Sentences with word «overfocus»

They become overfocused on parenting a parent who is coping poorly with the divorce.
I try and make the posts which have any of my income or net worth figures as salient and miniscule as possible so folks don't overfocus on the numbers, but the message and the how.
«Avoid overfocusing on it and getting into a battle of wills,» Walker says.
To move away from overfocus on legal technology and also address the matter of «privilege», it would be useful for lawyers, law librarians and records managers to focus on: * human behaviour and how human beings each have a different mental mapping of information — people might use different phrases or words to mean the same thing.
You can become so overfocused on the general information you read, that you can miss the forest for the trees.
«We can overfocus on work, kids, the house, and legitimize that the kids and work come first,» says Cohen.
B2B organizations have begun to overfocus on the contact and are forgetting that it's the company (or account) that needs to be qualified, not the contact or «lead.»
am I the only one worried that there seems to be an overfocus on the Chelsea game and nothing on the Zagreb one?
Other side effects may occur in children on too high a dosage or those that are overly sensitive to stimulants and might cause them to be «overfocused on the medication or appear dull or overly restricted.»
«This government is worried that our ability to be best positioned to take advantage of it is going to be completely undermined by an overfocus on Afghanistan.»
Just as Wall Street has degenerated into an overfocus on quarterly reports, Capitol Hill has an overfocus on this year's budget skirmishes.
Critics of vocational schools often point to the absence of academics and an overfocus of programs on simply getting people to work.
As he adjusts her dosage for maximal effect, he will monitor her for side effects such as jitteriness or overfocusing — possible responses to stimulants among children with ADHD and an anxiety disorder.
The child is overfocusing on the potential for a traumatic event to reoccur and can look like they're not paying attention to what they've been asked to focus on.
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