Sentences with phrase «own gut instinct»

When Jobs was presented with the first iMac, he wanted to rename it «MacMan,» citing gut instinct.
Instead of relying on gut instincts, you can use your data to make informed, strategic decisions for your business.
Shift from using intuition, gut instinct, and trial and error to using a systematic process like we lay out in the book.
Butmany recruiters say they don't have time to do background checks and often admit to relying on gut instinct onselecting employees.
Trust your gut instinct BUT always back your gut decisions with data.
That sounds awfully like the kind of «gut instinct» Gutsche is fond of railing against.
Gut instincts are not as reliable as we wish they were.
Trend Hunter, he explains, is more than a website: It's a market research firm for the digital age, with a data - driven model that contrasts with more traditional «cool gurus,» who identify trends and dispense insightful pronouncements based solely on observation and «gut instinct
Rely on reputation and gut instinct and you'd probably name a familiar list of Ivy league and top - notch technical schools, but new numbers offer some suggestions that may surprise you (and offer campuses with less cutthroat competition from bigger companies).
How we hire, onboard, train and manage sales representatives is no longer defined by gut instinct.
If you want success, you have to listen to your gut instincts in a practical way.
Hedge fund billionaire Ray Dalio recently told CNBC that the Trump win may reignite «animal spirits» and «gut instinct» decision - making that will be a good thing for the economy, but behavioral finance experts worry that other primal instincts can be destructive when people play politics with their investments.
Superachievers know the value of using feedback or simulations to get empirical evidence about what they're doing, as opposed to relying on gut instinct.
Research, not opinion or gut instinct, should be the foundation of your marketing program.
Your gut instinct has the wisdom of your experience and expertise — trust it.
But your gut instincts can be one of your most valuable resources as an entrepreneur (though not in every situation, of course).
Daniel Epstein, CEO of Unreasonable Institute, thinks he has found just this sort of megaphone for your gut instincts.
Make it catchy, easy - to - remember, smart, and maybe even funny.Havea look at some of the most popular brands in your niche of activity and borrow some inspiration.The process of choosing a name is pretty tough, but make sure that you build enough confidence to trust your gut instinct and go with the one that feels right.
Listen to your gut instinct.
Watching Barbara Corcoran on «Shark Tank,» it's clear that many of her investment decisions are based on her gut instinct.
Leadership has many strategies involved within it, but the most powerful lesson in leadership is to trust your gut instinct.
We like to question our gut instincts but also approach problems with a beginner's mindset.
Adopting a balance between using your gut instinct and enlisting metrics will allow you to make the most educated and creative decisions.
Sometimes, they were driven from their comfort zones, as they learned to leverage team strengths over individual talents and proven practices over gut instincts.
What's more, he says the training made him less risk averse, replacing gut instincts with quantitative analysis in evaluating challenges.
The same gut instinct that served them so well in turning an idea into a business proves just as adept at spinning out a steady stream of innovations, the kind that leave everybody around them wondering, «Where'd they come up with that?»
And when it comes to forecasting sales — in fact, when it comes to virtually every aspect of business planning — an empirical understanding beats gut instinct almost every time.
When I was a student and rushing to finish a project, my gut instinct was usually to keep adding all kinds of features.
When all your research is completed, the choice between two equally sound franchises often comes down to your gut instinct.
Finding the point of peak personal demand used to be by gut instinct.
Do you need that same kind of gut instinct about someone when you're assessing a deal on Dragons» Den?
If you're still basing business decisions on gut instincts and personal feelings, you're setting yourself up to fail.
It's the science behind gut instinct, and it's why Gretzky, after thousands of hours spent on his backyard rink and playing in competitive leagues with older boys, was able to anticipate where the play was going.
Risk is always challenging, and you will be faced with difficult decisions along the way, but if you've done your homework and rely on your gut instinct, you'll be confident about the calculated risk you're taking.
I learned that you should always listen to your gut, and your gut instinct.
Business success is more about gut instinct than spreadsheets and other tips from Entrepreneur Editor - in - Chief Amy Cosper.
Anxiety, the researchers discovered, can effectively silencing our gut instincts.
And since you want these people to match your ideal customer, your gut instinct reaction to them is just as important as the facts about them.
Shoving people into positions of power at Federal agencies that were created to protect the public interest based on little more than Trump's gut instinct that his picks will show him the requisite personal loyalty that he demands is undermining the Federal government's ability to do its job.
Sometimes you just have a gut instinct, you make a decision, go fast, and iterate along the way.
My gut instinct was spot on.
Emotions, gut instinct, and hunches might work with long - term investments, but they have no place in short - term trading.
Of course, no matter how many times we look at numbers and trends we must still go with a gut instinct for better or worse.
It's widely understood that the decisions rely heavily on gut instinct; indeed, VCs tout their intuition when they're out raising money from investors for their funds.
Many times successful long - term investing means going against every gut instinct you have and doing the exact opposite of what it feels like you should be doing at the time.
«Eighty percent of people's investment decisions are made with gut instincts.
So many writers make it up and have no sources, just their gut instinct.
In this day, «big», «little» and «rich» sales decisions are still dominated by gut instincts and opinions.
I don't know, but my gut instinct... and the chart pattern... tells me to NOT be short WTI now.
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