Sentences with phrase «own culture wars»

There's the hollowing out of domestic manufacturing economies and the middle class they supported; ethno - nationalist backlash to the forces of globalization; sprawling culture wars over «identity politics» and far more.
The culture wars in Silicon Valley.
By allowing a «bathroom bill» in the special session of the most powerful Republican - controlled state, Abbott has placed a focus on Texas on an issue that has been a flashpoint in U.S. culture wars, analysts said.
When told by Business Insider that the show may satirize him, Infowars editor and polemical culture wars vlogger Paul Joseph Watson said «the fact that they have to resort to satirizing me in a comedy show proves that they're struggling to combat me with actual logical arguments.
At one point early in the campaign, media theorist Clay Shirky said that the anti-Trump camp — including many in traditional media — were «bringing fact - checking to a culture war,» implying that doing so was like bringing a knife to a gun fight.
Given the state of the country, «Far Cry 5» feels like something made for an alternate reality where mass shootings aren't common, where there isn't a raging culture war between so - called Red and Blue states, where there isn't yet another misinformed scapegoating of violent video games unfolding.
«We don't want to be in the crosshairs of a trumped - up culture war
After World War I, with ears across Europe still ringing from explosions, the transnational culture war against noise really took off.
We're winning the culture war, and Twitter just shot themselves in the foot
This article has been updated to accurately portray which group of people Wylie accused, in the New York Times report, of waging a culture war.
Kashuv has become part of a culture war far bigger and older than him taking place between liberals and conservatives over one of the most divisive issues in America.
But perhaps duping the NDP into fighting a culture war may be wise.
Last month, I spoke at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland because I believe our country is on the wrong track, and we need to solve real problems instead of fighting fake culture wars.
In many ways, Pence was on the same doomed trajectory as the conservative - Christian movement he'd long championed — once a political force to be reckoned with, now a battered relic of the culture wars.
What cracked the surface here, then, was the culture war being waged over same - sex marriage — not commitment to theological robustness and the essentials of the faith.
In the face of a culture war that turned into the Civil War, Lincoln pleaded for a civil politics in both North and South.
It wasn't that McCain had a deep objection to culture war campaigns as such.
McDonnell is also a master at parrying culture war attacks and going back to the economy.
There have been concerted efforts in fundamentalist circles to become the dominant religious voice in our military as a means of ensuring their «victory» in a «culture war
CNN: In culture war skirmishes, Georgetown becomes political football In the latest round of culture wars over contraception and religious liberty, most Americans would probably identify places like the White House and Congress as key battlefields.
The trend began decades ago and became evident in the culture wars of the 1980s.
The Jewish Daily Forward: Internet Cafe on Front Line of Culture War Joseph Oppenheim's iShop, in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, looks more or less like any other computer store.
For some Protestant churches, Putin and Ukraine matter in their own wars — the culture wars.
The culture war and cutting - edge theoretical certainty are the only reasons that this obvious purposeful stupidity exists.
Our hunch is that the Times and its myriad allies in the culture wars have misread the signs of the times.
While I'm willing to agree with Michael Barone that at least some of the heat in the culture wars has been turned down a bit (but see this post for a qualification), a lot of interesting things have been said recently about marriage, some of which I noted here.
Those who make the latter choice, argues Horton, are likely to produce better results also in terms of cultural change than are Christians who take the culture wars as their primary task.
The standard argument goes something like this: the culture war is either over or increasingly irrelevant to younger generations of evangelicals, who respond to a much broader array....
How the Mexican American ambivalence is resolved will have a strong bearing in the years ahead on questions ranging from immigration policy to welfare reform and realignments in the culture wars.
Those who have so far survived the culture wars with their sanity and compassion intact want to save them from that adjustment.
Beyond Culture Wars By Michael S. Horton Moody Press.
I get continuously struck by the tactics used in these culture wars.
Bottum opines that we should prepare ourselves for the next chapter in the culture wars, in which the left here will get into step with its European compatriots, espousing a militant skepticism toward science while maintaining their polemic against the religious right, but this time for its uncritical embrace of scientific progress.
Ideologues in the culture wars might object to such confusion of the sacred and profane, perhaps forgetting that Jesus was born in a stable.
There is one simple reason the editors of the New York Times and the likes of MSNBC's Chris Matthews find Saletan's answer to the culture war on abortion so compelling: It allows pro-choice politicians to change the subject.
This has many evangelicals very worried because they view the Supreme Court as the decisive field of battle in the culture war.
Schickel's work» represented here by 175 full - color photographs» brings us face - to - face with the concerns of our own culture war, especially as it is manifested in clashes between traditionalists and liberals in the Church over the past three decades.
Speaking of motherhood... Have you seen the over-the-top article in the Nation about Conservative Christian fears about demographic collapses and efforts to win the various culture wars by out - populating the enemies?
Religious people are so concerned about the so - called «culture war» that they're out there voting for the greatest enemies of the well - being and opportunity of the working - and middle - classes.
But it's not clear how conservative Christians are going to persuade Muslims to reshape their religion to make them at once less susceptible to Wahabi literalism and at the same time fit to be eager warriors in Western culture wars.
With the exam oriented toward Western civilization and theistic as well as secular perspectives, it calls to mind the Culture Wars of the 1980s.
If there is a culture war in America, conservatives are not the aggressors.
The questions of secularization and the Judeo - Christian tradition have everything to do with the culture wars in which our society is embroiled.
It has everything to do with an effort to revive the culture wars - to return to the bedroom politics of the old Religious Right.
Such divergent responses to the crisis are unintelligible unless one sees them as part of the deeper issue of what might be called American Catholicism's «culture wars
The prestige media is generally blind to its own belligerency in the culture war; it champions as courageous the exercise of free speech that is vituperative and slanderous while simultaneously calling for civility, and condemning as uncivil even the measured responses of those who are slandered.
What will it mean for both sides in this debate — at least as it takes place among believers, in and for the church — to move beyond political ideologies and culture wars and stand together under God's word of law and gospel?
That this has had the most profound impact on our politics is obvious: The American culture war, which is one of the preeminent issues - beneath - the - issues, shapes the public discourse on both domestic and foreign - policy questions every day.
We want an end to the culture wars.
New York Times editorial on the term «culture war,» December 3, 1998.
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