Sentences with phrase «own brood»

While there's no mistaking that a pair of shorts makes you look like you mean business, Hanson is quick to clarify that it's unlikely that the Royal brood are throwing shade at the rest of the country.
«McVeigh was polite, personable and thoughtful in his jail cell, yet silent, brooding and disengaged in court.
At least he got the brooding mood down right, which is more than we can say for some actors on this list.
So next time you feel the need to vent, just be cognizant of the distinction between brooding and reflecting.
The mental impact is what Daniel Goleman in his book Emotional Intelligence has labeled the «amygdala hijack» — precipitating anger, brooding, withdrawal or other automatic, impulsive responses.
With all the end of the world villainy and brooding masked vigilantes cleaning up the streets, humor seems to be an undervalued element in superhero stories.
In one fell swoop and with no immediate sales boost to offset it, Narodick would have to increase payroll 20 % to hire the brood.
In any event, should you find yourself kissing your wife goodbye as she leaves for work in the morning, you can look after your brood with the confidence of a new - age man.
The elder Wojcicki is hardly a technologist; she's a longtime Palo Alto high school journalism teacher who wired her three daughters (a brood that also includes YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki) with what Anne describes as irrational optimism.
With its brooding sensuality and haunting music, the show had vision and made an artistic statement.
Wells Fargo, U.S. Bank, and other financial institutions began tapping psychologists around 2007 to help high - net - worth broods navigate interpersonal dramas, which often wind up with plaintiffs and defendants bleeding money.
Jose Cuervo Reserva de la Familia is pricey, but reconciling its «effortless grace and brooding power» with the name on the label is disorienting.
However, one traditional and sweet parenting routine Bezos has is that he doesn't schedule meetings in the morning so and his wife can eat breakfast with the brood.
The Beverage Testing Institute — a reliable American tasting resource — describes it as tequila of «effortless grace and brooding power.»
No company has a better feel for hyping this kind of picture — it managed to turn the brooding, violent Dark Knight into a half - a-billion-dollar hit — and work on the marketing for The Hobbit has been underway since 2010.
Plus, no one gets a good night's rest when they're brooding about unresolved issues anyway.
Depeche Mode was particularly pivotal in blurring the line between what we know as «synth» music and rock — processing guitars through giant, modular synths so it was hard to tell the difference between what was human - made and what was a computer, and perhaps more important, bringing the blues - based, brooding, masculine energy of»60s and»70s rock into the mix.
Though McLaughlin had long been brooding on how to reverse Eze's fat - cat habits, he had yet to act.
CEOs looking to rear a steady brood of well - behaved ideas could do so by popping in at an annual industry trade show or by taking in the occasional customer comment.
«He would brood about his childhood sins, brood about scientific precedent and ruthlessly try and destroy the careers of people who challenged him,» says Perkins.
Viz. some slimeball Russian mafioso with cash to burn buying first - class tickets for himself and his brood and having exactly the same rights as everyone else who paid the exorbitant amount just to savour a carefree luxury excursion.
Instead of letting staff brood over abusive bosses, causing the quality of their work go downhill, workers should be given an outlet for their frustration.
-- GQ, «Steve Bannon Is Hatching His Comeback,» by Ben Schreckinger: «These days, he no longer runs Breitbart News, but Bannon remains holed up at the company's Capitol Hill headquarters, plotting the next stage of his right - wing populist revolution and brooding over the course of human events.
Travel to visit the grandchildren once or twice a year would be an essential - level expense, while taking the whole brood on a cruise to Alaska would be a discretionary - level expense.
Rather, the theological and scientific advisers to the section included a Canadian member of parliament, who is also a United Church minister, quoting William Stringfellow, Rachel Carson, and John Cobb; a theologian from Hong Kong who called for rejecting the «commander» image in Genesis of God giving shape and order to what he has made, in favor of the (female) «brooding spirit» image «which best addresses our current crisis»; and Larry Rasmussen of New York's Union Seminary, who linked the work of the Spirit with the growing environmental movement.
Michael Kierkegaard may have been brooding and domineering, but that doesn't» or doesn't have to» explain why he taught his children to practice the virtues of temperance and chastity.
I'm a Gen X — we were supposed to be unmotivated slackers that had no interest in career or country; we just wanted to brood in our flannel, listen to screaming grunge and play video games.
Yes I am sure he would never call anyone a brood of vipers or speak of hell.
The subject matter, noticeably dark, determined and at times brooding, fits well with the eerie soundscape Radiohead is known for.
Back behind their desk, however, they brood and scowl.
Eat of the forbidden trees of socialized sensualities as many broods of people have committed themselves upon.
Even in an eighteenth - century Christian poem like Edward Young's epic Night Thoughts, the best passages evoke a brooding sense of gloom.
He may have read too many Lehane books, but I think that apocalypse comes from the same brood as revelation — it means to reveal or unveil, ripping away the veil so you can see what lies underneath everything.
Denouncing them as blind guides, fools, hypocrites and a brood of vipers, he uttered harsh public words condemning them for their many errors, including their preoccupation with tithing on small matters and their neglect of more important things such as justice and mercy (Matt.
The religious leaders of Jesus's day probably considered Jesus rough when He called them a brood of vipers.
The comic irony of Atwood's gospel is that as Offred sits brooding on «FAITH,» «HOPE» and «CHARITY» hatch (words that keep turning up in the tale).
She protected Israel like an eagle, and like a hen, brooded over her chicks.
«One visitor recalls a family ritual: Every night at around 9:30 or 10:00, Mitt and Ann would meet at the foot of their staircase, clasp hands, and escort each other upstairs to the bedroom, in full view of their brood
7 But when he (John) saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to where he was baptizing, he said to them: «You brood of vipers!
Symbolizing the divine breath that filled the first humans with life, the rushing mighty wind overwhelms the senses, reminding believers that «there lives the dearest freshness deep down things... Because the Holy Spirit over the bent world broods with warm breast and with ah!
Anyone who has ever incurred the wrath of an old mother hen by threatening her brood can testify to the fact that Jesus was probably speaking like an «over-zealous,» «overprotective» «Jewish» mama here.
«Fill up, then, the measure of your fathers,» he says; «you serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell?»
«How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not!»
How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings,
But there is perhaps this truth behind it: that those who brood much on the remote past or future, or stare long at the night sky, are less likely than others to be ardent or orthodox partisans.»
Jesus was fond of calling the Pharisees a «brood of vipers,» plus his style as a traveling preacher was to teach in stories, or parables, that needed to stick in the minds of his audience.
She was highly embarrassed if any of her brood behaved badly.
John the Baptist had said to some of those who came to be baptized (Mt 3:7; Lk 3:7): «You brood of vipers!
In that second verse where it says the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, he says the Hebrew translates brooded, or that God was angry and disturbed, something terrible had happened.
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