Sentences with phrase «own at a reasonable hour»

Eat right, drink plenty of water, and go to sleep at a reasonable hour, even while traveling.
That said, evenings are for family and getting to bed at a reasonable hour
And here on a series of posts urging entrepreneurs and their employees to actually clock off at reasonable hours prompted a flurry of reader response.
The central idea behind Sweden's six - hour work day is to encourage people to put in a focused six hours of work during the day, get their tasks done, and leave at a reasonable hour in order to enjoy their evening.
«We often set a time after which there is no screen time and in their case that helps them get to sleep at a reasonable hour,» he told the paper.
If you want to hit the gym before dawn, make sure you are going to bed at a reasonable hour to get the recommended six to eight hours her night.
Bonus: you will make it back home at a reasonable hour and will have completed your work day and workout — making for a more relaxed week night!
I had to set boundaries so I started blocking time to exercise, I turned off the computer at a reasonable hour (vs. working until midnight regularly).
It was probably via a midnight rabbit trail sort of web surfing and I probably saw something I like and then in my attempt to not forget about it yet still fall asleep at a reasonable hour I signed up, signed off, and went to bed.
Probably because the sun is finally starting to rise before I do and set at a reasonable hour (not 5 pm).
In fact, I'd argue that going to bed at a reasonable hour and getting a good night's rest actually make me cooler.
Make sure to eat your Thanksgiving dinner at a reasonable hour, get that nap in, and reheat some leftovers for this one.
Ross believes that a show should move, then end at a reasonable hour, such as before 11 at night.
Can't wait to watch at reasonable hour.
And everyone still got to bed at a reasonable hour.
BUT, that's not a dog issue, it's an issue of inconsiderate people not putting their dogs inside at a reasonable hour.
Parents who need a little break from adulting can get real silly from 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. and still make it home at a reasonable hour to relieve Grandma from baby duty.
As millions of children across the U.S. end their summer vacations and head back to school, parents are getting ready to ease their kids back into the school - year routine of homework, extracurricular activities and going to bed at a reasonable hour.
They need their parents to help them manage these demands and make sure they're on track to get everything done and get in bed at a reasonable hour.
Subject matter aside, the sheer length of Titanic meant that we had to get the conversation over with quickly if we had any hope of actually watching the movie and getting to bed at a reasonable hour, putting the day and its challenges behind us.
Some days it's nothing short of heroic simply to feed them, bathe them, keep an encouraging tone, and get them to sleep at a reasonable hour — just so we can do it all over again tomorrow.
Another mistake is waiting until your baby crashes on his own from exhaustion rather than putting him to bed at a reasonable hour.
Because you probably all went to bed at a reasonable hour.
But this irregularity can make getting to sleep at a reasonable hour during the week even harder.
But you want them in bed at a reasonable hour.
And I think it's just healthier for a lot of things, a lot of reasons, get what we got done in print, in the next hour or two and then leave and come back tomorrow at a reasonable hour Thursday.
To get home at a reasonable hour and read his daughter bedtime stories, Hiller follows a former research adviser's advice: work smarter, not longer.
What's more, studies suggest that the blue light given off by our favorite devices also suppresses melatonin production, which can throw off our circadian rhythms — and ability to fall asleep at a reasonable hour — as a result.
She doesn't push her body to extremes, she falls asleep and rises each day at a reasonable hour, but she uses her machine and she takes care of it well.
«For a good night's sleep, it's important to turn off the «white noise» and rest — that means turning off phones and tablets, and choosing to go to sleep at a reasonable hour,» says Shea.
Working mothers and fathers have a built - in excuse to leave work on time; those who don't have kids can find it challenging to turn off the computer at a reasonable hour.
If reading isn't your thing or you get too wrapped up in stories to put them down at a reasonable hour, Dr. Ruhoy suggests busting out a book of puzzles.
So ensure you are hitting the hay at a reasonable hour and averaging eight hours of shut - eye each night.
As tempting as it is to stay up to watch one more episode of Stranger Things, powering down electronics and hitting the sheets at a reasonable hour is critical if you're going to beat winter tiredness and make it to the gym.
Make sure you're getting to bed at a reasonable hour (preferably close to the same time every night), getting plenty of sleep, and taking 5 - 10 minutes 1 - 2x a day to do some deep diaphragmatic breathing and / or meditation.
But since that stinkin» job, that pays the bills, insists I make it to work at a reasonable hour, my hot breakfast game is usually suffering.
I will work on my depression, get up early, go to the gym, and leave the job at a reasonable hour.
Bonus: you will make it back home at a reasonable hour and will have completed your work day and workout — making for a more relaxed week night!
I did Jack Kruse's «Leptin Reset» for a while, and the very first time that I ate an early, high - protein, no - carb breakfast, I fell asleep quickly and at a reasonable hour that night.
Sleep experts tell you the importance of establishing a pre-bedtime routine, and I've done just that: I get in bed at the reasonable hour of 11 or 11:30, plug in my phone, and then stare at Twitter until after midnight.
I'm ready to hit the town with Le Boo and sadly be home at a reasonable hour because the 6 am wake up call is no joke.
Do what you can with the project you have, and leave at a reasonable hour (and that isn't like 5 pm — make an effort to stay until 8 or 9).
I'll probably overthink that one of these nights I'm trying to go to sleep at a reasonable hour.
9:45 a.m. — Traffic wasn't too bad this morning and I make it home at a reasonable hour and start my work day.
Actually, I have a secretary whos so efficient I hardly have to do any work, so Im home at a reasonable hour.
Tour days start and end at reasonable hours with frequent stops for the comfort of our guests.
We follow an unhurried itinerary with Grand Canyon sightseeing tour days starting and ending at reasonable hours.
Tour operators ensure each tour day starts and ends at reasonable hours with frequent stops.
You'll enjoy a well - paced, easygoing itinerary with tour days that start and end at reasonable hours.
Caravan's Costa Rica day activities always start and end at a reasonable hours and includes frequent stops.
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