Sentences with phrase «overly emotional is»

However, at Sports Insights we know that the season is long and that being reactionary and overly emotional is one quick way to see your bankroll plummet.

Not exact matches

I'm not an overly emotional person, but it hit me like a shovel.
If you are going to sell, don't be overly emotional or rash.
This often leads to overly emotional, nuanced content that doesn't include all of the facts and is generally unattractive to newcomers.
Loki is cool too, just destined to be the failure of Asgard... he does try to repent but Thor, being overly emotional, kills him before ever getting the chance to pleed his case after locking Thor up to await his death.
Then again, he was created by men who were overly emotional at the time.
Once it's pretty low sugar, don't overly stress about it unless it's causing some other physical or emotional pain.
Now hes out in the media, overly emotional, and teams have to be asking themselves, if that want this guy around.
the mindset to be overly emotional, if its a joke i can laugh but when its written with spite and anger i find it inappropriate
It should be possible to say watching Mayfield is great — and that he has a tendency to get emotional — without being overly hysterical either way.
Well, since you asked, a lot of the articles I have read on WCG lately are overly reactionary, emotional, and opinionated... and not in a good way.
This one was written by RZ, who I usually click of first... but it seems lately his writing has dropped off a bit and become overly emotional as of late.
Calling for the manager's head, spreading vitriol, and booing the team is simply cutting off your nose to spite your face: self defeating, dangerous, overly emotional, short sighted.
You are overly emotional in your reply and write nothing to support any argument.
I tell myself that when it comes to Palestine and Israel, I am overly emotional and under - qualified, and that whatever I say, I'll be hurting someone I care about.
Being overly focused on content often excludes the necessary development of socio - emotional skills.
It is interesting to note that lactivists believe that any piece about breastfeeding that don't include illogical, false overly emotional claims isn't «supportive» of women who breastfeed.
Mothers who are stressed may suffer longer and more difficult labours, higher blood pressure readings and feel permanently exhausted and overly emotional during their pregnancies.
Sometimes parents are embarrassed by overly emotional kids.
And just because he's overly emotional doesn't mean he should miss out on life.
It's been over a year now since Amelia passed away, but I still find myself overly emotional at times, (especially now with the added pregnancy hormones.)
The Pisces woman is passionate, overly emotional, and will be obsessive and nurturing mothers.
While some scholars have decried how important two - parent families are to children's emotional and behavioural regulation, 8 others have suggested fathers» services are quite substitutable and without much measurable impact.9 Such polarized views illustrate the challenges of specifying the key impacts of fathers on children, when and why they emerge, and how discussions can unfold without overly simplifying the complicated realities witnessed firsthand by service providers and scholars of interdisciplinary backgrounds and interests.
Neither sign is fiery like a Leo or overly emotional like a Cancer, meaning Libra and Taurus pairs are fairly level headed.
Others say you should avoid getting overly excited or emotional and simply acknowledge in a calm way that he's done well.
Referencing French physician Alfred Tomatis's work in music therapy on children with dyslexia, attention - deficit disorders and autism in the mid-20th century, he believes music that's not highly emotional or overly rhythmic has a multilayered influence on the individual, from modulating mood to alleviating stress.
While this type of emotional sensitivity is often apparent in an HSP, it's not as simple as being «overly emotional
I have regular cycles and crazy pms... regular breast pain, I'm overly emotional and angered easily during the second half of my cycle.
You may be overly emotional.
Every time I sit down to a meal, I have a choice to eat right and make healthy decisions, but when I'm feeling overly emotional, faced with super-sized portions, or just plain distracted, it's not always so easy.
But because it's hard to show emotional cues in such a brief format, people resort to overly aggressive (and often hurtful) language.
It just seemed overly emotional to me (which for me is a no - go!)
Women tend to get overly emotional and their hormones are raging, so it's only a matter of «Hi, I'm a guy and I'm here to get things going.»
However, like the above example, there's often a disjuncture at play where one person is overly reliant on another's support; this usually presents when two people are overly dependent on each other for emotional validation and fulfillment.
Get mad / overly emotional and waste your precious energy on someone who isn't doing the same for you.
If your dating partner is very self - absorbed, paranoid, overly defensive, easily angered, or anything else that indicates an emotional health deficit, it's best to move on.
For example, if you believe men are untrustworthy or women are overly emotional, you might overreact to something innocent a new dating partner says or does.
Those who are dating another girl on the dating site should avoid three O's: overly attached, overly emotional and oversharing.
Thorny becomes addicted to female hormone pills («Flova Scotia») and behaved with tired gender tropes like becoming overly emotional and bitchy (see, it's funny because... that's what ladies... yeah...).
The reveal of Po's backstory, which both explains why pandas are rare and why his father is a goose, could easily have drifted into being overly sentimental; but while it is emotional at times it is well balanced with humor and action.
Usually, unless you're an «above the line,» $ 30 million - a-picture star, the general attitude with performers is keep them in their cage, so they don't screw things up, because they're overly emotional and want too much.»
There is very little physical action in the film, but lots of emotional and psychological drama, in a movie that, under different hands, would be considered overly long.
It is not overly didactic or preachy and instead gets the perfect balance of emotional impact, political commentary and historical re-enactment.
As a dramatic feature about a heroic figure, «John Rabe» leaves much to be desired: Despite fascinating material, most significant subject (genocide), the overly long film is rather shapeless, lacking the emotional impact that it could have had.
Well - acted and grounded in reality, «Brick Lane» is never overly emotional, even when it deals with the days after 9/11.
Truth is, especially in the stagier scenes that require him to do the emotional dance around his stoic and unresponsive father, the stretchmarks show a little as he tries to expand to fill the role, and instead comes over as overly rehearsed.
It's in this middle passage of the film that The Fault in Our Stars succumbs most to triteness, thanks to an overly moralistic twist that sends Hazel and Augustus into an emotional tailspin.
If you trade with truly disposable capital, you will not become overly - attached to any one trade, and as a result you won't become as emotional as you would if you were trading with money that you really needed for something else.
And if you've read my article on the the Four Horsemen that are killing your trading, you already know that being overly emotional about your trading is how you lose money.
That is to say, it will make you overly - emotional and attached to the trade.
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