Sentences with phrase «overly broad definition»

an overly broad definition of «public employer», encapsulating any of the various Government of Saskatchewan agencies;
Indeed, it focuses on what these researchers see as the overly broad definition of the term «invasive,» which they note would prohibit taking blood from animals or using anesthesia.
Yesterday, Judge William H. Pauley III agreed, calling the law «offensive to free speech principles» and saying it was based on an «overly broad definition of commercial speech.»
In 2016, the American Association of University Professors issued a highly critical report on OCR's Title IX policies, pointing out that «faculty in disciplines related to gender and sexuality» are particularly «vulnerable to the chilling effect of potential hostile environment charges and are disproportionately affected in their teaching and research due to universities» adoption of overly broad definitions

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Most recently, Guardian reporter Julia Carrie Wong dug up quotes from a 1995 book in which Thiel and his co-author argued the definition of rape was overly broad and included «seductions that are later regretted.»
«Right now, patent trolls are manipulating the overly broad and poorly determined patent definition to win settlements and damages from tens of thousands of real American innovators,» Rep. Issa said in a statement.
But it paves the way for an all - out lobbying effort from activists and labor unions such as DC - 37 and the New York State Nurses Association, which argue that the current definition of safety net is overly broad and that dozens of hospitals, which serve the state's poorest residents, are unable to survive on the current Medicaid rates.
Besides the significant restrictions on consumer choice and increases in consumer costs that flow from an overly - broad definition of the practice of law, such restrictions are also likely to impede substantially the growth of e-commerce and self - help software - based solutions.
«If the aforementioned were not sufficiently egregious examples of the kinds of locations covered by this overly - broad legislation, pursuant to subsection (c) of the definition of «public work» in section 1 of the Public Works Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER P. 55 (hereinafter «PWPA»), a public work includes «any other building, place or work designated a public work by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.»
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