Sentences with phrase «own child maintenance arrangements»

New BMRB research published January 2012 shows separated parents who work out their own child maintenance arrangements are more satisfied with their set - up than those using the Child Support Agency (CSA).
Parents will be offered help and support through this change to help them make the child maintenance arrangement that's right for them.
If you have a statutory child maintenance arrangement, you or the statutory child maintenance service can't control how the money is spent.
From 2014 the CSA will be closing all child maintenance arrangements on its 1993 and 2003 schemes.
This publication provides data on the child maintenance arrangements made by separated parents after speaking to the CM Options service.
Children benefiting from effective family - based child maintenance arrangements after contacting the Child Maintenance (CM) Options service.
understand your options if you don't already have a child maintenance arrangement or your current arrangement isn't working as well as you'd like.
An effective child maintenance arrangement can make a significant difference to a child's well - being, because it can help create a more stable environment for them.
Wherever possible, we will support separated parents to work together in the interests of their children and set up their own, family - based child maintenance arrangements.
if you're separating from the other parent or are not living with them and you need to set up a child maintenance arrangement
Child maintenance arrangements made through the Child Support Agency will be ending between now and 2017.
Contact Child Maintenance Options to discuss your child maintenance arrangements, including how to apply.
The Telegraph reported on 8th January that parents who split up may face a government fee to deal with child maintenance arrangements.
More than half a million children in Great Britain benefit from this type of child maintenance arrangement.
A family - based child maintenance arrangement doesn't have to just mean one parent paying money to the other.
Important: Currently, parents can not set up a statutory child maintenance arrangement within 12 months of setting up a consent order or a minute of agreement.
Child maintenance arrangements made through the Child Support Agency (CSA) will be ending by 31 December 2017.
Family - based arrangements are child maintenance arrangements that parents agree between themselves.
Information about child maintenance arrangements run by the statutory child maintenance service, from Child Maintenance Options.
However, sharing the care of your children and buying things directly for them can also be included in a family - based child maintenance arrangement, if both parents agree to it.
If you can't make a family - based arrangement work for you, you can make a statutory child maintenance arrangement.
These statistics provide data on the child maintenance arrangements made by separated parents after speaking to the CM Options service.
Children benefiting from effective family - based child maintenance arrangements after contacting the Child Maintenance Options service.
You can get an idea of what a statutory child maintenance arrangement amount may be using our child maintenance calculator.
Children benefiting from effective family - based child maintenance arrangements after contact with the Child Maintenance Options service.
The amount of child maintenance will depend on the individual circumstances of you and your separated family, and the type of child maintenance arrangement you decide to make.
The Child maintenance arrangements made after speaking to CM Options statistics allow people to see:
For more information on the different types of statutory arrangements, including Collect & Pay and Direct Pay (or Maintenance Direct if you have a CSA case) you can read about statutory child maintenance arrangements
And the child maintenance arrangement you make could take into account the times you regularly care for your child, as well as other types of financial support.
Most statutory child maintenance arrangements can be put in place within about 6 weeks of the application being made — much depends on the information available and the co-operation of both parties.
With a statutory child maintenance arrangement, you have to pay the amounts calculated by the statutory child maintenance service.
Our child maintenance calculator can give you an indication of the amount of child maintenance you might pay or receive if you had a statutory child maintenance arrangement when the parent expected to pay is on benefits.
Make sure that you don't end up without a child maintenance arrangement for your children.
If you can't reach agreement with the other parent and make a child maintenance arrangement by yourselves, the Government runs a statutory service that can arrange child maintenance on your behalf.
Statistics on child maintenance arrangements made after speaking to the Child Maintenance (CM) Options service.
Our calculator can give you an indication of the amount of child maintenance you might pay or receive if you had a statutory child maintenance arrangement.
This means that all parents, including those receiving benefits, can set up a family - based child maintenance arrangement if they both agree to it.
You can ask the statutory child maintenance services to put a child maintenance arrangement in place, without you having to contact the other parent.
It is important for the wellbeing of your child that a child maintenance arrangement is in place.
If you have a statutory child maintenance arrangement, regular child maintenance payments must be made if a child is:
If you have statutory child maintenance arrangement the Child Maintenance Service will make the decision for you.
This table shows the differences between the child maintenance arrangements you can make.
Following consultation with stakeholders the name of this statistical series has changed to «Child maintenance arrangements made after speaking to CM Options».
Experimental statistics on child maintenance arrangements administered by the Child Maintenance Service.
Remember that the figure our calculator produces is only an indication of the amount of child maintenance you might pay or receive if you had a statutory child maintenance arrangement.
This applies to all kinds of child maintenance payments, including family - based arrangements, statutory child maintenance arrangements and court orders.
There are three main ways to pay child maintenance if you have a statutory child maintenance arrangement:
Our child maintenance calculator can give you an indication of the amount of child maintenance you might pay or receive if you had a statutory child maintenance arrangement (an arrangement made through the government's child maintenance service).
You should do everything you can to make a child maintenance arrangement as soon as possible, so that your child doesn't miss out on the things they need.
Between 2014 and 2017 the Child Support Agency (CSA) is contacting all clients about ending their current child maintenance arrangements and offering them support to put a new arrangement in place.
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