Sentences with phrase «own contentment»

«Past research has found that people grow steadily happier as they age from adolescence to older adulthood, with happiness peaking when people reach their 60s and 70s; the moodiness of youth subsides, and maturity brings more contentment.
Successful people find joy — or at least contentment — in the process.
Help people feel something, anything — excitement, contentment, joy, zeal, flow, effort, curiosity — and you will unleash ambassadors to carry your cause and your company's mission further than you ever could.
«You can't put party hats on everyone,» Rubin says, pointing out that some personality types will never hit 100 — or even close to it — in their self - assessments of contentment.
If you can see the legitimate purpose in your current role and take a semblance of contentment from it, and if you figure your passion out later, you're not necessarily going to be miserable, and you don't have the frustration of feeling held back.
(Or, for that matter, the quiet inner voice gratefully celebrating small moments of contentment?)
If so, you may be the type of person happiness expert Gretchen Rubin calls an Eeyore — someone who'd rather eat their iphone than give themselves a contentment score in the 90s.
One more thing we know about what gets shared: High - share content tends to trigger a high - arousal emotion, like amusement, fear or anger, as opposed to a low - arousal emotion like sadness or contentment.
For the guys now, it's not fame or fortune, it's personal contentment.
These pictures should evoke a positive emotional response from you — excitement, contentment, achievement, or whatever emotion feels right and good to you.
Most studies have found that contentment is good for the following reasons:
He compares it o changing seasons, with the first half (spring and summer) a period of growth, followed by a plateau of contentment (autumn), then a deflationary depression (winter).
As it does so, its screen - based face goes through a range of expressions, finally settling into one of contentment when it hits its groove.
Striving for personal improvement is vital to success, but don't underestimate the value of contentment.
They light the cauldron, and it disperses whatever that magic, happy gas is that sparks peace and bliss and pride and tolerance and contentment for 17 days.
At first a look of reassured contentment came over his face only to be followed by the furrowed brow of concern and worry.
In her famously restless love life, she sought a bliss and contentment that never lasted.
... Fulfilling the why is what brings real joy and contentment in the long run.»
If you make their contentment a priority, you're more likely to cultivate dependable, passionate employees for the long term.
«Now it depends solely on your good sense and your way of life whether you die as an ordinary musician, utterly forgotten by the world, or as a famous kapellmeister, or whom posterity will read... whether, captured by some woman, you die bedded on straw in an attic full of starving children, or whether, after a Christian life spent in contentment, honor, and renown, you leave this world with your family well provided for and your name respected by all.»
Learn to value the people and relationships that consistently bring you contentment, rather than having your perception dictated by the fleeting victories and losses we all experience.
Although we can't be happy all the time, we need to make sure that we often experience positive emotions such as pleasure, happiness, contentment, peace, joy, and inspiration.
Merely measuring workers» contentment and catering to their wants often fails to improve business outcomes.
Their topic was the correlation between annual household income and day - to - day contentment.
The why enables startups to tap into its product / brand's intrinsic emotional advantages — like excitement, happiness or contentment.
At Christmas and always, may peace and love fill your heart, beauty fill your world, and contentment and joy fill your days.
But contentment — as unfashionable as it sounds — is actually the only consistent key to a successful financial plan.
A strong set of contentment muscles are what gives you the energy to be flexible when life happens.
I'd say rather than try to invent wish fulfillment with myth and fairy tales about the way we'd like things to be, why not just find our contentment in our present existence, make ours the best lives we can live and just enjoy the ride we have, rather than invent one to dream about.
Relativism about truth limits salvation to earthly joys, sensual pleasure, and emotional contentment.
If Paul can rejoice about his contentment in God's presence while lacerated in a jail cell, then we too can live with that kind of perspective in both enjoyable and daunting situations.
Truth is its own reward; it brings its own fulfillment and contentment.
We have our own brand of contentment and satisfaction, but it's a sober contentment and satisfaction.
if the universe «just is», as you put it, how is «love» (or «contentment» or any such fabrication) anything but a myth and wish fulfillment?
Contentment isn't easy, but a world of possibilities awaits those who master it.
According to Clifford Green, «this rich term fills out the word community by embracing well - being, contentment, wholeness, prosperity, safety, and rest.»
Whatever rabbit Bernanke can still yank from his hat of monetary tricks is illusory — the best QE3 can achieve is the mirage of «wealth effects», the artificial high that is closer to momentary intoxication than to stable contentment.
As long as she is ok with the idea of me going to hell, why would I want to tamper with her contentment.
The combination of high ambition and deep contentment is rare, and it exposed failings in the understanding of even his most sensible, and sensitive, contemporaries.
There's nothing wrong with joy or contentment, but church shouldn't be a place where life looks polished and easy yet for many, this is the reality.
Perhaps it can only be perfect as we accept the imperfections and find contentment in the possible.
But when the work day is over, contentment says work is over.
It provides a euphoria — a feeling of contentment, simplification, and release — which users swear has no equal.
Contentment is absolutely attainable, in other words.
To find contentment, you must accept what ancient philosophers call the «tragic sense of life.»
Contentment asks you to listen to your heart, not the demands around you.
Others think of it as libertarian mainly in the moral sense: pivoting solely on the ego of the individual (as in the thought of Ayn Rand), her pleasures, her contentment, her will - to - power.
When a friend wants to come over on a whim, contentment doesn't pee its pants because the house looks like a war zone.
Let's be honest, most of us need the floodgates of contentment and peace to open and give our drought - ridden hearts some relief.
I see it as a sort of a concession I'll have to make if I don't have the faith to find contentment in my God alone.
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