Sentences with phrase «oversupply just»

Not exact matches

There's just not enough demand to absorb the production oversupply
«It's just going to take some time to soak up the oversupply situation as the market anticipates the return of Iranian oil.»
Treasury Wine Estate, which has just spurned a takeover offer, will benefit from an oversupply grapes in the Australian industry as lower grape costs help the bottom line, a senior executive says.
We have often stated that we may have a bit of oversupply today (country and varietal dependent of course), but we also have increased consumption, just not at the level that can keep up with the volumes created between 2012 ‐ 2014.
This is normally not true (unless your baby is showing obvious signs of hunger or not gaining weight), and this is just a normal oversupply that you might experience until your milk supply is established.
My breasts were just shy at 10 pounds and so it was a concern I wouldn't be able to feed him like he needed to be fed, but I don't think it was necessarily oversupply or undersupply it was just time working out the milk the way that it needed to be.
Some people can fix their oversupply issue with just feeding on one breast / feeding, and other people may need a whole 12 hr period on one, and another 12 hr.
There was always something to make me feel like a failure, and oversupply was just the latest catalyst in my journey as a mom learning to be a mom.
Infants of mothers with an oversupply of breastmilk (or more accurately, an aggressive milk ejection - and I think you have both oversupply and a powerful milk ejection or just one) will often choke and sputter at the breast, and pull off and reattach themselves to the breast as they attempt to control the flow of milk.
i self diagnosed oversupply (never an issue w / the pnut) with the bean after he had regular green poop... just another data point on that for anyone who keeps opening up the diaper expecting the yellow curdy mustard and finding that frothy green stuff.
started the block feeding, stopped taking fenugreek at that point and it took some time (also cut back on my dairy) but it went back to normal after a while.also, i don't have «oversupply» in the sense that i produce so much it's spraying or i can pump extra ozs or anything - it was just too much foremilk before he'd fill up.
MARIE BISHOP: Well with my 4 year old he was actually in the NICU he was a preemie, I had to pump for him for the first month and I kind of figured it out when the nurses were a are little shocked by me bringing in like 12 ounces at a time for each pumping and I just ended up encouraging my oversupplies so I could donate and then this time I ended up having it, I just started pumping it as soon as my milk came in and it squirts everywhere and it's just a ton
ROBIN KAPLAN: And that actually leads in to our next question Kristina, so Laura had posted on our facebook page, what are the pros and cons of pumping to freeze or to donate versus leaving it just to be to control your oversupply but possibly suffering engorgement or leaking as a consequence?
ROSEY RODRIGUEZ: I learned that I had an oversupply because I was always leaking and with my preschooler she would just like I already hear her gulp and gulp and gulp and also it seemed like the milk was going through her like so fast and just because you know, I was squirting all over the place, I keep squirting on her face and I always see it to have a towel with me because of the forceful attempt as well
I found out in retrospect that I was actually because of my oversupply that he was able to gain in spite of the tongue - tie because it basically would just gush into his mouth and he didn't have to do much work.
But if she's feeling like she's always full and uncomfortable it's probably more due to oversupply rather than just kind of a normal engorgement that happens in the beginning.
So, we just spoke a lot about oversupply, so, Kristina can you let us know, what is overactive letdown?
So through oversupplies when a mom's body is just producing more than what her baby needs and sometimes, I'll just start off by saying, that sometimes it can be an issue not so much with mom's supply but that babies not able to empty the breast very well so, it's really important for you know if mom is having an issue to see a lactation consultant who can evaluate if it's a baby issue or if it truly is a mom's oversupply issues.
ROBIN KAPLAN: There are, you know, most women probably can attest to feeling engorged or feeling like they have oversupply in the beginning when their babies are first born and that's, that's pretty typical to have that kind of engorgement in the beginning just because your body and your baby are still trying to figure out what exactly your baby needs.
And then for a baby you know so many things that you have mentioned earlier truth for babies who were kind of battling oversupply issues too were those babies who tend to be very gassy, sometimes their colicky, they spit up a lot, they just seemed really fussy at the breast if it's really difficult for them to nurse while some of the babies might even have a nursing strike for a period of time where they just don't want to breastfeed because it's not a pleasant experience for them.
I had a serious oversupply problem and a fast letdown that Samuel did not find nearly as amusing as my husband and I. He'd pull off the breast and get super-soaked in the face or just grimace as a stream of milk shot halfway across the room.
Does anyone have a problem with just one breast having oversupply?
Another crazy thing that can sometimes happen I would be a little worried about is if you had an oversupply, it's possible that you've had just because you've already nurse twice and did such a great job of pumping for that second baby for so long.
This is a breastfeeding problem for mothers with good supply who are either stressed and overtired, whose babies aren't latching on well or who aren't keeping a regular breastfeeding schedule and their breasts are making milk that is not being drained (sometimes in the early months it's just because your breasts really docreate an oversupply)
Oversupply isn't just about having too much milk.
And just because someone has the opposite problem, doesn't mean that oversupply isn't a problem in its own right.
Thank u. I drained out that breast completely to realise it wasn't a clog but just hardness due to oversupply of milk.
Oversupply can be just as stressful as undersupply.
Robin Kaplan: Yeah, well my thought it probably is that you did have a such an oversupply before and Cali was taking was less and so and we also find the most women's milk, their breast and their milk supply kind of regulates in about 12 weeks and your body just stops, you don't wan na walk around on a permanence state of engorgement.
(Just be careful you don't go overboard and get oversupply, in case your milk supply is not impacted by the different manner of birth.
The same abuses can occur in relation to the security agencies, corruption, problems with contractors oversupplying or overselling or exaggerating the technical capabilities, or even just happening to work in the same building and suggesting that maybe their company has got a solution to the latest problem people are encountering.
The answer is: Because there is no oversupply of postdocs, just an undersupply of post-postdoc positions.
Whatever your thoughts might be on the current oversupply of horror shows, this 2011 British television series is worth checking out and not necessarily just by fans of the genre.
Oversupply is most obvious in the condominium sector of the Quebec City market; there is just under 18 months» worth of inventory to sell
You might be frustrated at how best to achieve greater diversity in a profession that remains too white, middle - class, and male to differing degrees in differing parts; you might be anxious about how you are going to pay your way through law school and how much debt you are going to have at the end of it; alternatively, you might well be vexed about the oversupply of graduates who never achieve legal careers; you might be concerned about preserving the unique identity of your profession (as many at the Bar are); or you might just want to ensure that new recruits in law firms have a basic grip of the fundamentals and can do something useful on day one.
Historically, the downward path of the cycle in the office property market has occurred, because just when this large pipeline started coming out in the market, demand was weakening, thus creating oversupply conditions, with vacancies rising, and rents, cap rates and values declining.
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