enhanced self - confidence as well.
Chromotherapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine that explores the effect color can have on our moods, emotions and overall state of mind.
The individual and combined effects of these compounds, when released in high amounts, control anxiety, decrease depression, increase your mood and motivation, fight off mental fatigue and increase the overall sense of well - being.
«Color affects your mood, energy level, and overall sense of well - being,» explains Karla Smith, head technician at Greenhouse Spa in Arlington, Texas.
The greatest medical turnaround in the past 150 years is the discovery of the microbiome, the community of bacteria living within our gastrointestinal tract that plays a critical role in our digestion, immune system, mood, vitality, and overall brain health.
Eating healthfully not only helps us live longer by preventing chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, but it also boosts energy and mood, increasing our overall quality of life.
One study out of Japan found that taking a walk in the woods as opposed to the city delivered a 12 percent decrease in cortisol levels, 7 percent decrease in sympathetic (fight - or - flight) nerve activity, and 6 percent decrease in heart rate, not to mention a better mood overall.
Probiotics, or «friendly» bacteria have linked to a number of protective outcomes, including overall digestive health, anti-inflammation, obesity prevention, enhanced mood and mental calm and stronger immunity.
Knowing this, individuals who want to improve their mood and overall sense of wellbeing should consider infrared saunas as an effective and healthy way of treating Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Years of research have confirmed that healthy probiotic balance has a trickle down effect on immune response, energy level, mood, and the overall wellness of every body system.
The scent of the essential oils can enhance your mood and affect your emotional wellness and overall health.
Though, that's not all; it also offers specific types of prostaglandins that support the overall balance and mood of a person.
Click the button to read more about exercises that can both boost your testosterone level, elevate your mood, and help you maintain better overall health — lessen your risk of developing both Low T and heart disease with smarter workouts.
However, giving up gluten is one of the first things I recommend to my patients, as it can lead to sweeping changes in your overall health, vitality, energy and mood.
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