Sentences with phrase «own brain reserve»

It triggers some deep pleasure - point in my brain reserved for childhood memories of milkshakes and slather - frosted birthday cakes.
Yeshurun concludes that the brain reserves a special pattern of activity for memories that represent the first time we have associated a smell with a particular thing — and that such pairings are most likely to be laid down in childhood.
If the trend is driven by midlife factors such as building «brain reserve» and maintaining heart health, as some experts suspect, this could lend credence to staying mentally engaged and taking cholesterol - lowering drugs as preventive measures.
Any change in those genes appears to alter your mental bank account or brain reserve by 2 or 3 percent.
«While the results of this study are preliminary, they hold promise for enhancing and maintaining brain reserve in later life, particularly among sedentary individuals who may benefit most urgently from behavioral interventions like Experience Corps,» said Carlson, who is now leading a larger fMRI trial as part of a large - scale randomized trial of the Baltimore Experience Corps Program.
The impact of bilingualism on brain reserve and metabolic connectivity in Alzheimer's dementia.
Brain resilience is also referred to as «brain reserve» — its ability to cope with increasing damage while still functioning adequately.
If we want what we teach to be embedded into long - term memory instead of being discarded from short - term memory, we need to create lessons that send it to the area of the brain reserved for long term use.
I responded that it sounds a little sci - fi like perhaps (but then back in our time we didn't expect the iPhone, either — lol) and we all know what IBM said about PC's, and we all remember the book «1984,» — but that I really like Faith Popcorn's brain reserve, but haven't seen anything of hers recently available.
Whether you are cooking or baking, replace the recipe in your cookbook with one from your own brain reserve.
So I added my new recipe to my own brain reserve.
«Fururist» inquiry brought to mind front and centre Faith Popcorn's futurist brain reserve.

Not exact matches

Eating at regular intervals, she says, makes the body more comfortable burning fat when it needs extra energy, rather than drawing from the easier - to - get - at glucose reserves in the muscles or the brain.
But despite thinking about trying to win the race and how to lap Massa, Vettel still had enough reserve brain capacity to give the Brazilian a little message on his way past:
This is a part of my body that's always been reserved for sexual activity, and I sort of assumed my brain would make whatever necessary adjustments it had to do to make [breastfeeding] not a completely creepy experience for me.
The following changes due to infant crying have been documented: increased heart rate and blood pressure, reduced oxygen level, elevated cerebral blood pressure, depleted energy reserves and oxygen, interrupted mother - infant interaction, brain injury, and cardiac dysfunction.
Housing is reserved for those earning between 30 - 60 % of the Area Median Income with a few units being reserved for those with physical disabilities / Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).
But surely there's an easier way to tap into the brain's reserve.
«It's like the brain has a reserve capacity,» he says.
People with more education have lower rates of dementia, suggesting that brains that get more of a workout create reserves that kick in when frontline systems start to fail.
With almost as many neurons in the neocortex as stars in the galaxy, there still aren't enough for every possible input, and the researchers suspect that brain cells get reserved only for important people — like Bart Simpson.
«When you deplete these reserves — whether through sleep deprivation, which alters how the brain and body use energy, or through pushing too hard on too many projects — the quality of your work plummets, along with the usual pleasure of working on something important, such as doing good science.»
Small notes that previous studies have shown that education is a key element of «cognitive reserve,» the ability to compensate for progressive brain pathology.
Neuronal pentraxin - 2 may play a role in building cognitive reserve, helping to help create and remodel connections between neurons to handle the increased complexity thrown at the brain
Other studies bolster the case that intellectual pursuits help build neural reserves: richer, more efficient connections that help the brain compensate as it runs down with age.
For years, deep - brain stimulation — in which a neurosurgeon drills a hole in the skull and inserts an electrode far into a patient's brain tissue — was considered a radical treatment, reserved for the most severe cases of Parkinson's disease.
All of these pursuits can help build up a person's «cognitive reserve» of brain pathways that can survive the assault of the physical factors that lead to dementia.
«Maybe the brain has lots and lots of reserve troops,» says Ramachandran.
«Our work suggests that cognitive reserve ¬ — the brain's ability to be resilient in the face of insult or injury — could account for the difference.»
Better - educated people appear to be significantly more likely to recover from a moderate to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), suggesting that a brain's «cognitive reserve» may play a role in helping people get back to their previous lives, new Johns Hopkins research shows.
The findings, while new among TBI investigators, mirror those in Alzheimer's disease research, in which higher educational attainment — believed to be an indicator of a more active, or more effective, use of the brain's «muscles» and therefore its cognitive reserve — has been linked to slower progression of dementia.
«People with increased cognitive reserve capabilities may actually heal in a different way that allows them to return to their pre-injury function and / or they may be able to better adapt and form new pathways in their brains to compensate for the injury,» Schneider says.
Adds Stevens: «Understanding the underpinnings of cognitive reserve in terms of brain biology could generate ideas on how to enhance recovery from brain injury.»
Our study, along with prior studies, supports the notion that «cognitive reserve» resulting from early - life and lifelong education and cognitive stimulation may be a potent strategy for the primary prevention of dementia in both high - and low - income countries around the world.21 However, it should be noted that the relationships among education, brain biology, and cognitive function are complex and likely multidirectional; for instance, a number of recent population - based studies have shown genetic links with level of educational attainment, 22,23 and with the risk for cognitive decline in later life.24 Higher levels of educational attainment are also associated with health behaviors (eg, physical activity, diet, and smoking), more cognitively - complex occupations, and better access to health care, all of which may play a role in decreasing lifetime dementia risk.
According to the model, an animal that bases its decisions only on its current energy reserves can survive almost as long as one that uses its brain to calculate the best thing to do.
«A digital brain will be a resource for the entire scientific community: researchers will reserve time on it, as they do on the biggest telescopes, to conduct their experiments,» Markram wrote in SA.
The proportion of adults 65 years or older with a high school diploma increased from 55 % in 1990 to 80 % in 2010, while the proportion with a college degree increased from 12 % to 23 %.12 More years of formal education is associated with a reduced risk of dementia, likely through multiple causal pathways, including a direct effect on brain development and function (ie, the building of «cognitive reserve»), health behaviors, as well as the general health advantages of having more wealth and opportunities.13 - 15
Denise Krch, PhD, and James Sumowski, PhD, research scientists in the Neuropsychology and Neuroscience Laboratory at Kessler Foundation, received a $ 379,000 grant to study cognitive reserve in people with traumatic brain injury.
More connections provide what is called a cognitive reserve and make the brain able to withstand the damage caused by diseases like Alzheimer's for longer than if you have fewer connections.
He gave a similarly negative reply to a question about the use of the vaccine in patients undergoing deep brain stimulation (DBS) for PD, «given the mode of action of disease modifiers,» because DBS is typically reserved to patients in relatively advanced stages of the disease.
Mild reductions in sleep can directly impair attention, judgment and the ability to multi-task because people with PD have a lower cognitive reserve or resistance of the brain to stressors.
The idea behind cognitive reserve is that it «strengthens the muscles» of the brain, fostering improved connections between brain neurons and an increased ability to compensate for dysfunction in the brain.
Bilingualism as a contributor to cognitive reserve: Evidence from brain atrophy in Alzheimer's disease.
The general consensus is that it may be possible for the symptoms of Alzheimer's to be delayed in mentally fit, active brains because mental «exercise» may create cognitive reserve.
Healthy brain habits now build the brain's cognitive reserve for later on.
Cognitive reserve refers to how resilient the mind is to damage or decline of the brain.
If you don't fancy your wits literally withering away, there's good news: adhering to a «brain - healthy» lifestyle and performing regular, targeted brain exercises can increase your brain's cognitive reserve.
As we get older, natural brain health deterioration and glitches can lead to delays in recalling information such as names, movie titles, telephone numbers — things that just seemed to always be ready in our memory reserve when we were younger.
What happens is that if the brain doesn't get the «message» from leptin that there's enough energy, the brain will start thinking that you are starving making you go into «couch potato» mode, so that it can prevent you from burning any additional reserves of energy.
«Using your brain is going to help build up those synapses, build up those connections, so that if a terrible disease starts killing those nerve cells, you have more of a reserve
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