Sentences with phrase «overcrowded prisons»

The phrase "overcrowded prisons" means that there are too many prisoners in a jail or correctional facility, causing it to be very crowded and filled beyond its intended capacity. Full definition
There are fewer opportunities for rehabilitative work in overcrowded prisons due to a lack of supervision and inmates are confined to their cells for longer, causing greater tensions between prisoners and with prison staff.
Throughout my career in Congress, I have worked to try to update our laws so that they better reflect our country's priorities - priorities that I believe should be focused on keeping our communities safe instead of overcrowding our prisons with low level offenders and harming the futures of many young Americans because of what often amount to minor offenses.
The most overcrowded prison in England and Wales, according to official figures, is Shrewsbury, which currently holds 316 men, despite being designed to hold just 177.
Advocates opposed to strict sentencing guidelines have long criticized the drug laws for overcrowding prisons, making for a heavy expense on state government in the process, while doing little to curtail crime.
«You've got overcrowded prisons, next to no rehabilitation support in those, and CRCs struggling under huge caseloads to actually put the mechanisms in place that might allow clients to turn their lives around,» Lawrence said.
The resolution service could go out into the community acting as a dispute resolution and support service for all within society; anti-social behaviour matters could be channelled to appropriate local services instead of towards overcrowded prisons.
Then the prison service overcrowds prisons and cuts officer numbers, making it impossible for those staff that do remain to deliver decent teaching.
We are spending ever increasing amounts on imprisonment while at the same time, prisoners are not being rehabilitated, recidivism rates are high and return to prison rates are creating overcrowded prisons.
The ten most overcrowded prisons are all state owned, as the table below shows:
At a time when the public purse is under pressure, these funds could be better spent on «diversion» programmes where offenders are helped to access community support programmes rather than locked up in overcrowded prisons.
The Report urges a new solution for overcrowded prisons, including de-criminalizing minor offenses and training and mentoring programs for re-entry into society.
I AM sick and tired of MY tax dollars supporting an overcrowded prison system.
Back when you were their age, parents could let their kids hang out at parks, or on the streets without having to worry about their kids coming home in body bags from friendly fire from the overabundance of guns we have in our society, or some nutcase kidnapping and or molesting them because he was released on parole from an overcrowded prison with severe cutbacks to parole officers.
Bankrupt regions, impoverished hospitals, overcrowded prisons: Brexit will affect everybody in Europe.
To give one example of that quickly, within the last several months at court, several barristers were kept waiting while prisoners refused to alight from a bus because they were worried about losing their places in an overcrowded prison system.
Director of the Howard League for Penal Reform, Frances Crook, said: «We welcome the publication of this report and hope this signals a robust line from the government that we can not continue simply cramming more and more people into our overcrowded prisons.
Overcrowded prisons and high reoffending levels are being deliberately overlooked by ministers according to a damning report published today.
Overcrowded prisons are to blame for last year's sharp increase in self - inflicted deaths among prisoners in England and Wales, it has been claimed.
His conclusions refocused blame away from the individual guards and onto the overcrowded prison conditions that allowed the fire to endanger so many lives.
It's a sharp, necessary look into the nature of incarceration in one of the nation's most overcrowded prisons...»
The documentary brings our attention to the human rights issues created by the country's drug policy and the overcrowded prison system.
For too long, «tough on crime» policies have deliberately targeted our black, brown, and working class communities — ICE is tearing apart families, our youth are being criminalized in school and treated as adults by our overzealous criminal justice system, and the legal system's reliance on cash bail continues to overcrowd our prisons, keeping the House of Correction facility open despite its notoriety for its decrepit conditions.
But it did prompt me to think about where our country is headed in regards to overcrowded prisons, how we deal with criminals and what would lead us to consider that abortion is the worst crime
At first, I thought melachroming would solve the problem of our overcrowded prisons - especially for nonviolent crimes.
These filthy, overcrowded prisons were brought over to the American colonies and continued to exist well after United States independence.
There was lots of legal fodder in the spring report from the federal auditor general as it raised questions about the country's overcrowded prisons and the state of pensions for public servants.
Two possible alternatives to continuous and expensive prison building, Lord Carter wrote, were to overcrowd prisons to indecent and unsafe levels or to implement continuous measures to release offenders from prison earlier.
Coming up next in the series: • Findings of the Ombudsman's investigation into rehabilitation prospects in Victoria's overcrowded prisons • The Koori cultural program for young Aboriginal people in the Melbourne Youth Justice Centre at Parkville.
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