Sentences with phrase «own frame of mind»

So we have to push ourselves to break out of that binary frame of mind.
Taking a few moments every day — while I'm still invited — to join them in a match is not only great quality time with my family, it keeps me grounded in what's important and in a positive frame of mind when I turn my attention back to work.»
She says that while it's easy to rely on your technology devices to tell you where and when you should be somewhere, it's up to you to be mindful of arriving on time, prepared and in the right frame of mind.
Pointing out your own missteps and how they changed your frame of mind can be illuminating for readers.
Get yourself in the correct frame of mind in the early hours and you can affect your mood and output for the whole day.
This means connecting with people who have the right level of experience and the right frame of mind for the position.
Apparently we don't just misperceive apes depending on our frame of mind.
Additionally, placing these meetings back to back enables me to maintain a clear frame of mind during the times before and after the block of meetings, since I am freed from the constant self - reminders to be punctual to the next meeting.
When you're in a negative frame of mind, break out of your routine and do something that makes you feel good.
If you make a committed decision while in a weak or mediocre frame of mind, you set yourself on a mediocre and lowly path.
... That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn't really exist if you're in the right frame of mind.
As a rule of thumb, mobile app clicks almost never provide good quality leads because most people accidentally click the ads or are not in the right frame of mind to take commercial offers seriously.
In order to sell well you need to have the right frame of mind.
«He was in a really bad frame of mind,» said Meyerson, who worked for YouTube from 2010 to 2013.
«It puts you in that right, solemn, frame of mind,» she says.
I was in that frame of mind a few months back when I wrote about how video game consoles were just one example of technological regression.
According to a host of experts, the right frame of mind is just as important to success as inspiration or perspiration.
Gratitude keeps you in a positive frame of mind by training you to focus on what you DO have and what you CAN do.
However, the reason I use this as a comparison is to get you into the frame of mind of creating compelling content to keep your audience engaged and moving toward eventually becoming a customer or client.
Those participants who were assigned to a high - rank condition were told a few things to get them in the right frame of mind such as «imagine that they had a strong alternative offer,» that they had «valuable inside information,» that they had «high status in the workplace,» or to remember a time when they had power.
«We talk about the importance of technology and knowledge and resources, having the kind of money to make it happen,» he said, «but we don't talk about frame of mind — attitude.
The most successful innovators have a morning routine that puts them in the right frame of mind and prepares their mind and body for the day ahead.
Having this frame of mind to openly welcome nuance and learn new things sharpens my creativity.
We need to be aware as soon as we slide into this frame of mind and snap ourselves out of it.
where does that leave the significant proportion of the population that naturally tends towards a darker frame of mind?
«Starting their day with a smile has become a must - do for them as a simple way to check their attitude and start with the right frame of mind
The former longtime Mozilla VP and co-founder moved down to Menlo Park, CA from Toronto last January and has helped preside over the company's internal shift to a mobile frame of mind.
, we all love to belt out uplifting anthems about building a better world, but one Austrian study found these feel - good tunes actually put people in a «prosocial» frame of mind, influencing their behavior for the better.
Giving back — in whatever way you can — to those less fortunate, also fuels a good frame of mind, propelling you through stressful conversations or negotiations.
In that frame of mind, Shallenberger began to think that with his small - company resources, he would never be able to match the likes of ABC.
If you feel good, and are in a positive frame of mind, you are more likely to try new things that could lead to creating a breakthrough.
To start, Oettingen advises unplugging from your devices and getting into a calm and unhurried frame of mind.
«Many things that shape our frame of mind are so primitive and automatic that they aren't really part of the deliberative process,» Cialdini says.
It doesn't matter what frame of mind the other party is in, I get to choose my actions and reactions.
Many fall short because they don't get themselves into the right frame of mind to accomplish their goal.
The tone sets the stage for your frame of mind in making the request.
While this might sound like it wastes more time, it actually ends up focusing people by putting them into a positive frame of mind to tackle issues and talk metrics without turning into an unproductive, repetitious «round robin of complaints.»
However, Pitchbox does have a lot of components that speak to personalization as well (like pulling in tweets from the contact and making it possible to tweet to them within the app), but with all the automation bells and whistles it just doesn't put you in that frame of mind as a user.
Case Study # 2: Put yourself in the right frame of mind and show empathy As Chief Personnel Officer at Booz Allen Hamilton, Betty Thompson, is accustomed to having hard conversations.
An entry each day in this lovely journal certainly puts you in the right frame of mind for your journey to a joyous and fulfilling life.»
But as Anthony knows well, the truly important part of a high - functioning outbound sales team is a frame of mind.
To do this, adopting blockchain technology in large institutions that benefit from status quo is more about leadership and a frame of mind, than it is about technology or digital transformation.
You said «You might suggest that I was in an emotional and needy frame of mind so I fantasized something â $ œrealâ $ which would give me hope.
I was referring to your prediction that others «might suggest that I was in an emotional and needy frame of mind so I fantasized something â $ œrealâ $ which would give me hopeâ $.
It was in that frame of mind that I read Forgiveness 4 You, Ann Bauer's subtle new novel of commodified confession.
A Mahler symphony seems to want to guide you through birth, death, joy, melancholy, and illness in an altered frame of mind.
Asking enough «questions that don't have predetermined answers» will lead you far away from the ridiculously specific claims of religion and into a more compassionate, enlightened, realistic frame of mind.
I so need something like this to help me get in the right frame of mind to worship God with the right motives and desires.
Having a building termed «church» puts people in the wrong frame of mind.
But when I actually enter into silence, both internal and external, it's such a drastic change from my normal mode of living that it startles me into a new frame of mind.
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