Sentences with phrase «overall quality of life in communities»

In fact, research shows the significant positive effect homeownership has on individual net worth, civic participation, educational achievement and overall quality of life in communities across America.
«In a larger sense, Americans strongly value the role of public libraries in their communities, both for providing access to materials and resources and for improving the overall quality of life in their communities.

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Rafael has proven himself to be a courageous and effective fighter — for public safety, for enhancing the overall quality of life in our Bronx neighborhoods, and for making government more responsive to community needs.
Dr. Nolan is examining the impact of walking in the exoskeleton on gait function, balance, and neuromuscular responses, as well as community participation and overall quality of life.
By trapping, caring for, and releasing these animals in and around our communities, we can make a significant difference in their overall health and quality of life.
Overall, Commerce Bank's Corporate Giving Program has contributed more than $ 56 million to nonprofit organizations, helping improve the quality of life of the people living in the communities served by the bank.
As we electrify transportation, disproportionately impacted communities living along major roadways will be able to breathe cleaner air, improving overall health and quality of life in those communities.
Family systems are microcosms of the larger community, in that vein, having a voice, boundaries and shared goals improves the quality of life overall.
Discriminatory housing practices create racial and economic segregation in communities that can lead to disparate outcomes in overall quality of life.
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