Sentences with phrase «own gullibility»

Rather than being proof of malfeasance by Sears or gullibility on the part of consumers, that the store sold so few tires at a high regular price suggests buyers are perfectly able to spot a good deal.
(PISA's willingness to accept only this limited sample is typical of the gullibility and compliance of many foreign NGOs, especially in education, when dealing with China; I have seen numerous foreign educators fall victim to obvious Potemkinism, including believing that Beijing No. 4 High School — the rough equivalent of Eton — was a «typical Chinese public school.»)
Only a company seeking to profit from gullibility — to prey upon the public's lack of financial sophistication — would even think of such slimy advice.
It encourages gullibility.
And now i think I have seen it all after a few minutes on that site... My continual surprise at what amuses my fellow man and the level of their gullibility went up a few notches.
Enthusiasm, lust for gain, gullibility are the real bases of this trading.
Online trading firms aim to exploit the gullibility of many retail investors by encouraging the myth that they can outperform professional money managers armed with vastly greater resources, experience and expertise.
Whether those methods «work» depends on the gullibility of the one trying them.
May i never forget my vulnernability, stupidity, gullibility, and forgetfulness and follow my Shepherd!
The reverse speaks only to unfathomable gullibility since evidence to support your beliefs are non-existent.
Even Jesus was taken back by that display of gullibility!!
the difference between a prophet and a mental patient is simply the gullibility of those who surround them.
The fact that it remains such a powerful force speaks to the gullibility of our species.
Their attempt to out - maneuver scientists is kind of a sad spectacle of deceit covering gullibility.
Anyone who buys into this ludicrous cult is simply not fit for public office — he demonstrates a level of gullibility, self deception and arrogance that disqualifies him.
It is hypocritical of Americans to scoff at one brand of religious gullibility but not another.
You are just the dumbest people in the universe, and the rest of us just laugh at your toddler - likel gullibility.
Better just to have a good laugh at the gullibility of some people and move on.
Disbelievers care because believers are being scammed because of their gullibility.
If the intent was to demonstrate gullibility, you have succeeded.
This is a rather important ethical point, because the worst religious charlatans have exploited people's gullibility and desire to believe in miracles and especially miraculous cures in order to take vast sums of money from people who really can't afford to be giving any away, least of all to con - artists like faith healers.
The gullibility of the general public is always great, but when the credulity of the religious is added it becomes immense.
I don't know what it is that compels these people to put their ignorance and gullibility on public display like that.
They, and their gullibility, may be going into the voting booth this fall and casting their votes based on what this «Man of God» says.
But gullibility springs eternal, fed by desperation and the need for hope and help.
Church and spiritual abuse is wrongly associated with things like weakness, gullibility, cults, naivete, and delayed development.
This is called «gullibility».
Those websites are created to keep the gullibility of people like you alive.
Putting a high value on faith is putting a high value on gullibility — a valuable attribute if you want to manipulate and control people.
I agree that there is a huge amount of ignorance and gullibility clouding American politics, indeed skewing them to such a point that it now seems impossible to envision any alternative.
Now that is a GREAT question, separate issue however, God or no, evolution is silly and takes a level of gullibility that is unsurpassed, add arrogance and lazy to that mix.
This defining personality trait forced him to engage in various forms of self - deception, duplicity, gullibility, and paranoia.
Accepting things for which there is not a single shred of evidence is a hallmark of gullibility.
Faith is gullibility.
Most of this is because of the ignorance and gullibility of the general population who are defrauded by candidates who never intended to represent the general population but only lied to get elected to a position where they are, apparently, free to violate their duties in a most corrupt manner depending on the individual.
Christians are foolishly misguided to believe there is something after this life and most are wasting the only life guaranteed for that... it's the gullibility factor at play - exactly what the original con men who wrote the bible played on and exactly what the pastors of today play on - without gullible fools they have empty pews and thus empty collection plates.
I'm not sure I would say mental illness, but I would like to think that in the future, we will much better understand the mind's inclination toward gullibility and assessment of reality in general.
Belief is purely blind gullibility.
Personally, I think that intelligence does indeed play a role for some people's gullibility to silly beliefs — religious or otherwise.
Creationism requires frequent discovery of the ignorance and gullibility of the people it would deceive.
Faith is no better than gullibility.
But lately we are able to recognize Hollywood's goal as simple gullibility.
Evangelists are one the lowest form of human life, preying on the gullibility of those least able to interpret for themselves.
They realize believing in an unsupported claim that often contradict reality is nothing more than gullibility.
Our descendants will look back and marvel at our gullibility.
The gullibility's pragmatists are relationally transcribed be they overtly religious and even of the mundanely inverted against anything religious... The ever hardening of bitterness offerings runs ever continuously upon the mainstreamed religious waters unending motions... For without believer's sanctifications who would be the beneficiaries witnesses..?
Some men just can't forgive Eve for Adam's gullibility.
The fact that you believe Joseph Smith's con is more an indication of your gullibility than it is of the con's veracity.
No, it takes a certain amount of gullibility to talk to something that is only one of thousands of «things» that has BEVER, EVER been shown to actually exist.
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