Sentences with phrase «own contradictions»

Upon running into a disagreement, most people rush to judge the other party's point of view and attempt to persuade through contradiction.
It was both my worst and my best day on a bike — a seeming contradiction but, to anyone who has completed endurance events, one that makes perfect sense.
«The major benefit from having a clear mission with well - specified ends and means is that confusion, uncertainty and contradiction are eliminated,» wrote Christopher Bart, a McMaster University professor and leader in the field.
That might seem like a contradiction, but it is not.
In many ways, the G - Wagon is a rolling contradiction.
But the move into Canada isn't necessarily a contradiction of that statement.
Corporate innovation can sometimes seem like a contradiction in terms.
Many years later it remains a battleground, and a reflection of a changing America with all its contradictions — the good, the bad, and the ugly.
But, fueled by these contradictions, he is pioneering a model for the next wave of American manufacturing — and maybe a new way of thinking about business.
According to one classic study on the subject, creative geniuses like poets, painters, and famous inventors, tend to be open - minded, with a high tolerance for chaos, disorder, and contradiction.
As this book explains, our brain wants to insulate us from making mistakes, so it allows us to rationally justify contradictions in our mind.
And to complete the cure, everyone who uses social media must embrace life's ironies, zigzags, contradictions and incompleteness.
A Google spokesman said the company remained convinced that it would prevail, saying Tuesday's ruling showed the German copyright law was full of contradictions and open - ended questions.
(Many cavalrymen / dragoons like the soldier on the left wore a yellow band on their forage caps, in contradiction to regulations.)
And such rhetorical contradictions will continue to make it difficult for anyone to predict exactly how he will govern.
And the contradictions are not just limited to his tweets.
The final piece to the puzzle here is the contradiction of instant gratification, a human desire that seems to have been exponentially magnified with the rise of technology.
Argue that there really isn't an insolvable contradiction between environmental and economic priorities when it comes to Canada's pipeline.
Isn't there a major contradiction here for DraftKings?
This is just one of many contradictions which will become visible as the NUA is implemented.
The contradictions of a multinational corporation posing as a local hangout eroded loyalty, as well.
Contradictions are already beginning to emerge around the right to the city.
«The majority takes action and I don't» think there's any contradiction between what a right - wing party working with a left - wing president,» Sapin told CNBC in an exclusive interview at the G7 meeting in Bari, Italy.
Many traders utilize too much information to arrive at decisions, which causes contradiction and indecisive behavior.
You might believe that innovative companies should be a force for good in the world, and you see no contradiction between making a profit and effecting meaningful, positive change in people's lives.
Despite the overall perception that younger workers are less competent, the U.K. study also highlighted a seeming contradiction: three times as many respondents would rather work for a «suitably qualified» 30 - year - old boss than a 70 - year - old one.
And we start to believe this contradiction that our stock gains are both inevitable and they're a result of our own genius.
It's hard to avoid your internal contradictions, long - repressed fears, and incessant need for validation when you're doing nothing but sitting still observing your breath.
The fundamental contradiction is that the law sees already - reduced claims, the Exchange Bonds, as on equal footing with never - reduced claims, the «Holdout Bonds.»
A resolution of the Argentine debt situation has been stuck on the contradiction between a concept of «equal treatment» based on the law and the concept of «equal treatment» based on financial criteria.
Tillerson's awkward public contradiction of Trump's decision to agree to talks with North Korea, just hours earlier, was not the only public disharmony between Trump and his secretary of state in the days before his firing.
The state of Alabama shows the inner contradiction inherent in this policy.
There's no small contradiction in having tech founders muse about how to build better cities from places that bear little resemblance to lively cities at all.
I could air, in public, questions that will probably be tried in courts of law later, and make spotting the contradictions a national parlour game.
According to Tech for Good cofounder and co-CEO Omri Boral, there is no contradiction between technological development that will solve global hunger and profitability.
And yet, I struggle to resolve what appears to me a glaring contradiction.
For not only had he convened a symposium on hilarity, but within that gathering he had a struck a sub-committee dedicated to digging up things Liberal MPs had said that might be read aloud for the purposes of asserting a contradiction or change - of - mind on the part of the Liberal party.
If you truly want to satisfy your concerns regarding your perceived «glaring contradiction»... I respectfully suggest that you do your own research, the answers to all of your concerns are not hard to find.
In that same interview, he seems to be reaching to square these contradictions, by suggesting that the Fed's current model — targeting 2 % inflation, a Fed funds rate of ~ 3 %, and an unemployment rate of ~ 5 % — is not reliable and that they should maybe move to a different targeting regime, like price - level or nominal GDP targeting.
Government and decentralized autonomy: a seemingly natural contradiction.
They seem to be hyper - sensitive about signaling changes in interest rate policy, but they seem to not care about the ambiguity and contradictions in the reporting on the actual metrics that they use to determine whether to change the policy or not.
How to explain the apparent contradiction?
There is no necessary contradiction here.
Although... some people do see the grinding contradiction between the manic asset markets and the ensuing and growing wealth inequality, and slow and slowing economic growth.
A more tangible contradiction is in transportation.
That is a contradiction.
China's speakers at the conference, which have included Lu Wei and Xi Jinping himself (in - person in 2015, and remotely in 2016), have delivered statements that highlight a contradiction — China wants outsiders to perceive it as open, and also wants to earn affirmation for its current censorship regime.
Nairobi, Kenya, the hub of East Africa, is a bustling city marked by contradictions — for example, it houses a combination of highly developed corporate high - rise offices and traditional African trade markets consisting of temporary kiosks and relatively permanent dukas.
Other moves also highlight this contradiction.
They are also contributors to the forthcoming book by Routledge Press: The Contradictions of Austerity: The Socio - Economic Costs of the Neoliberal Baltic Model.
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