Sentences with phrase «overall texture»

Well I have noticed an improvement in overall texture, but to be honest I take it more for preventative care — the added collagen will help prevent wrinkles.
Powered By: Amazonian clay: Amazonian clay will work to nourish lids, reduce surface oil and improve overall texture for easy application and better wear.
However, they'll likely have a better overall texture if you wrap the buns, unfrosted, and store them in the freezer until the day you're ready to serve them.
Overall texture smooth and almost glossy after baking / frying 4.
It maximizes this process to improve the loaf size and overall texture as well as the color and taste of the finished bread.
Each sequence begins with a fade - in and ends with a fade - out, creating a ghostly overall texture that seems inseparable from the film's complex relation to nostalgia.
When used in cheese, AMF improves overall texture and melting behavior.
I am unsure how that would change the overall texture of the grahams... it may make them very soft and (or) dry, but you could give it a try!
The overall texture of this spread is super smooth and fairly thick once it cools down, especially upon refrigeration, but if you'd like it a lot thicker then just reduce the amount of coconut milk to 2/3 cup.
And after the millet had a bit of time to soften / soak up moisture it seemed to meld much more with the overall texture of the bread.
The first time I made a mango - banana - pineapple smoothie, I didn't add anything to the fruit combo... but, I have to say, adding almond milk really helped smooth out the overall texture.
Yes, I used pumpkin and also Truvia as the only sweetener, so I think that might affect the overall texture too.
The dill and the Asiago cheese creates a beautiful bright flavor when combined and the walnuts add to the overall texture and taste.
The dill and the Asiago cheese creates a beautiful bright flavor when combined and the walnuts add to the overall texture...
The overall texture for both breads was deemed soft but hearty, and each had a wonderfully nutty aroma and flavor.
I think this improved the overall texture of the tourtiere and helped to minimize crumbling when cut.
Coconut flour is mainly used to help bring the cake together and help with the overall texture.
The moisture from the ganache seeps into the dry macaroon, softening the overall texture of the macaroon, so that when you bite into it, it sinks into your teeth like a soft, spongy, chewy cookie.
You'll get a better overall texture.
I liked the overall texture but thought it needed more oil or butter.
Lastly, the overall texture is just so creamy and fantastic.
The texture of your peanut butter affects the overall texture of these cookies.
Thank you tons, I'm excited for you to make this too:) as for the tofu — I'm not positive about the overall texture after baking, but it may do okay?
Enzymes such as amylase are added to process the yeast more effectively and improve the overall texture and taste of the bread.
A nice drizzle of hazelnut oil on some roasted squash, or pistachio oil in a quinoa salad - they have the essence of their nut, while also giving that moisture to the overall texture.
The overall texture can also be affected temporarily.
I still see some flyaways, but overall the texture is a huge improvement from my hair's natural state!
In an idle moment, while staring at a set of solar system data, it occurred to me that it might be interesting to display a set of planetary surfaces on an equal footing, where the overall texture of these worlds was visible (although topography is probably a more -LSB-...]
It helps with the overall texture of the product.
It's not quite as smooth as «the real thing,» but overall the texture is pleasingly pudding - like... thick, rich, and creamy.
Adding yeast to bread dough is essential for the overall texture, appearance and flavor of your gluten free bread.
It effectively addresses wrinkles, fine lines and spots, while also improving the overall texture and tone of your skin.
It is vital to collagen production and may help reduce wrinkles and improve the skin's overall texture, according to the Cleveland Clinic.
Additionally, it improves the overall texture by delivering moisture to deeper layers in the skin.
We love it because it's great at helping to balance the skin's natural oil production and improve overall texture and elasticity.
Additionally, Rosehip Seed Oil is known to improve the overall texture of the skin through its ability to deliver moisture to deeper layers in the skin.
Use a product formulated with glycolic or salicylic acid which removes dead skin cells and can help smooth your skin's overall texture.
I've found that it gives me medium coverage; my pores appear smaller and my overall texture is a bit smoothed out.
This will add an overall texture to the look and make it a little less polished and more fun.
Did you know that vitamin c is amazing at increasing collagen production, which helps your skin to look younger by softening the overall texture and decreasing wrinkles?
With the BB shampoo, I've noticed less frizz in the overall texture of my hair.
It adds to the overall texture of the look!
The removal of dead skin cells at the surface level is vital to improving overall texture and tone, but harsh scrubs and granular exfoliants often cause more damage than they do good.
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