Sentences with phrase «own cadence»

In fact, we want to establish a steady cadence — that there's always a flight leaving, like a train leaving the station.
It takes huge amount of discipline to follow through on everything, but once you build a cadence, it becomes natural.
Identifying the right cadence and deployment timing should dictate your strategy.
Cadence Design Systems stock surged more than 11 percent in after - hours trading.
He also had a stuttering problem until his 20s, and overcame it by reading poetry aloud in front of a mirror, to smooth out cadence and forcing himself to participate in as many public speaking events as possible.
While Di Domenico's vocal impersonation of Trump is close to the president's cadence, he's much shorter than Trump's 6 - foot -3-inch frame.
Without that steady communication cadence, the information vacuum will be filled with rumor, speculation and innuendo.
As nice as it might be to get new hardware, Apple keeps its own cadence, regardless of what its legion of fans might want.
Maintaining a faster cadence required me to stay in slightly easier gears, and while it felt a little uncomfortable, it was also fun to try something new.
Outreach, HubSpot, Yesward, ToutApp and Cadence are just a few examples.
Maintain cadence around 85 RPM.
Plus, I realized that when I settled into using relatively short strides, increasing my stride length slightly while maintaining the same cadence automatically increased my pace — and for me was a lot less painful than trying to maintain a long stride while increasing my cadence.
Then finish the 30 miles at 60 to 70 % of max HR at 95 + cadence.
And I actually enjoyed the 95 RPM cadence at the end of the ride; even though my legs were really tired, it felt good to spin.
Naturally, there are different objectives and cadences between the departments, leading to information silos that are not conducive collaboration.
At this point, some companies have developed plans, but they will find that the cadence of change will pick up considerably in the coming weeks and months ahead.
During the introduction part of the interview, the interviewer has to get used to the candidate's tone of voice; demeanor; accent, if that is an issue; cadence; and mainly, what the candidate is focusing on.
Integra offers a comprehensive portfolio of high quality, leadership brands that include AmnioExcel ®, Bactiseal ®, Cadence ®, Certas ™, Codman ®, CUSA ®, DuraGen ®, DuraSeal ®, ICP Express ®, Integra ®, MediHoney ®, MicroFrance ®, PriMatrix ®, Salto Talaris ®, SurgiMend ®, TCC - EZ ®, Titan ™ and VersaTru ™.
You will need to test to determine the best cadence for mailing your prospect list.
What is the timing, or cadence, for all of the activities on the platform?
Previously he served as the CEO of Cadence Design Systems.
When you are involved, there is a natural cadence to planning the week together and communication improves dramatically.
Cadence also offers an employee stock purchase program that not only gives workers a 15 % discount, but also offers a 6 - month look - back.
Cadence 100 Best Companies rank: 52 A large majority of the Cadence's (cdns) employees are currently shareholders.
Know what outcomes you want and have a communication cadence set up, so you get the most from your investment.
Your ability to influence will set you apart, but as will your ability to create a steady drumbeat and cadence of check - ins with analysts across all types that are covering your market.
It provides a structure, rhythm, and cadence to the ongoing task of monitoring the pulse of the business.
SpaceX is committed to our current manifest and we do not expect this to have any impact on our launch cadence
Next up, is cadence automation.
Cameron explained to Variety that he is prepared to push back the films again, in order to ensure the «cadence» of their releases.
It was a pain to dictate to my computer, using a somewhat not so natural voice and cadence, and then manually correct what the system understood.
Video is personal and different, so it increases our initial response rates and saves our team time as they don't need to go through an entire cadence
In fact, Kazanjy claims to have seen many «early stage, and even mid-stage startups lacking a solid internal meeting cadence - and it totally shows in their level of engineering, sales, and customer success execution.
Besides simply viewing meetings as «a big company thing,» entrepreneurs are «constantly pushing, and always on, they don't consider the important of cadenced checkpoints to measure the progress against their goals, and reevaluate that their previously agreed goals should continue to be their goals,» he writes.
As such, there's a regular cadence to her week.
Urbane Cycle carries Levi's, and two cycle - specific U.S. brands that make reinforced jeans: Swrve and Cadence.
She adopted her slightly stooped posture, her measured cadence, her taste in late -»80s unstructured dresses.
Gary Vaynerchuk: As long as you guys find the right cadence; as long as you don't make it a complete PR piece every episode, you will win.
Salesloft, a provider of sales automation software, recently released the most comprehensive research I've seen on the effectiveness of different cadences.
In another analysis of a company's outreach efforts, we saw some significant issues emerge around how the cadence was being implemented.
One reason you have to design a cadence is so you can monitor it.
While it's still early to make a call, we'll begin testing shorter cadence cycles to reduce the number of calls a rep has to make to a somewhat unreachable audience (much lower connect rates), freeing up time and capacity to spend on higher value metrics.
Cadences have become de rigueur in sales development but are often looked down upon by sales organizations and salespeople doing more traditional types of prospecting, who typically feel they don't need such a structure.
What's more, when we look at raw connect data, we see more connects made deeper into the cadence cycle — but a much smaller percentage of those advanced to the next stage.
If you're not using a cadence, change that - and change it now!
In terms of cadence, I say a few earnings calls ago we opened the door on this and said we would be aggressive seeking out strong partnerships with chains and I would say that our intensity has only increased.
Slowing your cadence and pausing before responding to the other person «gives you a chance to find the right words» and tends to «defuse negative emotion» from your counterpart, he says.
Matt, maybe you can give us perspective as it relates to change, the economics of the change and how it compares to maybe some of your broader independent restaurants, specifically focusing on CBK and Panda since they are larger and one more, you talked about adding more throughout the year, sort of give us perspective on the cadence of that.
This process involves curating lists, building the messaging and its cadence, sending out the emails, processing bounced emails, and wading through responses in the attempt to identify qualified prospects.
Growing their fleet of recovery vessels will give the company added flexibility and allow for their already dead - cheap pricing to be even more competitive while they ramp up launch cadence and introduce an even more reusable variant of Falcon 9.
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