Sentences with phrase «overly tight muscles»

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One of the most common causes of back pain is the chest, or pectoralis muscles being overly tight.
Overly tight and weak chest muscles can lead to back pain and neck pain so it's important to not only strengthen your chest muscles, but also stretch them.
That is, many people develop very tight, overly - contracted hamstring muscles (in the back of the thigh), when they don't use their toes and full foot and ankle range of motion during gait.
What is still not widely known is that many pelvic problems in men, i.e. pain, incontinence, and erectile dysfunction, are the result of overly tight, short muscles.
The video below also illustrates a simple one - minute daily stretching routine8 that can help reduce sciatic pain stemming from an overly tight piriformis muscle in your buttocks.
Overly - tight muscles in the chest and anterior (front) of the shoulder, combined with weak and underactive muscles in the middle back, result in the shoulders pulling forward and the chest cavity closing off.
Thus, the proper course of action to remedy the issue is to stretch the overly - tight muscles in the front of the upper body, and to strengthen the overly - weakened muscles in the back.
This muscle can become overly tight after extensive training, or after work that requires lifting and reaching.
When a muscle becomes «tight» (either due to being overactive and habitually contracted, to the opposing musculature being overly - weak and habitually extended, to an accumulation of scar tissue and / or knots, or to any combination of the three), it rests at a suboptimal length and thus functional strength is reduced and proper mobility patterns are affected.
For some women with prolapse, the problem is actually short, tight, overly active pelvic floor muscles rather than weak pelvic floor muscles.
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