Sentences with phrase «own afterlife»

With shows now getting a long afterlife on the internet, and other shows getting picked up by streaming services after cancellation, it is now harder than ever to define a television hit.
This Albert Brooks romantic comedy starring Meryl Streep is an entertaining look at the afterlife, which is really a court proceeding where it is decided if you move on or return back to earth to do it all over again.
It's the community of pundits that can comment on them as well so they have an afterlife
It's no secret that the afterlife of a network show can be more profitable than its original run.
Summary: «An Arizona woman enters the afterlife and tries to become a better person and make amends for past bad behavior in this comedy.»
Among other questions, which dovetail with one's own afterlife estate plans, businesses that cater to customers throughout their lives, might also wonder: How do you manage their presence after they're gone?
Maybe it's the afterlife
Material items will not follow you into the afterlife, so you might as well declutter your home while you're still here.
He once told Albertans that he would «die in office» rather than retire and collect his gold plated severance package, but this week Speaker Ken Kowalski opted for retirement instead of the afterlife.
A common message coming out of Calgary's convention of Conservatives is that Harper had better start thinking about his political afterlife.
More importantly, belief to avoid some punishment in the afterlife is not a virtue.
The topic of «is there an afterlife and / or heaven» is something that everyone can try and answer to their own satisfaction.
Put it this way, if here is an afterlife, then death is meaningless.
If you don't believe in an afterlife, or God for that matter, well then it's just a function of gravity and weak interfactions so there's nothing to worry about.
So, while I don't believe there is an afterlife, I can not say that there is not one.
If there is no afterlife then no matter what your impact on the world; you will never be around to see it.
Atheists, the bottom line is this: if there is no God, no afterlife and as a result of that no standard of behavior, your arguments to disprove him are pointless.
Bob - You have it wrong, I have no clue whats going to happen to her in the afterlife.
Ten years in the making, Segal's book explores the development of belief in the afterlife in ancient....
An afterlife can not be empirically tested, so it can't be proven or disproven.
If you believe existence ends upon death you have made an affirmative statement about the afterlife.
My believe system did not change overnight, it took some time, but one day I realized religion did not made any sense and since then in my mind I am not concerned about the afterlife, I concentrate on what I have to do now and I feel free.
You are the one who construes the argument that life is only meaningful if there is an afterlife.
If, as many of you are inclined to think, that mormonsim is a false religion, then the baptism will have no effect in the afterlife anyways, so no harm is done.
I think the truth is that you think you found a golden ticket to the afterlife with no real effort on your part.
Those with religion tend to have some belief in continuation or an afterlife.
If you spend your entire life looking forward to the dream of an afterlife, then you've wasted your time on earth.
Sorry to disappoint you, but the afterlife is exactly the same as Oz, Tattooine or Winnie the Pooh's forrest; fictional.
Case 1: Mormons are completely wrong and there is no God, Heaven or afterlife.
Whether you believe in the afterlife or not, or heaven or not, or reincarnation or not, I think we can all agree that the intended lesson is to do good in this life in order to graduate successfully into the next.
Nook — I do nt find it hateful to hope someone as terrible as Bin Laden gets his due in the afterlife (if I were to believe in such a fantasy).
His point is that he thinks it is completely absurd theory that all 7,000,000,000 human beings on the planet are simultaneously being supervised 24 hours a day, every day of their lives by an immortal, invisible being for the purposes of reward or punishment in the «afterlife».
I personally believe that there is an afterlife... and if God tells me, «I made you to suffer for 100 years on earth for an eternity with me,» I can't say that I'd complain to the guy.
You are feeling arrogant now, but believe me the day is coming when you will be on your knees begging for mercy, whether here or in the afterlife.
You have no proof of an afterlife.
To mis - ascribe it to religion is to shortchange the individuals of their own accomplishments & abilities, & further perpetuates the notion that such a thing as afterlife, divinity, supernatural & paranormal phenomena exist.
So I find it very comforting to release myself from the hell of knowing that and choose to live in the world of denial and afterlife that religion provides to me.
I pity you, The Afterlife.
«But this isn't the afterlife I believed in!!!»
I believe, like socrates, in an afterlife where God will reveal his true unending wisdom to us.
Quoting Romans 8:23 «we wait eagerly for... the redemption of our bodies» West says that he hopes that his teaching will ultimately impact the Church by shaping our view of and hope in the afterlife as offering us bodily redemption.
«@ myweightinwords: I consider it idle curiosity because I believe that when we die we get to open that door and have all the answers to the universal questions of creation, existence, and the afterlife.
IF there was an afterlife, what exactly would be the point of living?
If you have lived your life to her conformations, you will be rewarded in the afterlife.
Just don't force your beliefs of the afterlife on me.
Glen Beck is a Christian if you believe that saved means that we get to live in the afterlife with a chance to have eternal life in the mansion where God the Father and Jesus Christ are if we are worthy enough by doing good works to progress to be there and that God's grace comes after all we can do.
Mormons have found a way to ring your doorbell in the afterlife.
You are feeling arrogant now, but believe me the day is coming when you will be on your knees begging for mercy, whether here or in the afterlife, but then it will be too late.
There isn't even a consistent belief in the «afterlife» in Judaism, although after the Babylonian exile a belief in «GeHenna» (close to the Catholic idea of «purgatory») was adopted by many.
I pitty them for having such a narrow world view that they cant enjoy everything that life has to offer because they are so mentally oppressed about their afterlife.
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