Sentences with word «overstimulated»

A better strategy: try to prevent tantrums by making sure your kids get enough rest, have access to foods they like, and don't get overstimulated by holiday excitement.
Sensitive kids can become overstimulated by large crowds, bright lights and chaotic environments.
Children who are by nature more fearful and cautious, or who get overstimulated easily, are more likely to develop fears.
Their immune systems are weak, and they are easily overstimulated by loud noises, smells, and voices.
By the same token, by making sure you don't overstimulate your newborn at night when you want them to sleep, you'll help them adjust to a normal sleep cycle.
Remove a fussy, overstimulated baby from an active environment, and turn on a combination lullaby sound machine and projector to help your little one calm down.
It's not too overstimulating for kids, but also still has engaging activities that help with fine motor skills.
This organ breaks down fat, and when overstimulated from a fatty meal, can result in the following clinical signs:
We also already know that our foster dog is coming into our house already overstimulated from too many people, dogs noises and sounds at the shelter, and we need to help the dog decompress.
These ideas are gorgeous, but I wonder if they would be a little overstimulating for a bedroom?
For example, extroverts are energized by constant stimulation and interactions, whereas introverts are depleted if they are thrown into overstimulating environments.
This leads to a toxic buildup of glutamate, which overstimulates brain activity.
Not feeling overstimulated by nighttime hoopla, your baby will adjust to a day / night cycle
That's why experts recommend that shopaholics avoid overstimulating shopping environments or waiting 24 hours before making purchases.
The voice of common sense in Megamind's mentally overstimulated world, the character isn't as a sharp or as funny as he could be.
Why it works: Babies can easily become overstimulated with all the noise and lights of everyday life.
Water held in a cell is a reflection of overstimulated swollen cells.
It might be very beneficial in case of pain, sinusitis, headaches, cancer, arthritis, any inflammation or even fibromyalgia which is believed to be caused by too much blood in the brain which overstimulates the nervous system leading to increased sensitivity to pain.
This strengthened the synaptic connections without overstimulating them — thus translating learning into long - term memories.
The wife and I have spent the past few months trying out coffee makers, and we're more than a little overstimulated.
After school is your child overstimulated and overtired?
As a result, the baby gets overstimulated during the day and misses her naps, making her cranky at night.
If you were to put a twitching / tremoring cat into the water, chances are that she will become so overstimulated that she'll start to have seizures.
Often children can overstimulate dogs just by being themselves.
Even though you are pretty excited and fairly tingling with anticipation of dreams fulfilled, a part of you is probably feeling a little overwhelmed — not to mention overstimulated as soon as you step into a...
In fact, sometimes our efforts to comfort our babies actually overstimulate them and increase their distress, rather than soothe them.
In the statement for his video, Worley asserts that through «simple design and color schemes, [his] overstimulated visual experiments are translated and clarified.»
In the 20 years since his death, Johnson's work has become an increasingly accurate depiction of our fragmented and overstimulated society and includes some of the most recognizable imagery from the twentieth and twenty - first centuries.
In our sometimes overstimulating modern world, acupuncture can help us sync in a strong steady pattern of slowing our bodies down in the chaos — letting go to rest, breathe and unwind when needed.
Ingesting foods and drinks like cucumber, watermelon, and lemon water throughout the day will calm the nervous system, which is often overstimulated in the heat.
... but MSG also overstimulates the glutamine receptors elsewhere in the body, most famously in the brain.
Stimulated - perhaps overstimulated - by the fallen hero's case, Mariah Burton Nelson for one has gotten a good deal of media ink for charging that the patriarchal sports world....
All zero calorie sweeteners are harmful because they produce the same reaction in the brain by overstimulating nuerons to death.
Sugar and processed foods overstimulate our body, increase inflammation and weaken us.
Even though you are pretty excited and fairly tingling with anticipation of dreams fulfilled, a part of you is probably feeling a little overwhelmed — not to mention overstimulated as soon as you step into a baby department store!
Babies with insomnia, overstimulated kids and adults who just keep on recycling this caffeine.
This treatment is formulated to specifically target dandruff, which is caused by overstimulated oil glands — and possibly yeast — which leads to skin sticking to your scalp and visibly flaking.
In my experience, all of these only overstimulate toddlers in this age but hardly teach them anything.
It is often the result of chronically overstimulated adrenal glands, in some cases to the point of exhaustion.
The main concern was assumed to be for those who are hyperthyroid, as some stimulant drugs can have an exaggerated response in people with hyperthyroidism, and cause tachycardia in hearts already overstimulated by hyperthyroidism.
The cheap credit that they inject will overstimulate healthy assets, perhaps encouraging healthy US firms to level up using short - term finance, and buy back stock.
Rocking her or holding her would just overstimulate her and she wouldn't sleep.
Pan Film Review by Kam Williams Orphan Abducted to Neverland in Overstimulating Peter Pan Prequel Everyone's familiar with Peter Pan, the much - beloved children's classic revolving around the magical adventures of a little boy who can fly and won't grow up.
These policies, which overstimulated housing, helped lead to the situation that Mr. Gross now laments.
Too rapid a pace of credit creation would overstimulate investment relative to saving, potentially increasing the rate of inflation and this, in turn, could damage the economy's long - run performance.
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