Sentences with phrase «overblown claims»

"Overblown claims" means exaggerated or inflated statements that are made to sound more significant or impressive than they actually are. Full definition
These are just a few examples of how «local» wind power opponents like John Droz and Lisa Linowes have teamed up with powerful special interest groups to perpetuate overblown claims about wind power and military radar operations.
WHO experts dismissed the report as «nothing new» and decried what they see as overblown claims from a group that they say has cried wolf before.
Amazon introduced its new Kindle 2 today with the usual overblown claims that any product vendor is bound to make.
These benefits are almost certainly exaggerated, but there may be a nugget of truth at the bottom of such overblown claims.
But in the heat of the moment, the four remaining GOP candidates often made inaccurate or overblown claims (some of which repeated statements they've made previously on the campaign trail).
When people mistakenly buy into the overblown claims of instant happiness, they can begin habits of self - blame and fear of failure, especially when they don't achieve the outcome they've been promised.
No doubt technology firms, primarily interested in earning a buck, can sometimes make overblown claims.
The challenge is to stand out from the crowd without being too cute with fancy typography or overblown claims to imminent fame.
Contrary to the overblown claims made by those of us who frequent health food stores, coconuts (and their oil) are just foods — they are not magical cures.
Fort Drum is just the latest military base to become the subject of overblown claims by wind power opponents with ties to fossil fuel interests.
Hysterical and overblown claims that runaway climate change is about to kill your granny are only half wrong: what's likely to do the old -LSB-...]
Elimination of the flowery phrases and overblown claims used by so many resumes.
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