Sentences with phrase «own encryption schemes»

They then used the information to generate a secret key that forms part of an encryption scheme based on the mathematics of chaos theory, by which small changes in initial conditions lead to very different outcomes.
It's not exactly «Beam me up, Scotty,» but for the first time scientists have teleported information between light and atoms, hastening the long - awaited advent of ultrafast quantum computers and unbreakable encryption schemes.
The researchers show how to calculate the minimum - security guarantees for any given encryption scheme, which could enable information managers to make more informed decisions about how to protect data.
Calculating encryption schemes» theoretical security guarantees eases comparison, improvement, experts say.
To get a sense of how the technique works, imagine an encryption scheme that takes only three possible inputs, or plaintexts — «A,» «B,» and «C» — and produces only three possible outputs, or ciphertexts.
Information about the security of a single function — which can often be determined through a fairly simple analysis — can provide strong guarantees about the security of an encryption scheme as a whole.
A secure encryption scheme is one in which the points describing the ciphertexts are clustered together, rather than spread out around the triangle.
Even someone with access to an encryption scheme's private key would have difficulty calculating them.
One week ago, a group of European security researchers warned that two obscure encryption schemes for email were deeply broken.
Transactions are handled completely by the payment processor, securely encrypted with the industry standard SSL encryption schemes, and you just get notified whether the payment was successful or not.
So you can buy ePub at BN, but you can't read that ePub on any non BN branded device or app because other devices that read ePub can't use the encryption scheme.
I think that these other companies can license BN's encryption scheme but no one has done so.
Kobo released an Android App and the encryption scheme for the Android ePubs are different than the encryption scheme it uses for iPhone or for the iPad or Kobo device.
For instance, BN does use epub, but its encryption scheme is totally different.
Sam recently ran across an intriguing news story where computer security researchers figured out that you could decrypt files by listening to a computer because the electronic pulses your machine makes can give away the encryption scheme.
Perhaps more importantly, this encryption scheme can not be unlocked by Apple, even if they are ordered to do so by a court, because the structure of the encryption — your passcode plus secret numbers baked into your phone — isn't known by Apple.
No party on the wild internet — not even on your intranet for that matter — can sniff and decrypt your message, thanks to Signal's solid end - to - end encryption scheme.
Mobile devices have their own encryption schemes, too — even Chromebooks have some encryption. - The team at Malwarebytes has identified a weakness in the encryption scheme utilized by the LockCrypt ransomware that they can exploit to recover a victim's data.
You must use the same level of encryption on every device in your network and the encryption schemes available to 802.11 b devices are weak and have been compromised (WEP encryption, for example, can be compromised in a matter of minutes by a moderately skilled child). - Apple's FileVault 2 offers whole - disk encryption schemes that protect the contents of your disk from unauthorized access.
In particular, the new encryption schemes being implemented by Apple in iOS and Google in Android could prevent law enforcers from getting their hands on a user's information in a timely manner.

Not exact matches

Cracking encryption codes based on either scheme could take normal computer processors thousands of years because they perform operations one after the other, using bits, either 0 or 1.
In any case the EPUB standard does not define a particular DRM scheme, but instead provides a more general encryption framework on top of which vendors can add their own encryption technologies.
The problem here is that Adobe, Amazon, the IDPF, and Apple all have different schemes for the encryption algorithm — basically it's a hot damn mess and we can't help you if the font must be encrypted.
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