Sentences with phrase «own cogency»

Finally, this new mutuality requires that both communities respect the integrity of the secular order, and do so with theological cogency.
Or again: The draft «is pointlessly, relentlessly repetitious, and the reader has the curious sensation of being trapped by a lost cab driver trying to bluff his way through town, while the same three or four ideological landmarks keep reappearing with no cogency of method or presentation.»
Whether Whitehead's cosmology is a plausible and useful view of the world depends in large measure on the cogency of his distinction between genetic and coordinate divisions of actual occasions.
In view of the cogency and desirability of the goals expressed in ECE, and as a demonstration of our belief that all Catholics, in Cardinal George's words, are «both invisibly (spiritually) and visibly (socially and juridically) related to our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world,» it is appropriate to rely on bishops for apostolic governance.
There is no eyewitness evidence, no physical evidence, no circumstantial evidence, no cogency, and no contemporary report.
Hence, the suggestions that arise from the application of the general scheme of thought to this special question of the nature of God may be weakened or may gain cogency according to the reading of these great intuitions of the race by which men live.
Again and again he returned to this matter as though deliberately trying to take a word whose cogency every one acknowledged and make it connote a range of meaning it had never suggested before.
What availed as the common wisdom of mankind until the day before yesterday — for example, that man, woman, mother, and father name natural realities as well as social roles, that children issue naturally from their union, that the marital union of man and woman is the foundation of human society and provides the optimal home for the flourishing of children — all this is now regarded by many as obsolete and even hopelessly bigoted, as court after court, demonstrating that this revolution has profoundly transformed even the meaning of reason itself, has declared that this bygone wisdom now fails even to pass the minimum legal threshold of rational cogency.
Now, those who believe in the macrocosmic process as a self - sufficient process might well concede that among parts of the universe union differentiates, that the law of transcendence is in union, but they do not see the need or cogency of applying this law to the universe itself.
It looks as if they had on their hands a solid piece of tradition, which they were bound to respect because it came down to them from the first witnesses, though it did not add much cogency to the message they wished to convey, and they hardly knew what use to make of it.
The author has written critiques of Whitehead's theory of perception and here gives new reasons to doubt the cogency and consistency of this theory of Whitehead's.
It is impressing how Christianity conquered the civilized world (Roman Empire) without using violence, just by its inherent cogency.
Many of the current «young evangelical» writers grew up in the «60s, and could not resist the perceived cogency of certain cultural trends — for instance, racial and sexual equality, or nonviolence.
I leave to the reader, however, the final judgment on the cogency of these reflections for the enterprise of process philosophy.
One way of viewing the religious crisis of our time is to see it not in the first instance as a challenge to the intellectual cogency of Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, or other traditions, but as the gradual erosion, in an ever more complex and technological society, of the feeling of reciprocity with nature, organic interrelatedness with the human community, and sensitive attention to the processes of lived experience where the realities designated by religious symbols and assertions are actually to be found, if they are found at all.
For unless we are justified in the attribution of potentiality and contingency to God, the argument for relativity is lacking in cogency.
Apart from Christian conceptions of a Creator Who asks to be worshiped in spirit and truth, and a Christian conception of the inner forum of inalienable conscience, George Mason's Virginia Declaration of Rights, Jefferson's Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom, and Madison's Memorial and Remonstrance would lose all cogency and sense.
In discussing the classical attributes in the second group, I shall cast a cursory glance at Hartshorne's other arguments against those attributes and suggest that they lack cogency.
For example, the idea of a heavenly contract gained cogency among Puritan clerics at least in part because it was used to support specific arguments against radical heretics» ideas about adult baptism and free will.
There are judgments of style, of logical cogency, and of ethical purpose, for example, which can not possibly be summed up in a single grade.
He sought to disarm the secularist by proving that alternative faiths to Christianity are inadequate while showing the cogency and relevance of Christianity.
To be sure, if we concentrate on constitutional discourse, examining it for cogency or intellectual coherence, there is cause for frustration.
The cogency of that argument depends wholly upon the first - century expectation of the general resurrection of the dead in terms of which Paul and the early Christians interpreted their experience of the risen Christ.
The irony seems to be that only if we are first clear theologically about the truth and cogency of Christianity are we able to encounter with clarity and sympathy the world's range of peoples and contexts.
One does not have to equate Saddam Hussein with Adolf Hitler to understand the cogency of these historical parallels and the crucial significance of the present crisis.
The cogency of the belief that alcoholism is the simple result of drinking alcohol is even more seriously challenged by certain sub-cultural studies.
It is this background, the mighty acts of God, that gives cogency to the commandments of the Torah, for these acts of God established what is described as the «covenant,» by which is meant a special relation between this particular people and the God who had delivered them.
She triumphed through the «sheer purity and truth of soul» (CNS p. 477) of her members, coupled with the conviction and the cogency of her preaching and her catechesis.
Such an intuitive or ecstatic insight often possesses a compelling urgency that lends it the character of logical necessity; i.e., at times the vision seems to impress itself upon cognitive awareness with forceful cogency.
It means that his ethical theory, and hence his religious philosophy in turn, has, by means of an encompassing or mystical insight, ontological significance as well as moral urgency and rational cogency.
Even Wilberforce, however, was ready to recognize some cogency in evolution and this is borne out by the way he reviewed The Origin of Species later that same year.
These objections have some cogency, yet it may be questioned whether they are not directed against a kind of theorizing very different from the sort that has been described and whether they in turn have not led to practices that now stand in need of criticism.
Doubtless it would be of little cogency to point out that in some cases there is no invocation of divine action; this could well have been implied.
Classically, paideia focused study on texts and, while it cultivated capacities to test the cogency of arguments critically, it was uncritical of received or traditional authorities to which arguments might appeal.
In fact in 1836 Calvin Colton, erstwhile Presbyterian minister and journalist who had recently been converted to the Episcopal Church, argued with convincing cogency that in the government of the Church of his present choice constitutional provisions provided for more lay power than in the other denominations.
The goal is concision, cogency, and clarity rather than comprehensiveness.
The special effects are dazzling and do well in highlighting the cogency of the characters.
There's a certain cogency to Apatow-esque stories of 30 - and 40 - somethings longing to retain their youth, but «Digging for Fire» hits so many wrong notes that, frankly, it's an embarrassment to the genre.
Therefore I am satisfied there is evidence of sufficient cogency and the evaluation of risk is such as to justify the orders sought.»
This change in the trend is largely been nurtured on account of two primary developments in the educational technology domain: first the increased cogency of social media proliferation and social blogging in the everyday life of a learner, and second, the advent of smart phones and the increased verity of mobile learning.
Had Sucker Punch really delivered on the narrative, the good / evil mechanic, the cogency of the game world and creativity of side - missions, we could have had a future classic on our hands.
The cogency of Omer Fast's works lies particularly in the refusal to transform experiences into consumable narratives in accordance with the conventions of historical reconstruction.
This aesthetic fragility betrays its own purchase as a signifier: just as there are concealed truths and uttered variances in the most digestible of narratives, Strau's anti-narrative deals in cogencies (anti-ideational, anti-commodity) that beg consumption.
Gannis has also participated on numerous panels regarding the intersections between art, technology, and networked culture, including «Let's Get Digital» at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and «Cogency in the Imaginarium» at Cooper Union and at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
including «Let's Get Digital» at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and «Cogency in the Imaginarium» at Cooper Union and at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Gannis has also participated on numerous panels regarding intersections in art and technology including «Let's Get Digital» at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and «Cogency in the Imaginarium» at Cooper Union and at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
With Williams clearly benefitting from the art world machinery on top of it all, the institutional critique put forth by the exhibition design, while visually well - executed, lacks the cogency and nuance of its photographic counterparts.
Her recent speaking engagements include «Let's Get Digital» at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and «Cogency in the Imaginarium» at Cooper Union and at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
To remediate an ozone - soaked reality one must turn to the remote language of monetized values and create cogency within the unnatural.
Last year, after the CNN host Nancy Grace debated the meteorologist Bernie Rayno on air, insisting he was wrong in saying there was no chance that Japan's nuclear crisis posed any radiation danger in the United States (he was right), Rayno «visited» us to describe the experience and the methods he uses to maintain composure and cogency in such situations.
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