Sentences with phrase «overall warming effect»

The climate engineers can and are creating large scale toxic temporary cool - downs at the cost of a worsened overall warming effect to the planet.
Overall the warming effect of conduction would exceed the energy lost by evaporation hence the melting.
You can read the second part of the piece to see that ENSO has not even had an overall warming effect over the last 15 years.
Seeding the clouds in this way would cause them to dissipate more quickly, lessening their overall warming effect.
I thought I read a few findings that showed that aerosols actually had an overall warming effect rather than a cooling one (brown cloud over Asia raising temps).
Methane, CFCs, ozone, nitrous oxide and soot all have an overall warming effect.
You might associate ice cream with balmy weather, but the many spices in this recipe provide an earthy, invigorating, and overall warming effect.
The latest research suggests that it amounts to about 4 percent of the «radiative forcing,» which is the fancy term scientists use to talk about the overall warming effects of greenhouse gases.

Not exact matches

The sauce is fresh and tomato - y, the sour cream / cream cheese layers are creamy and tangy and indulgent, the breaded eggplant slices are tasty and «meaty» and the overall effect is warm, cheesy and delicious.
Overall these aerosol effects promote cooling that could offset the warming effect of long - lived greenhouse gases to some extent.
Overall, the group is pressing for final passage of climate legislation during this Congress because delays will make it more difficult to avoid the most severe effects of global warming.
In a recent study, for instance, well - respected climate models were shown to have completely opposing estimates for the overall effect of the clouds and smoke in the southeast Atlantic: Some found net warming, whereas others found cooling.
The warming effect of emissions complicates this cycle, so modelling the overall effect is fraught with uncertainty.
Despite the warming effect identified by his team, Zhou points out that the region overall has not got significantly warmer since 2003.
global warming The gradual increase in the overall temperature of Earth's atmosphere due to the greenhouse effect.
Although a significant natural influence on weather patterns, the temperature effects of the cycle smooth out over years and decades, and aren't linked to the overall warming trend.
They tend to believe that as the planet warms, low - level cloud cover will increase, thus increasing planetary albedo (overall reflectiveness of the Earth), offsetting the increased greenhouse effect and preventing a dangerous level of global warming from occurring.
As much as I wanted to warm to it, the overall effect translated as a bit more dowdy and ageing than I would have preferred.
But I also believe that the goals of such a program will take decades to reach, and some intermediate steps will have to be taken to slow down the overall effects of global warming.
Although it is too soon to know whether overall projections for Arctic warming should be changed, the recent temperatures add to uncertainty and raises the possibility of knock - on effects accelerating climate change.
So, clouds both warm and cool, and their overall effect upon climate depends upon the balance between albedo cooling and greenhouse warming.
Although a significant natural influence on interannual weather, the temperature effects of the cycle smooth out over years and decades, and aren't linked to the overall warming trend.
I ask because my limited understanding is that temperature is related to kinetic energy, but would not register an overall increase in potential energy, in which case energy from the sun could be partitioned in heat energy emitted from the planet and work used to increase potential energy, possibly allowing an energy balance that does not require a radiation balance, and also does not require a warming effect.
These latter two effects are expected to lead to slight warming, but the overall impact of land use changes is expected to be negative (i.e. a cooling)(Myhre and Myhre, 2003), although the uncertainty is still significant (maybe 0.5 W / m2 either way).
Neither 20th century warming overall nor the warming of recent decades seem to show an effect on India's rainfall, either taken annually, seasonally, or monthly. publishes photos and anecdotal evidence that microsite influences inflate the warming trend but no data analysis to determine whether there's any actual effect on the overall temperature record.
Spencer + Braswell have shown that over the tropics on a shorter - term basis, the net overall feedback from clouds with warming is negative; this is largely due to an increase in reflection of incoming radiation by increased clouds with a smaller effect from the reduction of energy trapping high altitude clouds, which slow down outgoing radiation by absorbing and re-radiating energy.
There were many ups and downs, but they had little effect on the overall warming of about 0.5 — 0.6 C calculated for the entire interval (compare the black line with the individual red and blue bars)..
Whenever I talk about Global Warming, I generally try to stress that «Global Warming» and «Climate Change» describe different parts of an overall effect that we tend to lump together.
Interestingly, the paper «Climate Trends and Global food production since 1980» (Lobell, Schlenker, Costa - Roberts, in Sciencexpress, 5 May, Science 1204531) confirms my finding of the absence of climate change in the USA: «A notable exception to the [global] warming pattern is the United States, which produces c. 40 % of global maize and soybean and experienced a slight cooling over the period... the country with largest overall share of crop production (United States) showed no [adverse] effect due to the lack of significant climate trends».
So although warm water is reaching the continental shelves, and creating some melting, the overall effect is to deliver a cold freshwater layer to the top hundred metres or so of the surrounding ocean.
Stuart L I am a stupid layman, but wonder about the effects of water vapour (clouds) when I lived in the UK cloud conditions would cause the temps to be milder (warmer) here in Philippines cloud causes cooler conditions, how can one calculate the overall effect on the earths surface?.
Overall, the evidence suggests that these effects are not enough to account for the global warming observed since 1880.
To me all the witnesses and senators are obviously persons of consequence but I don't think your excerpt shows that anyone should think he takes issue with this statement — «No one questions that surface temperatures have increased overall since 1880, or that humans are adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, or that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases have a warming effect on the planet.»
The present warming phase is now around 15000 years old in its obvious effects, perhaps 20000 in overall duration, and is leading back, as might a «tidal effect», running back from the equator returning to the Polar Regions, which are NOW showing the effects in an observable manner.
The CLAs advised against including this statement in the SPM, noting that: the research is currently inconclusive; overestimation of the models is too small to explain the overall effect and not statistically significant; and it is difficult to pinpoint the role of changes in radiative forcing in causing the reduced warming trend, with Co-Chair Stocker referring to this issue as an «emerging science topic.»
The researchers think the overall effect of the tropical expansion could be similar to that of El Nino, a phenomenon in which warm water in the west Pacific moves eastward toward the Americas.
The overall effect of the high thin cirrus clouds then is to enhance atmospheric greenhouse warming.
This availability of natural gas supplies does reduce the buildup of greenhouse gasses, but the effects are not very significant in terms of the overall threat of global warming.
However, because it is well understood that the influence of the exact sea surface temperatures in Europe is small compared to the overall effect of global warming, these numbers provide a good first step towards answering the climate question.»
Only 67.7 % did so when it referred to «global warming,» resulting in an overall wording effect of 6.3 percentage points (χ2 (1, N = 2261) = 10.66, p =.001).
Overall, UHI effects contribute 24.2 % to regional average warming trends.
Bated, A warming lower troposphere results from increased greenhouse gases in the troposphere, with differing effects on other regions of the overall atmosphere (cooling in the stratosphere and mesosphere for example).
The future scenarios project reduced burning in Africa and an overall slightly increased warming effect.
Overall, it concluded that it would be in the developing world where the net adverse effects would be greatest, and that, as a consequence, by the end of the century, if nothing was done to stop the warming, living standards in the developing world, instead of being rather more than nine times as high as they are today, would «only» be rather more than eight times as high as they are today.
They say that world would actually warm up by just 1.64 °C overall, and the vegetation - cooling effect would be stronger over land to boot — thus temperatures on land would would be a further 0.3 °C cooler compared to the present sims.»
While a number of natural factors have certainly contributed to the overall decline in sea ice, the effects of greenhouse warming are now coming through loud and clear.»
It does magnify the night - time greenhouse effect by warming the clouds or the higher levels of the atmosphere, thus increasing the amount of heat radiated back to the surface; though the overall effect is to reduce net planetary greenhouse warming by limiting the temperature gradient.
While some austerity mongers, like David Cameron in Britain, claim to care about global warming and may believe that the fictional shortage of government money he promotes is a stand - in for the real shortage of atmospheric assets of the earth, the overall effect of austerity is to, as with neoliberalism more generally, to undermine the critically important instrument of government at exactly the time when it is needed most.
While this could easily be reconciled by warming caused by other than CO2, don't we largely know what effects these are and believe them to have an overall slight cooling effect?
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